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Mar 10, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Plus why should the PM apologise for something he had nothing to do with? Are you going to apologise for all the horrible things insurgents and terrorists have done to others? No, didn't think so.

i am not a president nor a PM !!!!!

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Mar 10, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Castenallo, Please don't put words in my mouth, I never at any point said the cartoons were acceptable - they were not! That's clear. But you took my comment the wrong way, what I meant was many other people do things that upset or offend, but do you see others reacting in such a way? No you don't, that was the point I was making.


if you are talking about the violance , then i think we are through with that ,,coz i have repeated thousands times that i dont agree on that !!!!
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Mar 10, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:You still don't accpet the fact that the Imams took cartoons not printed in the Danish paper! Therefor they deliberately provoked a reaction by showing things that were untrue! This is a terrible thing and they should take responsibility for their actions.

You're too closed minded to look at or accept other peoples view points, many of which are justified, logical and sensical.

closed minded ???!!!!! well,, maybe !!!! i am sure that "CLOSE MIND" is what makes me talk to you here !!!!! do you think so ????
i think i have said my opinion about this before also !!! i said clearly that muslims dont need those Imams to do that !! its only enough to have ONE SINGLE CARTOON OF THOSE ABOUT THE PROPHET PBUH , to make them all feel that angry !!!!!! plus ,, i have been reading the newspapers about this issue from the first day !! of course i am reading GulfNews ,, now , Do you think they wouldnt have written any thing about those Imams who have gone to Egypt , if it was true ?????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mar 10, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:So I'll just say this, yes the paper were wrong for publishing the cartoons, but you cannot punish and entire nation for a few peoples mistakes, and the violent reactions are a disgrace, as has been said many muslims missed the chance to deal with it in a proper manner - so you condon the guy in Pakistan putting a bounty on the cartoonists head? Way to go to reinforce bad opinions about muslims and Islam! Plus the boycotts have put the jobs of 1000 Muslims in the region in jepordy, so they're being punished too! Way to go to look after your own!

who told yo that i ( or any muslim ) want to punish the whole nation ? all what have been asked for is an apology !! then when the danish government didnt show their co-operation ( even with feelings ) , there were people who are asking for punishing those persons , then ..... etc etc ,, you know the whole story !!!!!

you agree its a mistake ??? then ,, usually mistakes NEED APOLOGY !!!!!! APOLOGY !!! APOLOGY !!!! I have given an example before about that ,, and its logical i think ,, coz you are speaking about logic here ,,, when you step on someone's foot mistakenly ??!!!! do you remember that ? i am sure you do , coz i know that you dont miss reading one single post here !!! i remember i have read a good example from another person here i dont remeber who was that !! about why should the PM apologize !!!! it was about when a little kid do something wrong ,, the father or the mother apologize ,,, rational persons dont expect a little kid to apologize ,, UNLESS HE DOES OUT OF BEING EDUCATED !!!!

well well well ,, now you are so caring about the muslims jobs in jepordy ???!!!! believe me they can find other jobs ,,ESPECIALLY THAT THEY HAVE WORKED FOR SUCH REPUTABLE COMPANIES !!!! what about the lives that the allied war against terror has put in jepordy ???!!!! No comparission ,, right ???
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Mar 11, 2006
Well the Danish paper did print an apology, so why is this not done with now?

Don't bring wars and stuff into the depate, it has nothing to do with it and just ends up sidetracking the issue.

Yes a whole nation is being punished for a few peoples mistakes. And no the Danish PM should not apologise, he is not responsible for what the paper publishes, if he were to apologise it's like being big brother and goes against the concept, once again, of free speech. So it was always down to the paper to directly apologise for it's actions - it's done that.

End of.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 11, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Well the Danish paper did print an apology, so why is this not done with now?

Don't bring wars and stuff into the depate, it has nothing to do with it and just ends up sidetracking the issue.

Yes a whole nation is being punished for a few peoples mistakes. And no the Danish PM should not apologise, he is not responsible for what the paper publishes, if he were to apologise it's like being big brother and goes against the concept, once again, of free speech. So it was always down to the paper to directly apologise for it's actions - it's done that.

End of.

oops !!! the danish newspaper didnt apologize for printing the cartoons , it apologized for the "hurt caused by the cartoons " , that means other things might be printed later , and again they will apologize for the hurt caused by them !!!! and on and on .....!!!!

heheh,, sidetracking the issue ??!!!! if you noticed i didnt drag it to wars !! even if its dragged to wars ,,plus , our topic is about the cartoons , which is concerning muslims ,, wars are being made on muslims territory , so ,, mmmm,,, SO I WILL PASS THIS ONE ,,, hehehehe,, the two subjects are not related !!! heheheheh,,, yeah ,, i think ,, USA was right when it had been attacked , and gone SO FAR to Iraq to defend itself !!!!! these two subjects are related !!! heheheheheheh

it was a question , you could answer , but its obviously you dont want to !!! any way, i didnt expect you to do !!!

the PM,, is like parents , not big brother!!! so , he should have apologized !!! wether you think he should or not !!! he should have !! but you are only arguing . and there has been a lot of examples for you .

you know what ??!!!! i can understand Liban now !!!! I really do !!! God bless you Liban
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Mar 11, 2006
Castanello, We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. You have your opinion and i have mine and I'm sticking to mine, I've said all I want to on this subject after reading all sides of the issue. I'm not arguing in any way, simply voicing what I think which I'm entitled to do just as you are. I see logic and agree with many of the things you say, but you're immovable when it comes to seeing things from someone else's perspective.

I don't think this forum is about taking sides, and I think you'd be a very sad person to agree with Liban's extreme views on things, but hey it's your choice, if you choose to side with a narrow minded, racist, bigot, then go right ahead.

This topic is closed for me I have nothing more to say on the matter, you'll always point the finger of blame at others and never accept that some others should take responsibility for also playing a part in the trouble, no matter how small.

So I'll agree to disagree. End of.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 11, 2006
If you are white, Western, non-Muslim and don't agree with radical Islamic views - it is pretty easy to be branded as a racist and bigot by SOME people on this forum. I'll only speak for myself, but I'm still waiting for samples of my supposedly racists posts to be brought out as evidence. (You'll be looking a long time...)

By the way, people are only deemed extreme when they agree with slander, destruction, assault and murder in the name of Islam. A small group of you seem to think that you are labelled extreme just because you have a differing opinion than others - but you haven't been paying attention to the real argument.
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Mar 11, 2006
well think twice cos there will b repercussions like protest and boycott....not burning embassies

Well, Sniper non-violent protest is the way to go- we do agree on that.
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Mar 11, 2006
I also wanted to add to Kanelli's comments that many people on this forum are quick to judge and jump down the throats of the Brits on here regading our attitudes towards terrorism and violence.

Many seem to forget that while this is a relatively new phenomenon in the Muslim world, we have been dealing with it for decades from the likes of the IRA and Sinn Fein, who're both happy to plant car bombs, nail bombs, kidnapp, torture and murder on our own soil. Plus the Catholics and Protestants have been at each other for as long as I can remember in Ireland, so all this kind of thing is nothing new to us. We've learnt to deal with it all.

Thank goodness that both these parties decided to hand in their arms and agree to live in peace. Others should learn from that.
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Mar 11, 2006
If you have ever been to Belfast Chocs, then the getting along bit, you would probably withdrawal.

just info
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Mar 11, 2006
Well yes that's true. But for the most part, where they were blowing each other up and shooting at each other, at least that's all gone quiet - for now. I sometimes wonder for how long, but at least it's a whole lot better than it was.

I always thought the handing over of the weapons was a complete farce, but we'll just have to wait and see.

But my point was it's been going on for years, it's nothing new to us.
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Mar 11, 2006
It still goes on Chocs but they are a bit more discrete lol
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Mar 11, 2006
I know the topics are kinda getting blurred, but about freedom of speech with the media, Arnie do you remember when they would either only show the face or play the audio of Sinn Fein Leader Gerry Adams? If they showed his face, they had a voice over say the words, or have his voice with other images. Media were never allowed to use the two together. NOt so now though.
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Mar 11, 2006
ohhhhhh yea i remember that too, now you mentioned it. Same went for Martin wotshis name. I think it would be the only ever time our press/tv was technically censored.
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Mar 12, 2006
Oh yeah I remember that, but his accent is so thick you can't understand a word he is saying anyway!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Mar 12, 2006
GAB wrote:Oh yeah I remember that, but his accent is so thick you can't understand a word he is saying anyway!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Isn't that the Irish in general? Thick!

(Ducks and runs for cover)

Oh come on! Why do you think there's so many Irish jokes! Plus you walked right into that one - hehehe.
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Mar 12, 2006
:oops: bad choice of words.........should have said unique? :lol:
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Mar 12, 2006
It where the word "jibberish" eminates from, cos no one can understand a paddy
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