zonker wrote:Bethsmum wrote:..She is more to be pitied than scorned. You shouldn't confuse this with people dumping their babies for economic reasons.
What a shame she couldn't confide in her parents.....
Poor mother and baby.
So people dumping their babies for economic reasons are not to be pitied? Are you saying they should be scorned?
BM, I hope you are not drifting to your wayward ways again....

No Zonker, just a bad day at the forum
What I meant was that in many countries women just carry on knocking the kids out when they haven't got a hope in hell of feeding them. The babies either get dumped or have a really disadvantaged upbringing, often starving to death. (I've seen it on the telly!) A bit of birth control wouldn't come a miss. Women are in control of their bodies, but it's education education education at the end of the day. Yes, I suppose they are to be pitied too.
-- Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:33 am --
zonker wrote:This heartlessly dumping of babies has become rather more common in the UK. A couple of years back there was this girl who aborted a fetus in the toilet of a night-club, then went back to dancing the night away.
So, there must be a little more to it than education, openness with parents, and UAE laws etc.
Its a bit frightening though.....how can someone dump a helpless baby, knowing full well that more than likely harm can come to it?
Heartless, and soulless.....

Zonker, your example of one incident in a couple of years is hardly common, now come on. I admit we have problems in the UK but I can assure you that baby dumping isn't one of them. If a baby is left anywhere it makes the headlines, and to be honest I'm an avid news watcher and I can't remember the last time it hapened. No doubt we will now get the resident English haters trawling t'internet to find a story
When you say the girl aborted the fetus in a nightclub, I think you may have meant, miscarried. It is possible to miscarry and not even know you're pregnant.