What you seem to be saying Herve is that counting ALL terrorist attacks distorts the statistics.

This quite a strange argument - but at least we are now clear that I have just quoted what the EU police force has reported and have concluded.
We see that they say separatist terrorists are the main threat and they provide the statistical basis for this conclusion.
You choose to believe the 'perception' that they say is wrong, statistically.
I see absolutely no evidence (I repeat, no evidence) that the EuroPol authorities invented, distorted or otherwise manipulated the terrorist acts listed to underplay the threat from Muslims because they didn't want to upset Islamophobes further. That is one of the most creative excuses I've heard in a while. Bravo.
Perhaps it is because I tend to look for evidence, I'll continue to believe the evidence and conclusions until it is shown to be wrong:
Islamist terrorism is still perceived as being the biggest threat worldwide, despite the fact that the EU only faced one Islamist terrorist attack in 2008. This bomb attack took place in the UK…Separatist terrorism remains the terrorism area which affects the EU most.
2 terrorist bombs by anarchists this month show that the trend isn't changing. QED.