the message board for Dubai English speaking community
sage & onion wrote:I really had to laugh, what with all the talk about de-railing threads, what does the England bid for staging the World Cup have to do with this thread?![]()
desertdudeshj wrote:Well as Russel Peters said we are all going to be beige very soon.
desertdudeshj wrote:Well as Russel Peters said we are all going to be beige very soon. This whole concept of white pure britishness kinda irks me and can't help but create images in my mind of white supermacist skin head groups.
Ever listened to Gorge Galloways radio shows, he given a nice earfull to a couple of callers complaing about how hard it is to be British in Britian nowadays
zonker wrote:BM, you said: "..To be honest if I was aware that any interviewee was Muslim, I would do everything in my power to avoid employing them.. Muslims are difficult to deal with in a working enviroment..." But then you also say you are not against any particular race of people.
Here is what I found on Wikipedia about bigotry (Mr. Herve may benefit from this too):
"A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern American English refers to persons hostile to those of differing race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, various mental disorders, or religion."
You also say that you speak for yourself and dont represent the British people, and in fact thats what the majority of bigotted Brits (and Frenchies) would say when you confront them. As I have said, I lived in the UK for some years and it was there I learned the concept of what racism is all about. Racism I found, was INSTITUITIONALIZED. I pity you for your xenophobia, when I can see that the world is bursting at its seams with all kinds of races, and what a difficult and uphill task it is going to be to keep your races pure and pristine as the driven snow.
desertdudeshj wrote:BM, a EDL or BNP supporter perhaps ? ... re=related
Bethsmum wrote:DDS you cannot be serious with that prat, take a look.
By the way BNP.
zubber wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:BM, a EDL or BNP supporter perhaps ? ... re=related
"... Your actually talking general rubbish..." , LMFAO ! , This guy is F'n awesome !) ,
zubber wrote:Bethsmum wrote:DDS you cannot be serious with that prat, take a look.
By the way BNP.
Dammit !, that was a fetish vid !
desertdudeshj wrote:meh ! That was the big brother show thingy wanst it. Doesn't ruin his crediblity at all.
And Ah yes, the BNP. So you are a supporter of a white supremacist party then, now why doesn't that surpise me in the least bit. So much for " I'm just saying what most brits are thinking "eh ? Having gotten less than 2% of the votes in the last elections.
Anywhoo I think with that revelation this whole thread automaticaly comes to a conclusion and close
kanelli wrote:MCL, you seem to be brilliantly ignorant of the fact that this forum contains a huge amount of non-Dubai content. Why do you have your boxers in a knot about this thread? By the looks of your hostility the knot is pretty tight!
Bethsmum wrote:Now, If I was to follow your example, I would be jumpimg up and down demanding what this topic is all about. I don't believe I'm arrogant, what is arrogance is you starting a topic with your 'intention' of getting me to see the error of my ways.
Bethsmum wrote:Now, If I was to follow your example, I would be jumpimg up and down demanding what this topic is all about. I don't believe I'm arrogant, what is arrogance is you starting a topic with your 'intention' of getting me to see the error of my ways.
Yes, it's very easy for you to say move along if you don't like the content of this topic. When this topic has been started from something I said elsewhere I believe I have a right to contribute to it. If you don't like what you are reaping then you need to rethink your stategy going forward.