the message board for Dubai English speaking community
kanelli wrote:Could you love a person who wouldn't love you if you were ugly?
Carol_eyez wrote:I got jus three words to say......LOVE IS BLIND...
ajb wrote:There is plenty of flirting on these forums that has nothing to do with looks ...
ajb wrote:you wonder??? .......... And I thought you were extremely intelligent too and not just a se.x object!!!!
Nick81 wrote:Carol_eyez wrote:I got jus three words to say......LOVE IS BLIND...
Too easy. Before reaching that step you need to be attracted to someone. And please ppl, don't tell me you'd actually go talk to someone and start flirting if you're not attracted to them physically. Unless you're a psychic and can somehow know if a person has a nice personality of course...
Rami wrote:Would you love a woman if she wasn't pretty? would you still love her if she was pretty then 'stopped' being pretty?? she got pregnant and gained weight for good? she had an accident? she got cancer?...
Would you love him if he was fat? if he got fat? if he was 'ugly'? if anything wrong happened to him?
please let's not discuss the definition of Love it self, and just answer the questions the way YOU understand them.
starting with me, and to be very true about this...
NOT EASILY, i'm a person who tends to love beauty in everything, and adore and respect beauty, so yes i'll love her if she wasn't pretty at all, but not easily, she gotta have ALOTTA of good features that can cover this "curse" called beauty, maybe i sound like an idiot who's after hot chicks, but not at all, i love true females who can complete me and be the total reflaction for my personality as a male, so for me, a true female -and again let's not discuss what does a true female mean-.
heavenBoii wrote:Truthfulllyy..
i think if a girl has enuf qualities i think i will fall for her and keep loving her..
cuz sumtymz u shdnt judge a book with its cover..
thts wat i belive in..
Americanspirit wrote:Looks shouldn't matter the persons heart, soul and personality are the key... but unfortunately that isn't the case.. People are all about looks these days..
I'm over weight and I've rarely had someone interested in me so I've been there