Based on what has been posted in this forum, the most extreme religious fanantic we have here is event horizon.
This is based on three threads - 'Biblical War Crimes' and 'Christian Terrorists' and 'For eh - Baruch Goldstein'.
This thread just brings the points gleaned from those threads and crystalises the proposition that the most extreme religious fanatic, in terms of condoning violence against civilians of other faiths, is event horizon (who formerly went by the names of ikka, and freefromrats).
In the first, event horizon does not only refuse to condemn the the enslavement of 32,000 virgins after their families (men, married, women, boys) are all slaughtered in cold blood after their towns are captured, he argues that this is no different from an 'act of God' such as an earthquake.
In 'Christian Terrorists' he insists that the Lords Resistance Army of Uganda - who murder, mutilate, rape and kidnap - are 'Christian Terrorists' rather than converts to a 'demonic' personality cult with some Biblical references. He insisted they be classified as 'Christian'
Given that Al Qaeda are not as extreme as eh - I asked him explicity:
shafique wrote:So do you think Al Qaeda is too soft for not agreeing with you that it's ok to enslave and rape virgins - just as long as 'god told you to do it'?
But then again, given you have claimed the LRA terrorists are Christian - and they DO actually practice enslavement and rape, do you condone or condemn them? (I presume as they aren't white or Israelite you'll have no problems in condemning these Christians for raping and slaughter - but perhaps you think the Israelites were better than the LRA?)
Note the reference to 'white' or 'Israelite' is a reference to another thread:
What this thread was asking though - was whether YOU joined me in condemning a Jewish Religious terrorist who happened to be American born, white, educated and rational - and also a person whose actions are venerated by some in Israel.
(Oh, and here is eh stating that the LRA are Christians - it was from a thread in the Politics section:
event horizon wrote:You didn't answer my simple question though - do you consider the LRA as Christian terrorists? (I said I do not, so they are clearly converts).
Yes, they seem to be Christian terrorists. Which means they are the born again types and not actual converts. )
I trust this meets Melika's new stricter requirements.

I am happy to change my opinion of who is the most extreme poster here - I think there's an argument for Chevaliers to make a bid for the crown - but he struggles sometimes to put a coherent paragraph together!
