And herve is mistaken yet again. The statement from Hamas was not given in an interview - it was in a complete statement that he issued, as Minister of Information, and was published in a western newspaper. He wrote it and it was published and disseminated - it was not an interview. Try again herve.
And yes - I too am getting tired of repeating the same request for evidence for the accusation against Zahar - just to highlight that the usual tactic of accusation based on selective quote is being used, and that when evidence is requested, previous attempts of selective quotes are rolled out!

In the meantime - Hamas' clear words are there like a thorn in the side of those who desperately want to BELIEVE the spin, despite the evidence.
So, let me repeat:
shafique wrote:herve - I'm still waiting for anyone to produce the transcript so we can compare what Zahar actually said (in full) with what the Hamas Minister of Information stated was Hamas' stance on the Holocaust.
I found nothing ambiguous or awkward with the clear statement. If you click on link, you'll see that when it was published in the UK newspaper, the headline was:Hamas condemns the Holocaust
We are not engaged in a religious conflict with Jews; this is a political struggle to free ourselves from occupation and oppression
And he was even clearer in the text - he uses the word 'clear' and says specifically that HAMAS and Palestinian Government DO NOT deny the Holocaust, but see it as a crime against humanity, and one of the worst crimes in modern history. They condemn it.But it should be made clear that neither Hamas nor the Palestinian government in Gaza denies the Nazi Holocaust. The Holocaust was not only a crime against humanity but one of the most abhorrent crimes in modern history. We condemn it as we condemn every abuse of humanity and all forms of discrimination on the basis of religion, race, gender or nationality. ... eholocaust
What seems to be awkward, is your side's inability to back up your beliefs with any quote that is complete and not questionable.
I'll continue to repeat that we're waiting for some evidence to check whether Zahar does contradict Hamas' view on the Holocaust. If he does, I'll condemn him. Until then, it looks like YET ANOTHER example of selective spin.