Silly To Single Out Muslims...

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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
herve, you never say you don't have a religion here - that goes without saying, if you're white and western you ALWAYS put Christian - you can't put Jewish obviously. Although try telling them Jedi - that raises a few eyebrows lol

But in employment terms, it's one rule for all and that's that. Although I do thing they should make smokers work extra time for all the fag breaks they take.

I remeber a few years a go a taxi driver here asking me if the UK would be doing reduced hours during ramadan, I told him in not uncertain terms, absolutely not! It's not a muslim country why should they. In fact, why don't Christians get reduced working hours during lent - that fast is long than Ramadan - hmmmmmmm there you go, if Christians decided to throw their weight about like Muslims did, they'd be uproar.

You'll find on the majority of application forms here it asks what religion you are, heck they even ask you to send a photo! Which isn't the 'done' thing in other countries. Let's not forget in the UAE, when you're advertising a position, you are allowed to put, prefered nationality, age, gender etc in the ad - this is not allowed in any shape or form in other countries! But here it's acceptable to be racist, bigoted etc etc It appears to be normal practice.

Mel, you are what is classed as a non-practicing Muslim - but you wouldn't ever put that on a form here.

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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
I find that the issue of "religion" is more about race than about religion...

Anyway, religion and politics I leave for the hair dresser/barber shop and taxi drivers...
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
I get sick and tired of people using their religion as an excuse for things - er hello, it's YOUR choice, it shouldn't affect others.
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:I get sick and tired of people using their religion as an excuse for things - er hello, it's YOUR choice, it shouldn't affect others.

You mean I should be able to renew my drivers license on Christmas day in the UK? I'm affected by the closures on Christmas day.
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Fascinating thread.

You've got to hand it to BM - at least she's open about her views about Muslims and why she won't employ them. I'm glad I never went for an interview with her!

I guess that an observant, orthodox Jew walking into the interview wearing a skull cap would similarly have their cv chucked in the bin - for they also have similar unreasonable demands - such as insisting on leaving work early each Friday so they can get home before sunset (and in Blighty, this means they leave the office around 3pm) - whilst 'the rest of us' have to get on with it.

I presume that BM's admiration for Israelis will not stop her from excluding observant Jews from her office (if she had a choice in the matter).

Just asking.

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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Shaf, you know my history as far as the Muslim link goes, we've discussed it before. This topic came about from my rant on Herve's topic. Rudeboy posted that Herve gave Muslim's a bad name. I replied that Muslim's did a good job themselves without any help. He put 'us Muslims'. I've said before I don't like religion thrown in my face. I'm afraid I went off on one. These are my views and i've expressed them, i've done it before, it's nothing new.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Hey - BM - I understand where you're coming from - and I was genuine about praising you for your openess.

I was also being cheeky when asking you whether you'd discriminate against observant Jews who have to go home before sunset each Friday - but there is a serious point there too. Perhaps you just haven't really thought about it - and had you had bad experiences with Jewish doctors, perhaps you'd have substituted 'Jews' for 'Muslims' in the quote in the OP??

Oh [warning TV related stuff] - I still haven't been able to watch the whole of episode 1 of shameless - mostly because I can't dare watch it when the kids are around!! Wow - pretty quality stuff from outset - acting is very good and story line funny - but boy, is it adult material or what! :shock: (I actually love un-pc material - I find early Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy stand up hilarious and have even been known to laugh at Bernard Manning and even Roy Chubby Brown!)

Season 2 is dl now.

Oh, and gutted that Vagner is out -but happy that Katie went... but a pretty dull semi-final and final, me thinks..

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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:... Emiratis are the most racist of people I have ever come across.

Now this is very alarming news, are they worse than the saudi ?
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
No compared to the GCC there are pretty OK. Saudis being way down there
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
This isn't the Brit forums, it's not the Canada forums or watever….This is Dubai Forums. As such the question posed by the original poster is not only purely void, but dare I say opportunistic as well? It definitely has no semblance to reality and is purely either wishful thinking or plain ignorance.

Besides what's the objective of this prove BM wrong? The gall of the woman to actually put up an entire thread over a conflict of personal opinion. BM opinions are hers and in no way related to any public policy. As such any conflict of opinions with her needs to be kept personal. Compassion my a*se, it seems like Kanelli merely wanted to portray BM is bad light, only to realize that BM is made of sterner stuff.
Seriously :pukeleft:
Misery Called Life
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Shaf, you know my history as far as the Muslim link goes, we've discussed it before. This topic came about from my rant on Herve's topic. Rudeboy posted that Herve gave Muslim's a bad name. I replied that Muslim's did a good job themselves without any help. He put 'us Muslims'. I've said before I don't like religion thrown in my face. I'm afraid I went off on one. These are my views and i've expressed them, i've done it before, it's nothing new.

So what's your take on Jews then?
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
shafique wrote:Hey - BM - I understand where you're coming from - and I was genuine about praising you for your openess.

I was also being cheeky when asking you whether you'd discriminate against observant Jews who have to go home before sunset each Friday - but there is a serious point there too. Perhaps you just haven't really thought about it - and had you had bad experiences with Jewish doctors, perhaps you'd have substituted 'Jews' for 'Muslims' in the quote in the OP??

Oh [warning TV related stuff] - I still haven't been able to watch the whole of episode 1 of shameless - mostly because I can't dare watch it when the kids are around!! Wow - pretty quality stuff from outset - acting is very good and story line funny - but boy, is it adult material or what! :shock: (I actually love un-pc material - I find early Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy stand up hilarious and have even been known to laugh at Bernard Manning and even Roy Chubby Brown!)

Season 2 is dl now.

Oh, and gutted that Vagner is out -but happy that Katie went... but a pretty dull semi-final and final, me thinks..


Shaf, If there was a Jew in my team, he would have to take his turn to leave early on a Friday. We work flexi hours so everyone wants to go early on Fridays. There would be no favouritism because of religion.
Yes I admit I've had a bad experience and it has teinted my outlook, I allow myself that one, I'm only human.
Oh and I'm pleased you're enjoying Shameless, portraying the lowest of the low in Manchester. It is very funny in a cringe making way. I watch from behind a cushion.
I have seen Roy 'Chubby' Brown live, he is awful! I don't think I would go again. He is 10 times worse live.

-- Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:48 pm --

Misery Called Life wrote:This isn't the Brit forums, it's not the Canada forums or watever….This is Dubai Forums. As such the question posed by the original poster is not only purely void, but dare I say opportunistic as well? It definitely has no semblance to reality and is purely either wishful thinking or plain ignorance.

Besides what's the objective of this prove BM wrong? The gall of the woman to actually put up an entire thread over a conflict of personal opinion. BM opinions are hers and in no way related to any public policy. As such any conflict of opinions with her needs to be kept personal. Compassion my a*se, it seems like Kanelli merely wanted to portray BM is bad light, only to realize that BM is made of sterner stuff.
Seriously :pukeleft:

MCL Thank you (I think) I'm afraid it looks as if I've done it again, without even trying.

-- Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:51 pm --

brucebanner wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Shaf, you know my history as far as the Muslim link goes, we've discussed it before. This topic came about from my rant on Herve's topic. Rudeboy posted that Herve gave Muslim's a bad name. I replied that Muslim's did a good job themselves without any help. He put 'us Muslims'. I've said before I don't like religion thrown in my face. I'm afraid I went off on one. These are my views and i've expressed them, i've done it before, it's nothing new.

So what's your take on Jews then?

No problem, Bruce, as long as they keep their Jewishness to themselves.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Respect BM, gotta love the way how your taking on everyone in this thread !
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:I prefer realistic. You changed your post DDS! You said I was xenophobic originally!
Bigot? whatever, i don't really care what others think of me. I'm comfortable with the way I think and feel. If I am a bigot then I fit well into Emirati society as the Emiratis are the most racist of people I have ever come across.

hey what got emiratis in to this thread ?
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
UAEkid, I will answer your question when you answer mine in Herve's topic.
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Misery Called Life wrote:This isn't the Brit forums, it's not the Canada forums or watever….This is Dubai Forums. As such the question posed by the original poster is not only purely void, but dare I say opportunistic as well? It definitely has no semblance to reality and is purely either wishful thinking or plain ignorance.

Besides what's the objective of this prove BM wrong? The gall of the woman to actually put up an entire thread over a conflict of personal opinion. BM opinions are hers and in no way related to any public policy. As such any conflict of opinions with her needs to be kept personal. Compassion my a*se, it seems like Kanelli merely wanted to portray BM is bad light, only to realize that BM is made of sterner stuff.
Seriously :pukeleft:

What a joke. BM is proud of being a bigot - good on her for being stern stuff. :lol:

I was shocked by BM's statements and didn't want to derail the thread containing them, so yes I started a new thread. MCL, there are plenty of threads on this forum that are non-Dubai related, so this thread is not out of place in the slightest. I'm curious as to why you've suddenly singled this non-Dubai related thread out and only chosen now to puke over it?

If anyone posts an opinion on here it is fair game. If we are supposed to keep our opinions personal there wouldn't be much content on this forum.

I don't need to portray BM in a bad light, she did a perfectly fine job of that herself. My comments have been on the content of what she said, and not personally attacking her. (But yes, I did in this post just use the "b" word for the first time.)

-- Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:24 pm --

uaekid wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:I prefer realistic. You changed your post DDS! You said I was xenophobic originally!
Bigot? whatever, i don't really care what others think of me. I'm comfortable with the way I think and feel. If I am a bigot then I fit well into Emirati society as the Emiratis are the most racist of people I have ever come across.

hey what got emiratis in to this thread ?

Hey look MCL this thread does contain Emirati content. :roll:
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Shaf, If there was a Jew in my team, he would have to take his turn to leave early on a Friday. We work flexi hours so everyone wants to go early on Fridays. There would be no favouritism because of religion.

Understood - but that wasn't quite what I asked.

I asked whether you'd discriminate against Jews at a job interview stage, just because some orthodox Jews will insist they go home before sun sets on a Friday. (I mean, he or she could stay later all through summer, but would have to go home early in winter).

I wouldn't want to infer from your answer that you would happily recruit Jews and insist they don't ask for favouritism, and could contrast that with the quote which said any Muslim wouldn't even be given the chance to work with you if you had any part in the decision making (whether or not he wanted favouritism or not).

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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
zubber wrote:Respect BM, gotta love the way how your taking on everyone in this thread !

She's taking everyone on how, by admitting that she is biased and feels comfortable with that bias? Yeah, I guess she is showing us... :lol:
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
kanelli wrote:
zubber wrote:Respect BM, gotta love the way how your taking on everyone in this thread !

She's taking everyone on how, by admitting that she is biased and feels comfortable with that bias? Yeah, I guess she is showing us... :lol:

whoaa easy there miss, i am not commenting about WHAT SHE or any other Carbon Based Life Form THINKS, I couldnt care less :), I am commenting about her resilience, As the british people put it "jolly good show eh" ( O and to be clear I AM NOT BEING SARCASTIC YEA) PEACE Ya'all :)
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Here zubber, this is for you while you enjoy the show :happy1:
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Danka Miss Kayyyy :)
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Kanelli, it was quite obvious to me from the start of this topic that you chose to start it in retribution for our previous run in when I objected to you and another member of this forum having a go at me via PM.
No matter, you are quite entitled to do that and, unlike you, I did not complain.
I did explain earlier that I made my comments on Herve’s topic in response to Rudeboy’s comments that Herve was giving Muslim’s a bad name. You chose to take my comment out of that topic, highlight it and make a new thread, hoping, I expect, that other forumers would give me a good kicking.
You call me a bigot. To that I say, you may be right, I don’t really care. I have my opinion and I won’t change it for anyone. That doesn’t mean I’m incapable of having Muslim friends, in fact it’s well documented on this forum that I have a very close friend who is an Emirati. I disagree with a lot of his views as he does with mine.
I am wary of Muslim’s I admit. I have had a very bad experience with my daughter being married to one. I can only say that if your family had been through what mine has and you could come out the other side and say you aren’t a bit biased then you are, indeed, a better person than me. Congratulations.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
Oh OH ! This thread is a CAT FIGHT , "GUYZ gather around"
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
This thread has nothing to do with the previous fray over "threatening pms" from chocs.

I started this thread because I was shocked what you wrote in Herve's thread about not hiring Muslims. To discuss that inside Herve's thread would be off-topic, so I started a new one.

You think I wanted everyone to give you a kicking, but what I wanted was a good discussion for you to see your biases and change your views after seeing how unfair they are. Muslim people will lose out on a job if they are dealing with you. If someone posted here saying they would never hire women because of x y z reason I'd be having the same discussion.

It seems that anytime you want to make highly biased statements about Muslims, you can go ahead and follow it up with "I'm sorry I went off on Muslims, but remember the bad experience with my daughter's controlling husband who is Muslim?". The line "You must be a better person than me..." is effective too. Lots of sympathy and all should be forgotten...
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 01, 2010
kanelli wrote:This thread has nothing to do with the previous fray over "threatening pms" from chocs.

I started this thread because I was shocked what you wrote in Herve's thread about not hiring Muslims. To discuss that inside Herve's thread would be off-topic, so I started a new one.

You think I wanted everyone to give you a kicking, but what I wanted was a good discussion for you to see your biases and change your views after seeing how unfair they are. Muslim people will lose out on a job if they are dealing with you. If someone posted here saying they would never hire women because of x y z reason I'd be having the same discussion.

It seems that anytime you want to make highly biased statements about Muslims, you can go ahead and follow it up with "I'm sorry I went off on Muslims, but remember the bad experience with my daughter's controlling husband who is Muslim?". The line "You must be a better person than me..." is effective too. Lots of sympathy and all should be forgotten...

Kanelli, I think we both know what you were trying to do here. I see you had to mention Chocs while i just refered to another member of the forum, again you are trying to re-ignite the flames. You are not the shy retiring wallflower you would have us believe.
When I first made a statement about Muslims to Shaf, what seems like many moons ago, I was asked to justify it. It seemed like a reasonable request to me and I did so.
Your statement I'm sorry I went off on Muslims, but remember the bad experience with my daughter's controlling husband who is Muslim?". may attempt to undermine my situation. In reality it has made me what I am. I have an aversion to a religion which has been the downfall of my daughter. That is the reality of the situation and I'm sorry if it's not what you want to hear. I cannot justify my comments in any other way but with the truth.
I see you haven't gotton over your dislike of others posting what you see as support for me, as with MCL and Zubber in this topic. I see Zubber has clarified what he meant when you tried to shoot him down. You really need to get over this, a very unattractive side you are showing here Kanelli.
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
Thanks Kanelli for this thread.

It is indeed very stimulating.

I just wish I had the time to take part in this discussion.

I'll just throw in my cents very briefly, hopefully not too briefly to give the wrong impression.

No one on this earth is free from of biases toward people of a certain nationality, or a certain race and/or a certain religion. Why? Because we all have preconceived notions about certain people, either coming from past experiences and/or influences by other sources such as the family, the media, the prevailing environment,..etc.

However, I feel there is nothing wrong with that. That's part of our human nature.

But does that make us bigots??

I don't think so.

I read once about a white man, in the US, who was taken to the ER of a small town hospital in the 1950's, following a horrible car accident. The attending doctor at the time was a black man. The sick white man, upon seeing the black doctor, asked for a white doctor. However, when he was told that the black doctor was the only one on duty that night, he replied,” I'd rather die than be touched by a nigger!”

Guess what, he died two hours later, even though his injuries were not life threatening.

Now there whom you can call a 100% bigot!!!!

Having certain preferences, or likes and dislikes, does not necessarily mean you're a bigot!!

I don't have time to elaborate, …..but I hope you got what I mean!!!

8) 8) 8)
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
TJ you are truely the most sweet and compassionate person. A joy to be around.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
I know exactly why I started this thread and it would have been started no matter who posted the original statements. I could care less what you or anyone else thinks about my motives.

Some of you can waste your sympathy on BM and her biases, but I feel much more sympathetic to the Muslims who haven't and won't be hired in BM's company because of her biases.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
kanelli wrote:... but I feel much more sympathetic to the Muslims who haven't and won't be hired in BM's company because of her biases.

Valid Argument.
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