Bethsmum wrote:TJ you are truely the most sweet and compassionate person. A joy to be around.
Thanks Sweetie for your kind words. Now..I'm blushing...

-- Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:56 am --
That's what I was afraid misinterpreting my intentions.
You didn't like anyone questioning your motives, but yet you, yourself, are guilty of the same.
In fact, I was really surprised to hear that. I re-read my post again, and I didn't find anything in it that, in any way, would give such an impression.
To the contrary, I was instead praising you for starting this thread..
Kay, you know that I've always had high regards for you, for being blanced, polite and level headed.
I didn't post my opinion above to sympathize with (or support) BM.
BM is a well spoken lady, and can defend her position quite well without my help.
I was simply stating my own opinion, and I still stand by it.
Again, no one is 100% free of all ethnic biases, period. Some of us would like to think so, but they're only fooling themselves. For example, If you rented your property to blacks, and they left it in a horrible condition, you'd be rather reluctant to rent it again to blacks -- even if they were decent blacks. Are you in this case a racist.?? I don't think so!!! You're simply exercising your legitimate preference for non-blacks (based on a valid past experience.) If you were a racist, you would've not rented your property to blacks in the first place.
I've hired many an employee for my department, perhaps in the hundreds, and I would be lying big time if I said I didn't have a preference towards certain nationalities. Not because I'm a a racist (I don't think I am), but because of my past experiences. I found people from certain nationalities perform better than others with certain tasks!!
So let's get real, people... and stop fooling ourselves!!! Let's view the world for what it is, not for what we would like it to be!!!
Well....gotta run now, kids!