Kanelli, I am severely biased against racism and prejudice in any form. I do have some wonderful white British friends, and I can never forget some of the beautiful women that I have known

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Tom Jones wrote:But not hire a qualified person simply because of their religion, which I know occurs sometimes, is of course totally wrong and acceptable.
zonker wrote:Kanelli, you are not the looser, far from it on my card!
The looser is that one there......."points to the red corner.."
DD, the BNP or the British Nazi Party to give it its correct name, may have got only 2% of the vote in the UK, but thats not what the reality is with all the hypocrites wanting to show to the rest of the world their political correctness. In reality, it would get 90% of the white vote there.
Its a good thing there is a "rest of the world" out there. British Imperialism is a thing of the past. Your (Not So) Royal Family is a bunch of perverts and faggots maintained at the tax-payer's expense. Arrogance is nothing but a display of unbounded ignorance. You dont rule the world anymore, baby, yours is just a tiny island slowly sinking out of sight what with its monumental economic problems. Its not the fault of the "foreigners" you know.....forget about white supremacy.
India or China might come to your rescue if you mend your ways......
zonker wrote:Well, fortunately or unfortunately, its all facts DD.
Kanelli, I am severely biased against racism and prejudice in any form. I do have some wonderful white British friends, and I can never forget some of the beautiful women that I have known
shafique wrote: BM - let's look at the evidence.. Terrorism in the EU:
99.6% of terrorists aren't Muslim - why target the 0.4% of terrorists only.
Isn't that silly?
shafique wrote:^excellent point Caps - I think you've managed to convince me.
There is the small issue of the fact that Muslims come in all colours, shapes and sizes. Hmmm... I know - why don't we get them to sew badges of a bomb to their clothes so that everyone can identify Muslims and make it easier for the Police to stop and search them?
(kanelli - your thread title is so 'on-the-money'!)
desertdudeshj wrote:Not to a BNP white supremacist with a chip on her shoulder.
Bethsmum wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:Not to a BNP white supremacist with a chip on her shoulder.
Don'f forget 'whore' munchkin! I'm very proud of that label!
desertdudeshj wrote:Hmmm...was that a snyde swipe which I am suppose to be famous for
JoeTGF wrote:I don't think you are a white supremist BM