@Bora - haha, well Im on the same page with you, i guess men do require an excursion from rationality every now and then

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Bethsmum wrote:Sara, you are, indeed, a very young person, or someone who has been sheltered. I don't think the following was what Zubber wanted to hear.
i have nothing against indian and such people my sister have some pakistani friends..
and my parents house driver is a Bengali and we treat him like family because he have been with us for almost 10 years now.
He has been a gentleman in not replying to your post. If I were you I would wise up a bit.
zubber wrote:@sara - Right , I will take what you have said at face value, Thank bethsmum that I am not going to critique your response
i know local girls who are marred to men who are Westerners, Egyptians, Syrian, Lebanese, and other from the gulf countries like Saudi, Qatari and Kuwaiti and all are wealthy or at least in the same financial level of the girl but i never heard of a local girl married or in a relationship with an indian or pakistani or Bengali men.
desertdudeshj wrote:Well Sarah your replies make it very obvious to other people that you indeed have lived a sheltered life or somekind of self spun fantasy world or you truly are naive, as because from what they ( and me )hear from you and what they know from personal experience are two totaly different things. For examplei know local girls who are marred to men who are Westerners, Egyptians, Syrian, Lebanese, and other from the gulf countries like Saudi, Qatari and Kuwaiti and all are wealthy or at least in the same financial level of the girl but i never heard of a local girl married or in a relationship with an indian or pakistani or Bengali men.
I can give you examples contrary to those. Someone I know ( Pakistani ) is married to a local girl. He was working as an office boy in the bank she was working in when they first met and got married. Now they have a 5 year old daughter and your country refuses to give her citizenship a child born in this country to a mother who is a citizen of this country, but only because the father is a Pakistani. They live in a very run down house in Sharjah as she lost her job and can't get those prefered positions she could have gotten had she not been married to a Pakistani, Another ( Indian ) friend was banging the brains out of this local girl, she wanted to marry but he refused knowing how her family and the in laws would forever be a problem in his life.
For the rest of your REPLAY I will do what Zubs ( Oh and please don't tell what that means in arabic to Zubber) did and let it go for the moment
symmetric wrote:I wish someday if I had the chance, I'll enforce Arabic language SPOKEN & WRITTEN on everyone living here.
Sarah21 wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:Well Sarah your replies make it very obvious to other people that you indeed have lived a sheltered life or somekind of self spun fantasy world or you truly are naive, as because from what they ( and me )hear from you and what they know from personal experience are two totaly different things. For examplei know local girls who are marred to men who are Westerners, Egyptians, Syrian, Lebanese, and other from the gulf countries like Saudi, Qatari and Kuwaiti and all are wealthy or at least in the same financial level of the girl but i never heard of a local girl married or in a relationship with an indian or pakistani or Bengali men.
I can give you examples contrary to those. Someone I know ( Pakistani ) is married to a local girl. He was working as an office boy in the bank she was working in when they first met and got married. Now they have a 5 year old daughter and your country refuses to give her citizenship a child born in this country to a mother who is a citizen of this country, but only because the father is a Pakistani. They live in a very run down house in Sharjah as she lost her job and can't get those prefered positions she could have gotten had she not been married to a Pakistani, Another ( Indian ) friend was banging the brains out of this local girl, she wanted to marry but he refused knowing how her family and the in laws would forever be a problem in his life.
For the rest of your REPLAY I will do what Zubs ( Oh and please don't tell what that means in arabic to Zubber) did and let it go for the moment
ok i come from a class in the society that dont have any low stuff in it and im proud of that, because im living a life people would dream of. i have everything i want and can do whatever i want plus i get to be sheltered from the ugliness of the world ! whats better than that lol
and i dont know people who are marred to indians and such but you do ok thats good share your experience with zubber he seems to want to know about thos stuff..
desertdudeshj wrote:symmetric wrote:I wish someday if I had the chance, I'll enforce Arabic language SPOKEN & WRITTEN on everyone living here.
And then you will have no one other than you folk living here. Tyring hard to get there already and a few more bright sparks like you and it will happen sooner than later![]()
Then each family can have its own personal tower to live in on SZR, yipee !
symmetric wrote:I guess I missed a lot![]()
Guys, give Sarah a break, I totally understand where her views/thoughts come from as I'm an Emarati myself.
Yes, she has been sheltered and thats not a bad thing. She's full of innocence, and there is no harm in exploring stuff. Perhaps it's her time to learn more, and I'm sure we've all been there, and we're still learning more from others.
As for her written English skills, seriously I don't appreciate some comments with this regard.
English is not our first language, and its not our favorite one either.
I wish someday if I had the chance, I'll enforce Arabic language SPOKEN & WRITTEN on everyone living here.
And let me see the look on your face DDS when I laugh at your horrible accent and mistakes.
symmetric wrote:You surely fail to understand the concept of respecting the natives of a host country, regardless anything.
symmetric wrote:There are plenty of people living in non-English speaking countries who HAD to learn thier foregin language in order to make a living for a better life.
symmetric wrote:If Arabic language was enforced here, and if that what it takes for you to make a living, you'll get urself enrolled in the nearest language institute, I'm sure.
symmetric wrote:If I were in your shoes, I'd think twice before making fun of the natives, and their skills of a second language, specially in our case.
symmetric wrote:Such cheap morals, and a low class character you got DDS.
Sarah21 wrote:i feel like those people just dont want to understand that what im saying is kind of true because im living that way!
Sarah21 wrote:i understand them having more experience and seeing more that me and accept their opinions but they just act like all im is wrong !?
Sarah21 wrote:look at the German for example they would never accept to be spoken to in thier country in anything but their languege even tho they know english !
we should really try and be like them..
I'm not going to let it go tho DDS. Sarah's attitude is arrogant and naive in the extreme.
I didn't say you didn't answer Zubber's post but that you said something he wouldn't want to hear. Do you not think it rather condescending to say that your Bengali driver is treated as one of the family as he has been with you for ten years? Or whatever you said. I find that rather ing if I'm honest.
Sarah, if you really believe all the local lads are saving themselves for you, you are in for a nasty shock I can tell you. I will tell you from personal experience that they will sh&g anything with a pulse. Sorry if it's not what you want to hear but it's the truth. Islam doesn't enter the stratosphere when S.E.X is on the agenda. Get with it Sarah.
Sarah, you are living the life people would dream of? Do me a favour! You are a young girl sitting in a room posting on an internet forum. You should be out having some serious fun at your age, and I seriously doubt that you can do anything you want to. I feel so sorry for you, I really do.
desertdudeshj wrote:Well nobody is trying to offend you, your doing that perfectly all by yourself. Everybody knows Islams stance on s3x outside of marrige you don't have to preach it, but when you insisted ( at first ) that no unmarried local male or female has to use the old world fornicated. That was hard to swallow.
Then you gave in a little that only a few delved in the pleasuresof the flesh, now what we are saying and from good experience is that its the opposite that most have and few haven't, specialy when it comes to the men. Now your just having a real hard time believing that.
Maybe you could PM your friend sym and ask him if this is true or not. If you won't take out word for it. Maybe a of a countryman perhaps.
just the other day my cousin was just telling me about some of his friends and thier girfriends and them doing all kinda sh!t togatehr!
and in college i know girls who have boyfriends as well!
i know that there are many out there who dont go with the religion teachings !
desertdudeshj wrote:symmetric wrote:You surely fail to understand the concept of respecting the natives of a host country, regardless anything.
Respect is a two way street, it is earned and not taken.
kanelli wrote:All I have to say is good luck finding a blonde-haired blue-eyed Westerner who is Muslim and a virgin who will approach you in a mall, date you and marry you.
desertdudeshj wrote:Well atleast leprechauns are white, blonde ( ok ginger ) and blue eyed ! and have their own pot of gold. granted not black gold, but gold none the less
Sarah, I think next summer vacation head for Ireland
desertdudeshj wrote:symmetric wrote:You surely fail to understand the concept of respecting the natives of a host country, regardless anything.
Respect is a two way street, it is earned and not taken.
desertdudeshj wrote:symmetric wrote:There are plenty of people living in non-English speaking countries who HAD to learn thier foregin language in order to make a living for a better life.
There many but not plenty,And those are conscious choices made by people fully knowing that is the requirement, and those places have much to offer. I don't see anyone other that big oil and a few other players making that kind of invesment i.e: simply hire Arabic enabled people to work here for them. The avg joe couldn't be bothered. They will just move to the next most favourable destination.
desertdudeshj wrote:symmetric wrote:If Arabic language was enforced here, and if that what it takes for you to make a living, you'll get urself enrolled in the nearest language institute, I'm sure.
You forget the world is bigger than the middle east. And the GCC needs the expats more than the expats need the GCC.
desertdudeshj wrote:symmetric wrote:If I were in your shoes, I'd think twice before making fun of the natives, and their skills of a second language, specially in our case.
If your referring to your country mate, no one made fun of her, just pointed out, not lashed out as you assume she could do better specialy being a UNI student. Would be to her own benefit for her future. And why is your case special ?
symmetric wrote:Trust me, I know exactly what I'm saying and to whom I'm talking to.
I didnt drift away much from the subject, it's related to an extent.
I'm not defending Sarah's views, I just see a bunch of immature people bashing a young girl who's far away from the reality of us adults. People are too blind to understand that there is a gap between them and her. Such a waste of money that has been spent to educate such people.
Again, thank you DK for being understanding, highly appreciated.
I'm not defending Sarah's views, I just see a bunch of immature people bashing a young girl who's far away from the reality of us adults. People are too blind to understand that there is a gap between them and her. Such a waste of money that has been spent to educate such people.
Again, thank you DK for being understanding, highly appreciated.
Chocoholic wrote:[
It's not that people don't understand that there's a gap. But for someone who 'claims' to have travelled and spent time in Western society, Sarah seems extremely naive and sheltered. Sadly she needs a bit of a wake up call to the actual reality she is living in and can expect in the rest of her life, unless she moves away from certain restraints.