Westerner In Dubai

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Westerner in Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Hello all

i would like to discuss something that really confuses me about westerners here..

i was talking to a friend from the U.S online and he was really exited about talking to a local girl from the UAE.
he said that during his visit here he was afraid of approaching us local girls because he been told that if he did so he would be put in jail!!
i was really surprised ! i told him thats non sense and so not true! i have western friends mostly "boys" and in Uni most of my prophesiers are westerner and i talk to them all the time and nothing happens!
they all are really fine and so not in jail last time i checked !

my big problem is you people are making it hard for local girls who likes you, to talk to you !

for example Im one of the local girls who are so into westerners, like the tall blond haired and blue eyed guys. and when i see someone out there like say in the mall or something i'd smile and stuff but the westerner would be like afraid to look back!
and now i understand that they have been told lies by i dont know who !!
because last summer when i went to the USA guys there werent afraid to make eye contact, smile and chitchat! so the problem isnt with me ether!
So why are they really afraid of doing the same when thy come here!?

what i really want to say from all this babbling is :

to all those who have this wrong idea, its alright to talk to us local girls and befriend us, some even would like to have a relationship with you. believe me nothing will happen to you.

we are normal people !

all the difference is that we have boundaries and morals, we just wont sleep with you or drink or do drugs thats the only difference i think between us and non muslim local girls..

boys local or none do get arrested in Dubai for harassment to a girl, but not just for talking peacefully.

all the best,
Sarah :)

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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
You are the expection rather than the norm, there are enough horror stories littered in the media for anyone to stay well clear and that preception is not totaly unjustified. Majority will get their panties in such a tight knot that their faces will turn blue even if someone happens to just glance over them. Let alone approach them. Plus when your covered in head to toe in a shela and abaya that sends out the signal " STAY AWAY OR ELSE ! "

Maybe you should hit up brucebanner here, you would be a blessing for him. A bit too late though.

P.S : Most boys of your age, really arn't too intrested in just being friends, so its a lost cause for them

P.P.S : Why do you have a pic of dweeb in you avatar ?
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Re: Westerner in Dubai Dec 11, 2010
I agree with you Sarah but you see expats/westerners in Dubai are a bit worried about what will land them into trouble here in good old Dubai. In other countries the laws are clear and people know their rights. Here however what should be completely acceptable sometimes isn't and its all down to interpretation. For instance if someone came over and tried to talk to you it might be fine but if it was another local girl and she just complained that the individual was harassing her or had said something inappropriate to her (even if that was not the case) there would be some consequences for that person. This just isn't the case in the US or other places but here if locals are offended by your actions it carries a lot of weight even if it was unintentional or even untrue. In fairness the isolation that a lot of locals get is because of their own actions on expats in the past.
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
I.e : Can't have your cake and eat it too.
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Dear desertdudeshj
first of all thanx for replaying for my post :)
i may be the exception but i can grantee you there wouldn't be any local girl that you would approach politely and talk to respectfully and have you arrested afterward!
ok they might not be interested in talkin to westerner like i do but they wouldn't scream bloody murderer as well!!
and what those stories that you talk about in the media ?? i never heard of any ?
and being covered in shela and abaya isnt keeping me from interacting with people and talking and goin out and living my life as anybody els !!
is it so wrong for me to have my own choice and beliefs to cover my self and be respectful to only be sending just signs to stay away as you say! none sense !

P.S : Most boys of your age, really arn't too intrested in just being friends, so its a lost cause for them

and those boys my age who you say i would be a lost case for them its fine with me i would not really be interested in them because relationships are so much deeper than just sex! and whats so wrong in waiting until marriage!?
but anyway i do have some american friends "boys" who are just friends so i do believe that there are some really good people wth good intention out there

P.P.S : Why do you have a pic of dweeb in you avatar ?
my avatar is an actor names Chace Crawford i think hes really hot that why i have his picture on ;p

-- Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:25 am --

JoeTGF wrote: For instance if someone came over and tried to talk to you it might be fine but if it was another local girl and she just complained that the individual was harassing her or had said something inappropriate to her (even if that was not the case) there would be some consequences for that person. This just isn't the case in the US or other places but here if locals are offended by your actions it carries a lot of weight even if it was unintentional or even untrue. In fairness the isolation that a lot of locals get is because of their own actions on expats in the past.

Dear Joe,
thanx for replaying to my post,

but as i said to the other replay as i know from the girls around me like say in my family and friends and girls in Uni there wouldn't be any local girl that you would approach politely and talk to respectfully and have you arrested afterward!
ok they might not be interested in talkin to westerner like i do but they wouldn't scream bloody murderer as well!!

all the best,
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
You'd be hard pressed to find a dude of your age ( or any age that matter )to break so many local social taboos and barriers just to be "friends"
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
in my replay i meant to wright s.e.x in "relationships are so much deeper than just love!" but it came out as "love" i dunno why ??

anyway are you saying that there is no chance of me having a western boyfriend !!?
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Not really. I know a few who are married to westerners and many local girls married to non locals. But don't expect someone to sweep you off your feet at the mall though.

As I understand you already have several western boy-friends.

Unfortunately if you meant boyfriend as in boyfriend then the chances are slim, boys being boys are not going to sit there and whisper sweet nothings into your ear sitting an arms lenght away and then drop you home wave good bye and leave, maybe once or twice but don't be surprised if you don't get any calls from him later on LOL.
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
good to hear you know some who are married to westerners :D yay.
then someday id be from those few who are married to westerner too hehe.

caz i dont think its impossible to find a cute american guy or such to want me for the real deal and th long term thing, and not just s.e.x and spending time !!
i think there are some true men out there somewhere ..
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Your in University I'm sure you can write properly, try not to write as if your texting on your BB.

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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Dude you just sounded like the last english literature professor I talked to!

I'm not in class! come on cut me some slake will ya ;p lol
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Thats English with a capital E and slack and not slake ;)

Don't worry spelling and grammar are not my forte either ! But lets try none the less.
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Thanks for the correction :) LOL

Ok I will try to stay formal all the time, but remember English is not my native language ;)
I'm speaking tow languages! not easy to be able to maintain both on a really perfect level.
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
English is not my first language either and I speak four.
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Four! wow thats Awesome!!
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Re: Westerner in Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Does BS count as one language! Sorry DDS, we were making progress I know. Luv ya really :bounce:
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Then it would be 5, but hey that atleast makes you biligual .
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Re: Westerner in Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Ahhh DDS, I give in, I'm off to bed, I'll give yer this one, sleep tight x
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Sara you are emarati - what is your opinion on emarati girls being involved with indian/pakistani/bengali men ?
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
zubber wrote:Sara you are emarati - what is your opinion on emarati girls being involved with indian/pakistani/bengali men ?

Stop trying to groom her Zubber!
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Sarah21 wrote:Dude you just sounded like the last english literature professor I talked to!

I'm not in class! come on cut me some slake will ya ;p lol

Sarah don't sweat the small stuff (or the small people!)

@DDS: I don't think you in a position to correct anyone's grammar. Or do you still claim that it's your keyboard causing all your grammatical errors?

Back on topic.................
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Stop trying to groom her Zubber!

Beth's mother , its a legitimate question ma'am, honest 8) , I am aware of the fact that people from subcontinental areas are treated like dirt by these arrogant uae pr1ck's
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
zubber wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Stop trying to groom her Zubber!

Beth's mother , its a legitimate question ma'am, honest 8) , I am aware of the fact that people from subcontinental areas are treated like dirt by these arrogant uae pr1ck's

Ahh she's only young Zubber, don't be mean to her.
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
I will endeavor to be more polite , ma'am
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
zubber wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Stop trying to groom her Zubber!

Beth's mother , its a legitimate question ma'am, honest 8) , I am aware of the fact that people from subcontinental areas are treated like dirt by these arrogant uae pr1ck's

I don't think your reference to locals is going to get you far zubber. :lol: I would say "no points scored". :lol: :lol: I wouldn't limit the treatment to locals. It's pretty widespread here, some are very blatant about it, while others are subtle. I would also have to say that I have seen quite a few well-off people from the subcontinent treat their own people who work for them worse that locals - using the caste system.

Me, I'm a New York City girl, which means I'm color-blind. :wink:
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:I don't think your reference to locals is going to get you far zubber. :lol: I would say "no points scored". :lol: :lol: I wouldn't limit the treatment to locals. It's pretty widespread here, some are very blatant about it, while others are subtle. I would also have to say that I have seen quite a few well-off people from the subcontinent treat their own people who work for them worse that locals - using the caste system.

Me, I'm a New York City girl, which means I'm color-blind. :wink:

thanks for the head's up bora :mrgreen: , You are indeed true about this caste system bs, it a religious thing actually for hindu's which I am not , Emirati women grow up in strange manner, somehow middle eastern women live in a fantasy land, and no nothing about reality. Anyway lets see her response.
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
............and that's what makes us so loveable. :wink:
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:............and that's what makes up so loveable. :wink:

Pardon ? I didnt quite get what you meant here ? :?:
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
zubber wrote:Sara you are emarati - what is your opinion on emarati girls being involved with indian/pakistani/bengali men ?

Dear Zubber,

if you take it from the Islamic way there is nothing wrong with marring who ever you want from any part of earth whatever color he is as long as he is a muslim as well.

however the arabin gulf society is really hard to have girls marrying none locals what so ever because the family and the girl would prefer someone who have the same traditions, background and finance as them. but it depends on the family if it allow the girl to chose for her self whomever she want.

but hear it from me local girls are 95% want to marry only locals and the other 5% marry none locals because they chose to themselves.

i know local girls who are marred to men who are Westerners, Egyptians, Syrian, Lebanese, and other from the gulf countries like Saudi, Qatari and Kuwaiti and all are wealthy or at least in the same financial level of the girl but i never heard of a local girl married or in a relationship with an indian or pakistani or Bengali men.

i have nothing against indian and such people my sister have some pakistani friends..
and my parents house driver is a Bengali and we treat him like family because he have been with us for almost 10 years now.

in the end for me as a muslim i have been thought since a child that there is no difference between any people from any level or any color in the world, we are all the same in God eyes.

-- Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:26 pm --

Bora Bora wrote:
Sarah21 wrote:Dude you just sounded like the last english literature professor I talked to!

I'm not in class! come on cut me some slake will ya ;p lol

Sarah don't sweat the small stuff (or the small people!)

@DDS: I don't think you in a position to correct anyone's grammar. Or do you still claim that it's your keyboard causing all your grammatical errors?

Back on topic.................

im sorry i didnt quite get what you mean ?

can you please explain what "don't *sweat* the small stuff or people" ?

P.S I just been to NY last Summer and im in LOVE !! your so lucky you're from there :D
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Re: Westerner In Dubai Dec 11, 2010
zubber wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:............and that's what makes us so loveable. :wink:

Pardon ? I didnt quite get what you meant here ? :?:

Corrected my post zubber. If you refer to your previous post to me, I think you will get it now. :wink:
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