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JoeTGF wrote:Personally I think women hold all the cards - without women the miracle of life is impossible.
JoeTGF wrote:DDS - it definitely takes 2 to tango but assuming that sperm is available women can create babies. Men on the other hand would need more equipment. My comment wasn't meant to state that men are useless and god created two kinds of humans to make the cycle work but I think women play a bigger part in reproduction than men. That was my point.
This thread seemed to be about men v women and on that my only statement is that I think women are fantastic - I love them. I think men have dominated in the past due mainly to physical virtues but thats changed and is still changing and so it should. But lets be fair when criticizing the opposite love as per my last post - the equality bias is not solely in the hands of men anymore. Indeed we should all recognise that there should be some bias - we aren't the same. My wife works because she loves it - some might say that she should be at home with the kids but its her life and I support her doing what she wants. However I can never play a mothers role to our children nor can she play a fathers role. We are who we are and we can never change that. Having the right balance between our roles and responsibilities is key.
Agree too few examples on women in power and war but that was straying quite off topic. Not even sure this topic title is still valid but its all good.
..The phenomena took place throughout the Western world from the 1960s into the 1970s...
zubber wrote:As you can see this movement served to do nothing but to destroy the most important and fundamental unit of any healthy society , Ie., La Familia , yes ladies, Rejoice in your freedom
zubber wrote:Bora^2 , The chart reflects the total number of divorces ( where the initiating party is not indicated ), the only stat report that does indicate the initiating party mentioned in my orginal post. However you have raised good questions that require further investigation ,
zubber wrote:However the primary objective of the charts are to illustrate the strong correlation between the adoption of the feminist ideas and the subsequent explosive growth in the total number of divorces, leading to all the social ills that exist in this day (domestic violence stats are also available),
zubber wrote:I can understand why perhaps one would not be able to link the destruction of the family unit to practically 99% of all the social problems we have today , that would require an understanding of sociology, please feel free to investigate this matter.
kanelli wrote:
Why investigate, you'll just say that it was women instigating mostly, or the men who instigated did so because their wives became so unbearable because of their feminist ideas that the divorce was justified.![]()
What is so wrong with a woman wanting to work like a man, have a family like a man, and be in an equal partnership in the home like a man?
If the men pulled themselves out of the dark ages and treated women as an equal there would be less divorce. Men are therefore equally responsible for the decay of marriage and whatever social ills you are claiming (which are...?).
what is your argument based on besides your own chauvinistic opinion about feminism and the role of women in society?
I'm with Mel. I'd rather be a spinster or die than live in a marriage with a man who wanted me less educated and completely financially dependent on him, wasting my intelligence, talents, goals and aspirations for his own ego and old-fashioned ideas that women were born to cook, clean, do laundry and look after the children "for the good of society".
Walt Disney movies are pretty good for grooming little girls about what they should expect for "love"(From Second City
) See, we feminists can have a good sense of humour about it all!
Advice for Young Girls from the The Little Mermaid http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation ... feature=iv
Advice from a Cartoon Princess: Belle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuk-h2ZY ... ature=fvwp
Advice from a Cartoon Princess: Snow White http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT2R3E7v ... re=channel
JoeTGF wrote:without women the miracle of life is impossible.
kanelli wrote:zubber, has it occurred to you that many of us women posting have looked into it. I've had entire university courses on feminist topics. Perhaps you are the one needing to look into the history of women and discussions in feminism before you come and make statements like feminists cause divorce and feminism and divorce create ills in society.
zubber wrote:kanelli wrote:A false idea propagated by the feminists? You have a lot of balls to say that. Completely baseless.
Yes feminists aka BraBuners aka ManHaters aka Those who wish that MEN SHOULD HAVE UTERUS'S, the feminist idea is rooted in complete madness , they and the other sexual revolutionists have only contributed to the destruction of the family unit, to the rise in spinsterhood , to the increase in divorce rates, to the increase in bastards , to the moral decay of society.
"Feminism - The Greatest conspiracy against WomenKind" ~Zubber
Health: Kids Who Live with Both Parents Are Healthier
New figures, just out in December from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), looked at the comparative health of children in all types of living situations. Those who lived in the same home as their two parents (technically, they didn't have to be married, but they had to be together) had lower rates of a whole litany of ailments, including asthma, vision problems, developmental delays, ADHD and migraines, even when wealth and education were factored in. The only malady the CDC found more prevalent among the children of married parents was allergies.
At the other end of life, a separate study showed that elderly people whose parents were divorced had twice the risk of stroke as people whose parents stayed together. We're talking the loooong tail.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20110106/h ... 5zdG9nZQ--
kanelli wrote:That is such a crappy article and it is not a presentation of the actual CDC study - primary versus secondary sources Mr. Zubber tsk tsk!
Divorce is huge for kids, it really sucks, is very painful - been there, done that, got the t-shirt. However, can I imagine my parents still being together? No. Is it fair to ask my mother to stay married to my father who is easily angry and full of ego and was mentally abusive (to her) and physically abusive (to us kids)? She found another man and has been happily married for a long time (unlike my dad who has a long string of women (and children) behind him). Who am I to deny her that happiness, and what about her health?
zubber wrote:Adults with rational minds still need to sit down and "reconcile their differences"
kanelli wrote:Because they think, "Why rekindle the spark with my wife when I can create a spark with a new woman. More exciting and less work."
kanelli wrote:Those programs can be found all over the world through family or religious organizations.
zubber wrote:kanelli wrote:Those programs can be found all over the world through family or religious organizations.
Is taking the course mandatory before registering the marriage ?
Bora Bora wrote:The Catholic church makes it mandatory. Results would say that they aren't very successful!! People go because they HAVE to go if they want to get married in the church. Oh, and it does generate revenue for the church.
melika969 wrote:3 days seminar can change absolutely NOTHING in this matter!
zubber wrote:Yes I agree Mel , however atleast its something , maybe some couples out there who are seriously worried about their relationship in this modern day era of dismal marriages, just might take heed ,