Hello all
i would like to discuss something that really confuses me about westerners here..
i was talking to a friend from the U.S online and he was really exited about talking to a local girl from the UAE.
he said that during his visit here he was afraid of approaching us local girls because he been told that if he did so he would be put in jail!!
i was really surprised ! i told him thats non sense and so not true! i have western friends mostly "boys" and in Uni most of my prophesiers are westerner and i talk to them all the time and nothing happens!
they all are really fine and so not in jail last time i checked !
my big problem is you people are making it hard for local girls who likes you, to talk to you !
for example Im one of the local girls who are so into westerners, like the tall blond haired and blue eyed guys. and when i see someone out there like say in the mall or something i'd smile and stuff but the westerner would be like afraid to look back!
and now i understand that they have been told lies by i dont know who !!
because last summer when i went to the USA guys there werent afraid to make eye contact, smile and chitchat! so the problem isnt with me ether!
So why are they really afraid of doing the same when thy come here!?
what i really want to say from all this babbling is :
to all those who have this wrong idea, its alright to talk to us local girls and befriend us, some even would like to have a relationship with you. believe me nothing will happen to you.
we are normal people !
all the difference is that we have boundaries and morals, we just wont sleep with you or drink or do drugs thats the only difference i think between us and non muslim local girls..
boys local or none do get arrested in Dubai for harassment to a girl, but not just for talking peacefully.
all the best,