Tom Jones wrote:Uuffff... I finally found a moment to write something!!!:
I don’t think Sage would mind it if I revealed that BM’s banning was due to BM’s refusal to remove her Israeli flag avatar. I think it’s good for other DF members to be aware that something like this is not permissible here at DF.
BM, you know that I have defended your right to free speech. Not just that, I also felt the derogatory terms you used to describe certain people were not really made with true hateful and racist intentions.
But on the latest avatar you used, I find myself siding with Sage. I don’t necessarily agree with the banning part, but that avatar was somewhat distasteful and inflammatory…in a forum like this.
So I urge you to please change it and come back soon… because we love you and we want you to keep this (otherwise dull) joint lively and jolly!!!!
Love and Peace to all!!!
Tom, we love you hun, but you need to do some catch up. BM is always around, if not actually on DF at least in spirit!!!
If posting an avatar of a talabani, and we know that the taliban are considered terrorists and murderers, and we know that they represent Al Qaeda, which also brings in Islam, which when paired with Al Qaeda gives a negative spin on Islam, and we know what they have done and are capable of doing, is acceptable, how can a flag be considered more offensive?? (excluding our lovely Mr Bean, of course

) I don't think allowing someone to promote the taliban for the sake of humor, cannot be considered equally offensive as viewed by some of the Israeli flag. I would also point out that DDS and Shaf posted the taliban avatar before BM used her flag avatar. (Shaf having the good sense to remove his!!)
This is where a balance needs to come in. If I were the one to have asked BM to remove her avatar because it was viewed (IMO) as being offensive, I would also ask the same of anyone else who put up an avatar that could be viewed (IMO) as offensive. The offense I mention is not one that I would find myself, but as may be seen by a number of members, and potential members.
I believe that the "eyes" that moderators are accommodating might not be in favor of a taliban avatar on a DUBAI forum, as Dubai is not involved in taliban activities and does not support it. If an Israeli flag avatar might be deemed as offensive to the "eyes" upon DF, why not consider that the same "eyes" might find a taliban avatar just as offensive???
Blinders need to be removed and objectivity is needed when deciding, in one's own personal opinion, what is right or wrong, and not allow personal feelings dictate.