Sorry was out and off line. As I have said before I don't claim to have all the facts or all the explanations but am happy to offer the ones that I have been given and have accepted.
In terms of the your arguments kanelli -
kanelli wrote:No, I don't believe the architects and engineers prepared for jet plane hits to their buildings. .
As per DDS yes they did.
kanelli wrote:Was the jet fuel burning on its own, or were the buildings, planes and their contents on fire too? .
Of course other things were burning (paper, desks, etc) that you would find in the tower block but nothing that can increase the heat of the actual combustion. The jet fuel would have created the highest temperature but it would have burned away within minutes with the explosion/impact. Its similar to pouring petrol on your charcoal bbq - it immediately ignites and the temperature and flames increase dramatically and for a short period of time. After about 5-10 minutes the temperture of your fire is back to what is supported by the material being combusted ie charcoal.
kanelli wrote:Are you saying that all the people in the building should have been instantly burned on impact, or do you think it is possible that those in the immediate area of the hit were killed by impact and fire and people on other floors or other sides of the building were still alive to make phone calls. Some began to jump when the heat and smoke became too much for them.
My point exactly - people made calls, people shouted for help - people were seen alive. Temperatures that melt steel are approx 1500C depending on specific alloy and are typically only found in a foundry. In order for steel to melt through thats the temperature you need throughout the building - remember the buildings all collapsed - melting a part of it would not have led to collapse and a freefall as we all witnessed on tv. For that reason yes the temperature throughout the building could not have been 1500C - hence allowing people to be alive and make calls and shout for help.
kanelli wrote:I watched a documentary full of experts who discussed the structure of the towers and how it was completely possible for them to collapse like they did under such intense impact and fire. (Will try to find the name again.) I suppose they must have been commissioned from the government as part of the conspiracy

Care to share some links to sources for your info?
Please watch more documentaries. You have made the argument about jet fuel - lets just say for a moment that I am wrong and it would have completely melted all the stell for a freefall collapse to take place. Can you please tell me how tower 7 collapsed in the same way (it had small fires on two floors). Please note and appreciate the word "collapse" - these buildings did not burn and twist and than chunks than fell off and there was some frame left over - it "collapsed" into dust - nothing was left. This only happens with controlled explosions. It has never in the history of construction and fires ever taken place let alone 3 times in the same day at the same place. As DDS points out these buildings and particularly the ones we are considering here are built with some serious framework and built to withstand fires and the types of events that took place (airline impact). The links I have posted will show you that people on ground zero heard multiple explosions before the collapse. All of this is ignored by the 911 commission report.
In terms of links there are many - I have posted a few. There is so much info on this that if you have interest you can look it up yourself. If you choose to evaluate with an open mind than please do so and see how you feel after it but if want to believe a specific thing occured and are rigid in that view than thats your choice. Kanelli as I have said before on this post I am an american citizen and I truly love my country but if the US government tells me that pigs can fly and that buildings like the twin towers can collapse in the way they did I am not going to believe them unless I hear a plausible explanation.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW23PuBK ... re=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n-nT-lu ... re=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNDurCBI ... re=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmP2Vy8K ... re=related-- Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:24 pm --
event horizon wrote:Or how the thermite wasn't prematurely set off by the ensuing fire ball
I believe that thermite requires magnesium charges to setoff - won't happen at even 500 C.
event horizon wrote: Or who piloted the two planes
Dunno - some claim they were not piloted and radio controlled but dunno.
event horizon wrote: Or how two (or three?) skyscrapers were successfully rigged up
Dunno - presumably with the right securit clearances over a month. I just know they collapsed like a controlled demolition. You can see that right or is it just me? When do building ever fall like that and after a few hours of burning. Even fires in Dubai with this level of build quality doesn't lead to a collapse.
EH - as I have said before I don't claim to know exactly what happened and am looking for answers myself but I just don't believe what the public has been lead to believe on this issue. Rather than focus on how everything happened - who did what, when and why - do you believe that what you have been told did happen could have ? I don't mean terrorists here - I mean that buildings just collapse after a few hours particularly tower 7 that wasn't even hit by a plane. Its just not possible.
-- Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:31 pm --
Flying Dutchman wrote:zubber wrote:Anyway, JoeTGF the floor is yours.
JoeTGF, please explain how the towers collapsed not because of the planes. And also how this could be covered up (as I can imagine preparing a tower to collapse controlled is a huge operation) and how you discovered the truth. Any evidence of your theory is very welcome.
Most scientists and experts on 911 believe it was thermite which allowed a controlled explosion of all 3 buildings. Thermite traces were found when analysed. Watch the links above.
I don't know how it was covered up or by who. I am not a position to submit evidence but many have - just google or go on youtube. How did I discover this? Well as mentioned a lost a friend (a broker that covered me for my trading at Cantors). When another friend of mine suggested that it was not as it seemed I was angry at him for even suggesting it. Than I looked for myself and the evidence or should I say the public story was not plausible and the fact the government has refused thus far to reveal information that many have a right to know (people that lost friends and family in 911) is

ing and suspicious.