Greetings Icenic,
Unlike the other members who have commented on your post, I did not see it as an open dating request as I did actually 'read' it rather than skim through. Also, being a Mod, I would not have shot you down unless there was a blatant breach of protocols, which there was not.
Anyway, in answer to your question: There is not really any one place or set of clubs or associations where you might find suitable mental stimulation, unless you are devotee of chess in which case your friends will probably have trousers that are too short, wear white socks and sandals, wear pebble glasses and have a face so spotty it looks like an accident in a pizza factory.
You have to examine the demographic of the region a little deeper. Many of the brighter students may well have been able to gain access (or have suitably wealthy parents) to European or North American universities and would far rather gain their degrees at an educational institution that will carry more weight when it comes to trying to climb on the slippery job ladder. So the gene pool you find yourself in may be a little closer to primordial soup than you would like. That leaves you with 2 choices:
a) Dumb yourself down to their level (not an option I would hope)
or b) find yourself a group of friends who may possibly be older and wiser than you. The issue then becomes one of social acceptability as such groups tend to be dismissive or shun someone if they are significantly less wordly wise.
Look at the kind of things you either like to do now or, in an ideal world, would really like to do. Once you decide that, it should identify the types of activities you can become involved with and there is very likely someone doing that here. Then track them down and join in! Invariably, the cameraderie that tends to build around a mutually like minded group of devotees will ignore any age or gender barrier. There are plenty of references to activities in Dubai and you can use the search function in this forum to find them quite quickly.
Unfortunately, activites such as curling, needlepoint, being an astronaut or being a Mod (talking about the kind who ride Vespa scooters covered in wing mirrors, wear parka jackets and beat each other up on the beach at weekends rather than someone who administers the content on this forum) are kind of under subscribed in Dubai at this juncture!
Hope that starts you off and that you find that holy grail.
