Muslims Against Terrorism

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Muslims against Terrorism Dec 04, 2010
A common narrative of Islamophobes is that 'Muslims are responsible for most terrorist acts today' and another common myth is that 'moderate' Muslims aren't doing enough to combat or even denounce acts of terrorism.

What makes these beliefs myths are the fact that the stats (i.e. reality) don't support these views.

Now, we've had threads showing FBI stats for terrorist acts in the USA and the fact that there were more terrorist acts by Jewish terrorists than there were by Muslim, and that both were dwarfed by terrorist acts carried out by non-Muslims and non-Jews. (And indeed, the last terrorist suicide bomber in the US was Joe Stack in Feb 2010 - flying a plane into a federal building in Texas.) Threads on the Europols stats for Europe show that the terrorist acts by Muslims are less than 1% in Europe - so even fewer Islamic acts of terror there than in the US.

But tackling the second myth that Muslims don't oppose terrorism and don't act to stop it, this list of Muslim actions to prevent terrorism acts should provide ample evidence to debunk this silly belief. (Courtesy of SpencerWatch). The latest revelation is that the US teen from Oregon who was entrapped by the FBI was 'shopped' by his own dad. (Salon has a good piece on the entrapment bit of the story: ... index.html )

What “Scholar” Robert Spencer Will Never Tell You
“Police Blotter Scholar” Robert Spencer, of course, was all over the arrest of the Somali-American man in Oregon as another piece of evidence that Islam is really violent and it only inspires violence and “jihad.” But, like I said before, there are very important things he won’t tell you.

In this latest episode, Spencer did not (and will probably never) tell you that the FBI was tipped off to the young Somali-American by his own father:

However, a prominent member of the Somali community in Portland (estimated to number 8,000) says a relative played some role in helping to put the FBI on the young man’s trail — though that relative was almost certainly unaware of the scale it would assume. “Before this happened, the father informed Homeland Security and the FBI that something was going on with his son,” claims Isgow Mohamed, executive director of the Northwest Somali Community Organization, who says he knows Mohamud’s family well and had been in touch with them.

In fact, Adam Serwer at the American Prospect elucidates how many terrorist plots have been foiled with the help of the Muslim community:

October 2001: The conviction of “Portland 7” case was substantially helped after a local police officer encountered the suspects engaged in target practice. The police officer had been sent to the area after a local citizen notified police that he heard gunfire.

September 2002:Members of the “Lackawanna 6” are arrested. FBI first becomes aware of their activities in June 2001 when a local Muslim community member tips off the FBI.

March 2002: FBI become aware of a possible terror plot by Imran Mandhai (and later Shueyb Jokhan) after they are notified by an American Muslim named “Saif Allah” who attended Mandhai and Jokhan’s same mosque provides a tip.

June 2003: FBI receive two tips from community members notifying them “military-style training” was being conducted suspect by Ali Al-Tamimi. The tip set in motion an
investigation later leading to the arrest of the so-called “Paintball 11” in Northern Virginia.

August 2004: James Elshafay and Shahwar Matin Sirajare arrested largely based on the controversial use of an informant in the investigation. However, NYPD were first notified of Siraj after a Muslim community member anonymously notifies New York police about consistently troubling rhetoric coming from the suspect.

February 2006: Muslim community members in Ohio provide information helping to arrest and eventually convict 3 suspects planning attacks in Iraq.

July 2009: Mosque leaders in Raleigh, North Carolina, contact law enforcement to notify them of “violent, threatening action … considered to be dangerous” leading to the arrest of Daniel Boyd and 6 other individuals.

November 2009: Five Virginia Muslim youth are arrested in Pakistan, allegedly seeking to join a terror group, after family members told American federal authorities they went

April 2010: Senegalese Muslim Alioune Niass first spots the suspicious vehicle used as a bomb to attack Times Square in New York City. Clues from the vehicle and defused explosive immediately led to the suspect, Faisal Shahzad’s, arrest.

June 2010: Suspects Mohammed Mahmoud Alessa and Carlos Eduardo Almonte are arrested, after the FBI first receives an anonymous report in 2006 from one of the suspects’ family members. News reports indicate one of Alessa’s family members provided the tip.

But, of course, this goes against the narrative that Spencer wants to put forward. Thus, he will not tell you anything that will put the Muslim community in a positive light. Now, I really don’t expect anything else from the likes of Spencer, but it is important that you, the reader, know the truth. ... -tell-you/

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
What you do is disinformation, Joe Stack was not a terrorist, he can only be compared to the guy who walks to his work place and gun down his former colleagues, or the student on a high school killing spree.
He flew a single engine private plane, alone, not a commercial jet with innocent passengers
He did not have a bomb, so he cant be a bomber
He served no cause, no ideology, unlike Muslims chanting Allahu akbar before they kill
He did not represent any group or religion, unlike muslims claiming operating under Alqaeda and Islam
He acted alone, unlike muslims who are trained (ill trained) manipulated, funded, brainwashed by Islamists
The guy was desperate and angry against the IRS, not the entire USA.

and with the same logic, if a Muslim walked in a restaurant and killed 20 people because he was pissed off for having been fired, or dumped by his girl friend, or raped by the cook, he would not be a terrorist either.
Because a situation like this does not qualify to terrorism. You see in this example that the religion alone is not a factor and has nothing to do with the crime.
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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
Extremely long cut 'n paste?


He did not represent any group or religion, unlike muslims claiming operating under Alqaeda and Islam

Good point.

One must wonder why we should turn a blind eye to Muslims when they themselves say that their religion motivates them to carry out violent acts of mass murder.

After all, non-Muslims aren't quoting Koranic verses and hadith or Islamic rulings justifying their actions, Muslims are.

and with the same logic, if a Muslim walked in a restaurant and killed 20 people because he was pissed off for having been fired, or dumped by his girl friend, or raped by the cook, he would not be a terrorist either.

Exactly, there have been a number of shooting carried out by people who happened to have been Muslim but their actions were never connected or linked to Islamic terrorism.

One mass shooting happened in Finland a year or so ago, the shooter managed to kill five and he was probably Muslim.
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Re: Muslims Against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
Joe Stack was a terrorist.

Had he just taken some pills and left a suicide note - then he could be classified as a protester sucide etc.

However, he chose to use a plane as a sucide bomb and target a civilian building with civilians in it. He chose to target a building at a time when civilians were in it.

Whatever his motives were - the act was an act of terrorism, and therefore he is a terrorist.

If your relative was sitting in that building when the plane flew into it and was killed, I am sure you'd view it as an act of terrorism. I'm sure you'd definitely call it that if the man had been a Muslim and nothing else was different (say he had left exactly the same suicide note).

But - that's not the point of this thread.

Muslims are against terrorism and demonstrably so. The list is long and yet the Islamophobic websites have to ignore these examples and continue to construct a fantasy where Islam condones violence against innocent people and Muslims don't speak out against terrorists (however they are labelled).

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
So all mass murderers are terrorists?

Please explain the chanting and dancing seen on TV throughout Muslim sountries after 911, these people don't show they are against Islamic terrorism

And how about this Muslim who professes terrorism ... re=related

is CNN islamophobe?
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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
In all fairness, most Muslims believe 9/11 was an inside job.

24% of British Muslims believe their government was behind the 7/7 bombings (another 25% sympathized with the bombers).

If it's not outright conspiracy theories, we see that a strong minority, if not majority, of Muslims support al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, Hamas and terrorist attacks against non-Muslims throughout the Muslim world.

Those who cite recent polls will never tell you that Muslim populations have only recently rejected terrorism as a result of Islamic terrorism in *their* countries.

Polls from 2002, before al-Qaeda and the Taliban began bombing Muslims but after the 9/11 attacks, showed Muslim support for suicide bombers who targeted non-Muslim civilians to defend the 'honor' of Islam was at its highest.

So, I guess Westerners should thank al-Qaeda. Their actions more than anyone else has managed to alienate them from some segments of the Muslim world.

Of course, this is only a temporary set back, Muslims will forget the terrorist attacks that targeted them the next time al-Qaeda carries out a spectacular attack in the West or find the Jews to once again pin the blame on for every suicide attack or act of terrorism in Muslim countries.


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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
herve wrote:So all mass murderers are terrorists?

The point made in the OP is that the last successful suicide attack in the USA was a white dude called Joe Stack. If you refuse to call him a terrorist - that doesn't change the fact that he flew his plane into a federal building and was just lucky to not kill civilians (he did injure some). He's clearly a terrorist suicide bomber and it is clear that if his name was Ahmed, you'd be using this label too.

Herve, you linked to his suicide note - and in it he says:
"violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer."

The OP lists the fact that Muslims do play an active part in not only denouncing terrorism but also in actively working against it.

I refer you to my other comments about 'beliefs' vs evidence - and ask you to consider whether this is relevant when comparing Islamophic rants about the 'majority' of Muslims and the reality.

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
He's clearly a terrorist suicide bomber and it is clear that if his name was Ahmed, you'd be using this label too.

Thankfully we don't need to speculate on your crack-pot conspiracy theories.
I refer you to my other comments about 'beliefs' vs evidence - and ask you to consider whether this is relevant when comparing Islamophic rants about the 'majority' of Muslims and the reality.

Happy to do so. Why not look at polls from showing overwhelming support for terrorist leader Osama bin Laden?

Bin Laden Popular in Pakistan

Osama bin Laden is viewed with almost universal disdain throughout the European nations
surveyed as well as in Turkey. But bin Laden is regarded favorably by 65% of Pakistanis and by
55% of Jordanians. Moroccans are divided in their views, with 45% favorable and 42%
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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
35 terrorist attacks since 911
2 non Isamist, 33 Islamists,
0.4% Islamists Shafique said ????? how about 94%

Richard Reid, December 2001, Islamist.
Charles J. Bishop, January 5, Islamist
Jose Padilla, May 2002, Islamist
Lackawanna Six, September 2002, Islamists
Iyman Faris, May 2003, Islamist
Virginia Jihad Network, June 2003, Islamists
Dhiren Barot, August 2004, Islamist
James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj, August 2004, Islamists
Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain, August 2004, Islamist
Umer Hayat and Hamid Hayat, June 2005, Islamists
Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James, August 2005, Islamists
Michael C. Reynolds, December 2005, Non Islamist
Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum, February 2006, Islamist
Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, April 2006, Islamist
Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine, June 2006, Islamists
Assem Hammoud, July 2006, Islamist
Liquid Explosives Plot, August 2006, Islamists
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, March 2007, Islamist
Fort Dix Plot, May 2007, Islamists
JFK Airport Plot, June 2007, Islamists
Mohammed Jabarah, January 2008, Islamist
Hassan Abujihaad, March 2008, Islamist
Christopher Paul, June 2008, Islamist
Synagogue Terror Plot, May 2009, Islamists
Najibullah Zazi, September 2009 , Islamist
Hosam Maher Husein Smadi , September 2009 , Islamist
Michael Finton , September 2009 , Islamist
Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra, October 2009, Islamist
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab December 25, 2009, Islamist
Joe Stack, February 18, 2010, unrelated,
Raja Lahrasib Khan, March 2010, Islamist
Faisal Shahzad, May 1 , 2010, Islamist
Mohamed Osman Mohamud November 26 2010, Islamist
Antonio Martinez, December 7, 2010, Islamist
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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
herve wrote:What you do is disinformation, Joe Stack was not a terrorist, he can only be compared to the guy who walks to his work place and gun down his former colleagues, or the student on a high school killing spree.
He flew a single engine private plane, alone, not a commercial jet with innocent passengers
He did not have a bomb, so he cant be a bomber
He served no cause, no ideology, unlike Muslims chanting Allahu akbar before they kill
He did not represent any group or religion, unlike muslims claiming operating under Alqaeda and Islam
He acted alone, unlike muslims who are trained (ill trained) manipulated, funded, brainwashed by Islamists
The guy was desperate and angry against the IRS, not the entire USA.

and with the same logic, if a Muslim walked in a restaurant and killed 20 people because he was pissed off for having been fired, or dumped by his girl friend, or raped by the cook, he would not be a terrorist either.
Because a situation like this does not qualify to terrorism. You see in this example that the religion alone is not a factor and has nothing to do with the crime.

I need to jump in here. Herve, by definition a terrorist is someone who uses violence or the threat of violence - terror as a political/religious weapon - against civilians for either political or religious reason(s). Stack had issues with the IRS, he crashed his plane into an IRS building - government - where it housed something like 200 IRS offices. It was a planned and deliberate act by him against the US government. His act of terror was motivated for political reasons.
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Re: Muslims Against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
Well, now that I think we've done to death whether the last successful suicide attack in the USA was a terrorist act (with even eh listing it as a terrorist attack) - we should get back to the main point of the thread.

That is that Muslims were indeed against the terrorist acts and would-be terrorist acts listed in the first post - and the fact that this goes against the Islamophobic rhetoric about Muslims not doing enough to counter the terrorism perpetrated by Muslims.

The fact that the stats show terrorist acts carried out by Muslims in Europe only account for 0.4% of the total terrorist acts is not really relevant here (the list relates to the USA).

The difference between Islamophobes and normal people is that the former will argue that the Muslims who act against the terrorists are doing something against Islam, whilst normal people will accept the fact that they were acting in accordance with Islam in opposing terrorism.

[PS - the fact that even in the US terrorist acts by Muslims are exceeded by terrorist acts by Jewish terrorists according to FBI stats - 6% vs 7% - was fully covered in this thread :

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 09, 2010
I put Joe stark on the list, but it is not on the official list, just to prove you that whether it s there or not It does not change the outcome, Muslims terrorits are from far the biggest threat ever.
It is a mistake to put all attacks under the same label. To successfully fight against a threat , you have to know it and identify it properly. Mix everything and you fail to thwart attacks. period.
Reporters and the public may call it all terrorists attacks, I assure you professionals don't.
lawenforcement do not admit it for political reasons, they are not stupid and they know where to focus.
The joe Stack was an attack by a lone individual, outside the usual terrorist parameters, no organization, no ideology, no funding, no support, no training. This type of attack cannot be prevented by the same methods used to thwart the other terrorist attacks. If Joe Stark had said he was inspired by Osama, then it would be with no doubt a terrorist attack. If Joe Stark would have been Ahmed, angry at the IRS, I still would not call it a terrorits attack.
There are desperate poeple out there, who want to kill themselves and take with them a maximum of innocent people, this is not terrorism, they serve no cause but themselves. Collubine was not, the fast food massacre was not.
during WWII, French resistance were called terrorists by the German, they were not either.
All terrorist attacks on commercial airliners involved Islamists, regardless of their citizenship aged 17 to 35, traveling alone. There are no Joe Stark's here, They used training, got funding, materials and support from islamic organizations.
Knowing this with other info and patterns, airport security checks can single out this type of individual, and not waste time and ressources on the Eskimo, the 75 y old lady from Ohio and people we know are not going to blow the plane like you Bora. For safe flying, the question is simple, would you rather have all young muslims men and women doubled checked or ignored, while they search you.
So now to be politically correct, you know what professionals do when they have only 2 muslims to check, they pick 20 other people to make it look like the 2 muslims were picked up at trandom. Do you like to be among the 20 "baits" for nothing?

shafique can you list terrosits acts by Jewish, I could not find any.
And again does this look like muslims are against terrorism in this CNN report ... re=related
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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
The fact that the stats show terrorist acts carried out by Muslims in Europe only account for 0.4% of the total terrorist acts is not really relevant here (the list relates to the USA).

Unfortunately, the stats from Europe do not show Muslim terrorist attacks.

They only list 'Islamist' terror attacks.

-- Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:07 am --

Quick, create a smoke screen! A critical analysis of the findings in the OP do not stand up to scrutiny:

A database used by Islamist groups to support claims that the Muslim community is responsible for helping to break up one-third of terrorist plots is based on flawed and selective use of data, an Investigative Project on Terrorism analysis shows.

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) claims in its study that "almost 1 out of 3 al-Qaida-related terror plots threatening America since 9/11/01" were thwarted in part because of help from the Muslim community. However, the MPAC study is full of mistakes, faulty data, contradictions, selective use of information, and demonstrably dishonest analysis:

* MPAC overstates the role of "community assistance," including plots that were broken up by intelligence assets overseas and other plots that had little or nothing to do with the U.S. Muslim community;

* MPAC selectively defines what is a "terrorism incident," ignoring a huge set of cases involving the domestic support of terrorist organizations, as well as those involving threats outside of al Qaida, such as Hamas and Hizballah;

* MPAC ignores traditional law enforcement techniques, specifically avoiding the use of informants, a technique that the organization frequently condemns. ... d-by-facts
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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
herve wrote:I put Joe stark on the list, but it is not on the official list, just to prove you that whether it s there or not It does not change the outcome, Muslims terrorits are from far the biggest threat ever.

I fully understand you want to believe this. However, as I said before - I like to test such beliefs against verifiable facts.

Terrorist acts in the USA - listed by the FBI:

Terrorist acts in the EU - listed by Europol:

I'm not the one that has to reconcile my view with the evidence. Facts are facts.

That said, this thread is about the Muslims who have actively worked against terrorists who are Muslim or have an 'Islamist' agenda. So, whether these terrorists who are Muslim are the minority according to the stats or not is really moot in this thread. The discussion about the fact the official stats show that in EU 99.6% of terrorist acts are carried out by non-Muslims and 94% in the US belongs in the threads listed above.

The point here is that the Islamphobic rants we see on blogs (and we've seen some cuts and pastes recently on this forum too) construct a fantasy where Muslims and Islam are slurred and portrayed as generally supporting terrorism. The fact that the reality of Muslims actively denouncing and helping authorities (despite FBI entrapments etc) is not mentioned.

Indeed, the Islamophobic tendency is to deny or wish that the examples listed in the OP didn't exist.

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
These reports were flawed.
Again, since 911, 35 terrorist attacks, 33 of which by Islamists
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Re: Muslims Against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
You have to take up the issue with the FBI and Europol - and we can discuss the stats in the relevant threads.

But I certainly would trust the FBI lists over that produced by Islamophobes. At the very least you should compare the two. For example, check that the pipe bombing of a Florida mosque on May 10 2010 is featured on their list (it caused more damage than the Times Square failed bombing). You'll probably find that Islamophobes will leave out these acts of terrorism in order to falsify stats.

The point here is that Islamophobes will and do distort reality, and as shown in the OP they will not even recognise the fact that Muslims (and people in general) do not support terrorism and the OP list of how Muslims have actively worked to thwart terrorists and terrorism by Muslims. The fact that the official stats show that these terrorists aren't a majority can be discussed in the threads about the stats.

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
It is also worth pointing out that it is not just Muslims in the USA that are playing an active part in countering terrorism - but also in the Middle East.

Recall that the recent HP Printer cartridge plot was discovered when a Muslim decided to come forward and give evidence:

Indeed, in that the thread, there was a firm denial that the information was given voluntarily - another example of an epic failure of belief over reality.

It prompted this post from kanelli:
kanelli wrote:So event horizon, why do Muslims make rehabilitation programmes for extremist militants if all Muslims support terrorist goals?

You don't suppose that what he saw in al Qaeda in Yemen was turning him off, and that personal reflection during the holy month of Ramadan could have made this man change his mind? No, couldn't be possible...

We didn't get a response.


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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
Shafique, your reports are flawed, your references unreliable.
Today I found this Wikileaks secret cable from Paris between officials invoved in counter terrorism, that shows where the reality is, this is certainly the most reliable source there is.
This contradict 1000% what you say and demonstrates your biased opinions.
Just read
The officials defend singling out Islamists and quicking them out of the country, more sever measures against islamists at the airport and s forth
Radical Islamists are still the principal threat to French
interests at home and abroad.

intelligence community was deeply concerned about the
radicalization of young French Muslims
Chaboud proudly touted the expulsion of 54 imams from
France since 2001. The imams were expelled from France for
allegedly preaching radical Islamic ideas.
defended the recommendations that led to the revocation of security
of muslim employees
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Re: Muslims Against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
Herve - remember that this thread is about Muslims who actively aided authorities against terrorist acts by Muslims.

Are you referring to this list of incidents given in the OP when you say 'your reports are flawed'?

I totally agree that there is a problem with some Muslims - I mean the 6% of terrorist acts in the US and 0.4% in the EU were indeed carried out by Muslims. But what this thread is about is the fact that Islamphobes refuse to acknowledge the specific reports that Muslims not only speak out, but also act against these Terrorists.

The exaggeration of the statistics by Islamophobes is dealt with in the threads linked to - and the stats are from the FBI and Europol, they are not mine.

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
so, 32 attacks out of 35 by Muslims, it is still 6 % to you. Why do you keep repeating these figures, you only discredit yourself.
When France deported 51 Imams, it is the proof that Islamists leaders in their communities promote terrorism.
When authorities state that the biggest threat of all is Islamist, this cannot come from 0.4% of attacks.
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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 10, 2010
0.4% in the EU were indeed carried out by Muslims.

Same lie, different day.

The EU report only lists 'Islamist' terrorist attacks, not terror attacks carried out by Muslims.
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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 11, 2010
herve wrote:so, 32 attacks out of 35 by Muslims, it is still 6 % to you. Why do you keep repeating these figures, you only discredit yourself.

I keep repeating the figures because they are accurate and from the FBI.

Your '35 attacks' excludes a pipe bomb that exploded at a mosque in Florida in May 2010, but includes the failed Times Square attack. Why is this attack excluded from your list?

Should not a pipe bomb that exploded be included? How many other attacks are left off your list?

Isn't it therefore a fact that your list is the one that is fabricated by Islamophobes to exaggerate the problem?

BUT, I keep coming back to the point of this thread - in the minority of terrorist cases that were carried out by Muslims, the list in the OP shows that Muslims actively denounced and worked to prevent terrorism. Islamophobes can't seem to handle this truth and seem to wish this thread was about something else. We already have threads which have comprehensive stats on terrorist attacks - from the FBI and Europol. Just wishing the Islamophobic bloggers' fantasy figures are true doesn't change reality.

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 11, 2010
Ok Shafique, lets put it the other way around, you funny in your desperation.
33 attacks by Muslims = 6%, so you are telling every body that they were 550 pipe bomb attacks on Mosques.
Did they kill or injured anyone, did they set fire in the dumpsters?
Hey lady shafique, when Muslims throw stones, does that count for a terrorits attack, in some cases a stone throw can kill better than a pipe bomb. We know, they kill women like that and they call it stoning.
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Re: Muslims Against Terrorism Dec 11, 2010
Epic fail.

Sorry, but you're the one claiming a list of 35 attacks is more credible than the FBIs list. I have merely asked you why the bombing of a mosque in May 2010 is not on the list, but a failed bombing in Times Square is. Both did not injure anyone, but one actually exploded - and both targeted civilians.

I would have thought an ex-Intelligence officer would go for the more credible data source, not the one that Islamphobes construct. :roll:

But, back to the main point of this thread - do you have any evidence that the incidents listed in the OP of Muslims actively against Terrorism from within the Muslim community did NOT happen, or are you going to insist on saying the FBI stats are wrong?

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Re: Muslims against Terrorism Dec 11, 2010
The 35 attacks are known facts, reported by the FBI, and the media, they were serious attacks or threats to kill hundred of people. Never heard of the pipe bomb in Florida.
The Times square bomb did not kill anyone, because the terrorist was inept. He could have killed dozens of people.
Usually a pipe bomb causes only minor physical damages, it s lethal within a few feet. An SUV loaded up to the ceiling is far more lethal.
The intelligence officer goes after organizations which happen to be moslty Islamic organizations and Muslims groups who train, fund, provide and profess the mass killing of innocent civilians, children, women.
The intelligence officer could not care less for flawed reports islamo whatever or islamo whatever not.
In my 10 years of experience, I went after Islamic activists at least 20 times more often than all combines separatists.
The police officer goes after the nutbags who put pipe bombs and throw coktail molotovs in churches, mosques, abortin clinics, they also dont give a damn of your useless reports.
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Re: Muslims Against Terrorism Dec 11, 2010
I simply asked why the Florida pipe bomb which exploded wasn't on your list? How is targetting civilians in Time square any different from targetting civilians in a Florida mosque?

Why should we trust this list and not the FBI's comprehensive list?

The fact that you haven't heard of the Pipe Bomb in Florida on May the 10th 2010 just goes to show that perhaps you get your information from Islamophobic blogs and posters and not from news agencies. Look it up and then tell me again why you trust a list drawn up by Islamophobes and not the FBI's statistics.

Why are you avoiding the question - is it because you can't handle the truth?

Please also take the time to read the OP and note that it is talking about Muslims acting against terrorism. I asked you whether you had any evidence that these instances (which Islamophobes refuse to acknowlege) didn't take place.

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