Escape From Dubai-by Herve

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
herve wrote:Part of the success to my escape was to use Emirati's own culture against themselves, all along.
2 examples
The purpose of the abaya is to "ghost" women, so when you know it, you wear one and you become invisible, because after all, that s what men want for their women, modesty is a no brain excuse, they all wear make up and perfume under anyways. A funny story about it, somebody emailed me a flyer, it was a petition from the women club of a "women only" beach in Jumeirah, they used my name as to justify that a female officer should check women in abaya before they get to the beach to make sure, it was no man under to peep at women.
Their religion: on a Friday morning between 10.00 and noon, everybody is at the moske, no souls on the water, nobody is watching, door is left opened. See ya!
Is it bad? is it appropriate? what do you think poeple?

Not that I want to be knitpicking, the abaya and the way it is being practiced currently is not what it was meant to be, ofcourse its seems ridiculous when the abaya is worn but it leaves a very visible vapor trail of perfume, perhaps you must have noticed the wide variety of styles associated with the abaya (some of them being translucent - note the variety is due to satisfying feminine desire for fashion (which is the source of the discrepancy associated with the proper application of the abaya) .

Technically this is all rubbish and is in NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH ISLAM IN ANY WAY - SHAPE OR FORM. What the respectable women are practicing is, but a byproduct of the death of the religion and which is replaced by culture and fashion. Culture has overtaken the significance of the abaya. To illustrate what i mean, Take for example someone who says - In the name of ALLAH and then sips beer. The action is technically correct but its application is wrong, since alcohol is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN (except in the case of medical application). Making that entire action FORBIDDEN and PUNISHABLE BY LAW.

My point being that the way in which the abaya(and all the other components of ISLAM) is being practiced in the middle east and in the muslim world in general is not correct, since the essence of its functionality as you aptly pointed out as "ghosting" is missing. But as I mentioner earlier this is an APPLICATION ISSUE OF THE MAIN CONCEPT and should not be attributed to the SOURCE OF THE CONCEPT viz ISLAM

About people just leaving their shops and going to the mosque, well the attendance to the prayer is direct command, un-fulfillment of which carries a heavy penalty, according to the religious law (referred to as SHARIAH -English translation JURISPRUDENCE) which is not actually fully enforced ( for whatever reason). This was a practice done way back when mischief was not as rife as it is now, so in this case I agree that its not the wisest thing to do. But i wouldnt go as far and say that its downright preposterous. Again I would like to say WHAT YOU SEE BEING FOLLOWED IN THE MIDDLE EAST IS PURE GARBAGE and HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FAITH.

Moreover IMHO the RELIGION is being improperly used in the MIDDLE EAST as a form of control since the rulers themselves are far far away from any kind of religion.

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
As far as I am aware there is no requirement in Islam for women to wear Abaya's. I believe (please correct me if I am wrong) that women should show modesty and not flaunt their bodies but there is no requirement for headscraves, covering of the face or of the total body in that manner. This more cultural and probably propagated by men to as you say "ghost" women and keep them in the background.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
uaekid wrote:Is it the same technicses you used when you sold puerto rico the broken submarines too ? herve ,you are not cut up for this business .which reminds to ask you , are you still running the Subs business in Florida ?

Something about this post piqued my interest so I did some digging ....

Back in early 00's a customer sued Herve in Florida over a sub.

Herve won.

However, last year Dubai World commissioned an investigation by a well known US outfit that uses "former" intelligence staff to do a background check on l'spy, Herve, and they made a little mistake in their report when saying that the customer was from Puerto Rico when in fact the customer (and you can check this on the court records) was in fact from the Dominican Republic.

So how do you suppose a Guppy like UAEKid got wind of the "Puerto Rican" customer when the only source of this incorrect info is an intel report commissioned by Dubai World ?????

It is with satisfaction and not a certain weird joy that the numpty "Kid" can at last be formally unveiled - defrocked, so to speak, as a paid up Dubai World plant (!!!!!!!!!!)

And if my experience is anything to go by, having worked with a number of them, PLANT is a term that best describes the species. :roll:

So be warned, your employers, past and present, are on every forum keeping tabs on what you do and what you say, and anything you say will be taken down and used against you some time in the not to distant future :shock:

And Kid, up yours !
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
Spot on VK, that puerto rican "customer" was a poor attempt to smear my name, so poorly made by Dubai World that it was never published in any article that I know of. So how could uaekid possibly know that unless somebody at Dubai World told him, unlike you VK, I don' t think uekid to be smart enough to dig around in the court records.
I confirm, and you beleive that or be sorry later, that Dubai Government is watching this very forum, every word, every line, keeping trails and records (I have seen them first hand), they are public records in my case.
Kid you are opening a pandora box here, not me. Say that to your boss Abdulqader
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
Who is Abdulqader?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
Well poppet, he is the Head of Dubai World Group Internal Audit - self appointed head of the keystone cops, a feckless individual whose self opinion is second to non, a legend in his own lunchtime, so to speak.

The lies roll off his tongue like syrup off a spoon and thinks nothing of fabricating anything to get his own way

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
Mr Abdulqader
Director of Group Internal Audit, Dubai World
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
Wow, the plot thickens!

I guess it is pretty clear that uaekid is in contact with employees of Dubai World, or is himself and employee.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
herve wrote:Spot on VK, that puerto rican "customer" was a poor attempt to smear my name, so poorly made by Dubai World that it was never published in any article that I know of. So how could uaekid possibly know that unless somebody at Dubai World told him, unlike you VK, I don' t think uekid to be smart enough to dig around in the court records.
I confirm, and you beleive that or be sorry later, that Dubai Government is watching this very forum, every word, every line, keeping trails and records (I have seen them first hand), they are public records in my case.
Kid you are opening a pandora box here, not me. Say that to your boss Abdulqader

LOOOL yaa I was in DF all these years waiting for you to come. :lol:

well herve ,as you have wrote a book ,this similar bet shouldn't have been available for your readers, you know just to give them an idea of your usual pattern .I mean they have the right to know your biography.right?
so, you could you enlighten them more of your crocking life style or your past court records or should I keep going ?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
UAEkid, to maintain your credibility you need to tell us where you got the Puerto Rican connection from. If you remain silent it will only increase people's belief that you are working behind the scenes on behalf of Dubai World.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
uaekid wrote:
LOOOL yaa I was in DF all these years waiting for you to come. :lol:

well herve ,as you have wrote a book ,this similar bet shouldn't have been available for your readers, you know just to give them an idea of your usual pattern .I mean they have the right to know your biography.right?
so, you could you enlighten them more of your crocking life style or your past court records or should I keep going ?

Not really Kid, you joined around the time DW started to "investigate" Herve

From what I have read here and dug up of my own accord, there is nothing about Herve that has not been transparent, ask the question and you'll get an answer, he is nothing if not vocal.

His biography is on the web and has been examined in great detail, so what is your point, what is it that you wish to know ?

You on the other hand are nothing but a shyster that seeks to hide behind your veil of arrogance.

You have been asked a simple question and we would like an answer, where did you get the reference to "Puerto Rico" from ?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:UAEkid, to maintain your credibility you need to tell us where you got the Puerto Rican connection from. If you remain silent it will only increase people's belief that you are working behind the scenes on behalf of Dubai World.

nothing interest me in both parties BM, neither I'm looking for credibility from any one here. but it is good that admitted it and shame on him to hide it... now I hope this should his stories less credible to his readers.

-- Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:19 pm --

viking-warrior wrote:
uaekid wrote:
LOOOL yaa I was in DF all these years waiting for you to come. :lol:

well herve ,as you have wrote a book ,this similar bet shouldn't have been available for your readers, you know just to give them an idea of your usual pattern .I mean they have the right to know your biography.right?
so, you could you enlighten them more of your crocking life style or your past court records or should I keep going ?

Not really Kid, you joined around the time DW started to "investigate" Herve

From what I have read here and dug up of my own accord, there is nothing about Herve that has not been transparent, ask the question and you'll get an answer, he is nothing if not vocal.

His biography is on the web and has been examined in great detail, so what is your point, what is it that you wish to know ?

You on the other hand are nothing but a shyster that seeks to hide behind your veil of arrogance.

You have been asked a simple question and we would like an answer, where did you get the reference to "Puerto Rico" from ?

ummm no, not really, nothing was transparent about him. he told a one side story, hidden to many facts including his criminal past not to mention my key questions to him and his reply that he cant answer them bcz of legal issues, he is just taking advantage of naive ppl and UAE labor reputation.he is basically giving you what you want.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
He admitted .. what, exactly ?

Stop being evasive and be a man, lets have your "key" questions .... and we can all judge if they are answered fully

Start from the beginning and do it in bullet form, one question on one line

Here let me help you

(a) On the internet it says you were arrested in Paris on your way to either rob a bank or intimidate an individual associated with the water supply business and that you had guns ? Is this true ?

(b) [you put your question here ........]

(c) [another question]

Then you can answer my question, where did you get the "Puerto Rico" statement from ?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
*fly by*
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
uaekid wrote:ummm no, not really, nothing was transparent about him. he told a one side story, hidden to many facts including his criminal past not to mention my key questions to him and his reply that he cant answer them bcz of legal issues, he is just taking advantage of naive ppl and UAE labor reputation.he is basically giving you what you want.

Qua Pasa Hija!!! Hola como estas.

FYI when there is an active case being tried in the courts, parties involved are limited in what they can divulge - such as certain facts that are relevant to his case. Anything Herve has told you is public knowledge which you can find on the internet or possibly buy his book. Now, I don't know if you are actually the one being naive, or just plain thick.

In reality there are 3 sides to truth. His, theirs, and then there is the truth.

In this matter we have heard Herve's story and if you take the time, as I think most people here who have an interest in the case, you will find a considerable amount of statements made by DW - their side of the story.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
viking-warrior wrote:He admitted .. what, exactly ?

Stop being evasive and be a man, lets have your "key" questions .... and we can all judge if they are answered fully

Start from the beginning and do it in bullet form, one question on one line

Here let me help you

(a) On the internet it says you were arrested in Paris on your way to either rob a bank or intimidate an individual associated with the water supply business and that you had guns ? Is this true ?

(b) [you put your question here ........]

(c) [another question]

Then you can answer my question, where did you get the "Puerto Rico" statement from ?

naaa I'll keep it for my self but I'll tell you what VW, you know why I found this information? its bcz I refused to believe his non sense "always question every thing", ones you do that ,it will be easy for you to find. but you wont bcz you don't want too VW.

one more bet of info for you guys is herve submarines that he calls (state of the art) were designed over 15 years ago , the same ones that he was trying to produce in for DW. I wouldn't call a 15 years old TECH exactly a state of the art.

he fooled those guys and the deserved it , they were dumb from day one no to check his criminal records

this case is not between me and you to question each other and this goes to BM too. its about herve and DW but im still carouse does herve still have his business running in florida or did he shut down his state of the art production ?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
uaekid, you can be "carouse" (curious?), but Herve already answered your question a while ago. He isn't running a sub manufacturing business in Florida because he doesn't have the millions of dollars it takes.

So why don't you want to share where you got this Puerto Rico information?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
herve wrote:Always off topic kid, hatred and misery are consumming you , I would not want to be in your sandals.
And where did you get that false puerto rico information KID, you just proved to me that you are a puppet getting instructions from Dubai World to smear my name. Say hello to Adulqader for me.
You know what, it's good anyways, that means that whatever you say or DW does, it is not working, you and them are left with nothing but insults because all their accusations fell apart. The end is near.
Non sense again: the only reason I dont have my submarine business in Florida, it is because I left it behind and because Dubai World wrecked it, like they wrecked everything else, and the news prove me right. It would take millions to rebuild my company, which I obviously don' t have.
Now back on topic, the abaya disguise, right or wrong? Even in Europe they brought it up to ban the burka.

sorry didn't keep track of his answers, he talks a lot :lol:

But don't you ppl find it strange that a multimillion business owner leaves his company to be an employee for some one else ? and how did DW wrecked it in the US ?you closed it in10/7/2005 .... that business was your source of buying broken parts to DW that was run by your wife while you were in Dubai !! I Guess you had too many broken parts in stock back in Florida and you abused your position at DW to get rid of your previous unsuccessful business junk.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 01, 2010
uaekid wrote:
herve wrote:Always off topic kid, hatred and misery are consumming you , I would not want to be in your sandals.
And where did you get that false puerto rico information KID, you just proved to me that you are a puppet getting instructions from Dubai World to smear my name. Say hello to Adulqader for me.
You know what, it's good anyways, that means that whatever you say or DW does, it is not working, you and them are left with nothing but insults because all their accusations fell apart. The end is near.
Non sense again: the only reason I dont have my submarine business in Florida, it is because I left it behind and because Dubai World wrecked it, like they wrecked everything else, and the news prove me right. It would take millions to rebuild my company, which I obviously don' t have.
Now back on topic, the abaya disguise, right or wrong? Even in Europe they brought it up to ban the burka.

sorry didn't keep track of his answers, he talks a lot :lol:

But don't you ppl find it strange that a multimillion business owner leaves his company to be an employee for some one else ? and how did DW wrecked it in the US ?you closed it in10/7/2005 .... that business was your source of buying broken parts to DW that was run by your wife while you were in Dubai !! I Guess you had too many broken parts in stock back in Florida and you abused your position at DW to get rid of your previous unsuccessful business junk.

You obviously need to do some more research. Sultan brought Herve to Dubai with the promise of a 50/50 stake in the business venture. He was promised never ending supplies of money to design and build his submarines in the UAE, does that not sound like a fantastic opportunity for anyone? I don't know whether he had a mulimillion dollar business in the US prior to this as it isn't really touched on in the book. You say that Seahorse Submaries was the source of broken parts for DW. Why would any business have a supply of broken parts? That is just a stupid statement. Who, in DW, had the experience to say these parts were broken? The auditors? You also say Seahorse Submarines was run by Herve's wife while he was in Dubai. Herve's wife was in Dubai with him and only returned with their children a short while before Herve left Dubai.
You continue to try to blacken Herve's name with stories of his past Court cases. I have challenged you to say where you came across the PR connection. You have been very keen to post links to items previously but not on this one. I have searched the internet but can find nothing. VW has told you what he has discovered but you fail to acknowledge his information and continue to make out that the PR connection exists to the derement of Herve. Someone has fed you this line UAEkid, it's plain to see, as you can't justify your comment can you? You should never make unsubstantiated statements on the internet, you will always be caught out.
I'm sorry kid, in my opinion DW is in the wrong here and not Herve and he will continue to receive my support for what it's worth. I just hope it gives him a small grain of comfort to read words that are not hatefilled. Why do you dislike him so much kid?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
uaekid hates Herve because his escape made the headlines world wide and ridiculed the UAE.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:
uaekid wrote:
herve wrote:Always off topic kid, hatred and misery are consumming you , I would not want to be in your sandals.
And where did you get that false puerto rico information KID, you just proved to me that you are a puppet getting instructions from Dubai World to smear my name. Say hello to Adulqader for me.
You know what, it's good anyways, that means that whatever you say or DW does, it is not working, you and them are left with nothing but insults because all their accusations fell apart. The end is near.
Non sense again: the only reason I dont have my submarine business in Florida, it is because I left it behind and because Dubai World wrecked it, like they wrecked everything else, and the news prove me right. It would take millions to rebuild my company, which I obviously don' t have.
Now back on topic, the abaya disguise, right or wrong? Even in Europe they brought it up to ban the burka.

sorry didn't keep track of his answers, he talks a lot :lol:

But don't you ppl find it strange that a multimillion business owner leaves his company to be an employee for some one else ? and how did DW wrecked it in the US ?you closed it in10/7/2005 .... that business was your source of buying broken parts to DW that was run by your wife while you were in Dubai !! I Guess you had too many broken parts in stock back in Florida and you abused your position at DW to get rid of your previous unsuccessful business junk.

You obviously need to do some more research. Sultan brought Herve to Dubai with the promise of a 50/50 stake in the business venture. He was promised never ending supplies of money to design and build his submarines in the UAE, does that not sound like a fantastic opportunity for anyone? I don't know whether he had a mulimillion dollar business in the US prior to this as it isn't really touched on in the book. You say that Seahorse Submaries was the source of broken parts for DW. Why would any business have a supply of broken parts? That is just a stupid statement. Who, in DW, had the experience to say these parts were broken? The auditors? You also say Seahorse Submarines was run by Herve's wife while he was in Dubai. Herve's wife was in Dubai with him and only returned with their children a short while before Herve left Dubai.
You continue to try to blacken Herve's name with stories of his past Court cases. I have challenged you to say where you came across the PR connection. You have been very keen to post links to items previously but not on this one. I have searched the internet but can find nothing. VW has told you what he has discovered but you fail to acknowledge his information and continue to make out that the PR connection exists to the derement of Herve. Someone has fed you this line UAEkid, it's plain to see, as you can't justify your comment can you? You should never make unsubstantiated statements on the internet, you will always be caught out.
I'm sorry kid, in my opinion DW is in the wrong here and not Herve and he will continue to receive my support for what it's worth. I just hope it gives him a small grain of comfort to read words that are not hatefilled. Why do you dislike him so much kid?

No I don't dislike him, he hasn't done anything wrong with me BM. I actually see him as a man trying be some thing in this world but with no luck. left the army for unstated reasons, then worked in a big company as a hitman threatening ppl then moved to the Caribbeans and left it with a closed business then to the US again faced the same problem ( the Americans disappointed me when they stopped my production ) then UAE (sultan did this and that to me ) its a life full of nightmare . but like I said I have no interest in both parties and wish him luck, he needs the money, after all he has no income or a business to run, tough for a family guy to handle all this by him self really .
so no need for you and VW to get too personal with me or challenge me, I'll stop my googling fun here just so you wont get upset or vw blowing up all over his monitor :D

-- Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:12 am --

gertrude wrote:uaekid hates Herve because his escape made the headlines world wide and ridiculed the UAE.

well daaaaaaa of course , thats UAEkid theme :lol:
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
kid, I hope we can all be civilised to discuss this in an adult manner, but it does worry me where you get your information from. Herve was not in the army, he was a Navy man and served with the French secret service, he retired, that is not unstated reasons, that's what men do in the Forces, they serve and then retire. There is nothing sinister in that. the hitman business is rubbish I can assure you.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010

Kid, You or your source are so slowly tightening the noose around your own necks, its like hunting turtles in a bath with a hammer ........ compelling but hardly sport :)

Thanks, as an ex-employee of DW I know who levelled the allegations of broken parts, that comes straight from Group Internal Audit, however as part of the unit that had control over the budget and payment for what you, or your friend, allege are broken parts, how come the invoices that identify the source of the parts, compressors etc. are available with a phone call to any number of suppliers in the US, and were available in original to DW. And seriously, you think that any off the subs the were built (and went into and under the water) had "broken parts" aboard? And how many of these EX Anderson Consulting monkeys would know what a pressure valve is or was 3 years ago?

When people ask me what it is I dislike about Emirati's, I send them a link to one of your posts to give me a starting point of reference. You are so programmed to believe ANYTHING an Emirati in a higher position than you says that you drop the slightest grain of common sense that you might have been born with to pursue "the new truth".

When Sultan brought Herve to Dubai under his wing, the whole company ran around exhalting his business acumen and the new business, declaring a new era of marine technology, but now that Jamal Majid is in the driving seat under Prof Sneaky suddenly, it was all crap ??? Like everything you offer kid, all someone has to do is scratch the surface to see the truth beneath the layer of BS that you apply.

You or your friend have access to where each & every dirham went on that business, but, bottom line, the thing that really sticks in your throat is the fact that Sultan paid Herve a "joining fee" and now, despite a legally binding contract you (or your friend) wants it back. Well tough poop mate, not gonna happen.

And once again, as everyone else has asked, "Where did you get the false PR information from ?" or Why have you not tabled your questions ?

Shall I answer for you .......... You have neither the wit or the guile to stand your ground and be held accountable for either your words or your actions. You think that deflecting the issue or the question onto something or someone else is actually clever, well here's an observation ... it is not. There can be no one, well perhaps Rudeboy, who thinks you are clever or insightful and anything but a glove puppet with AbdulQader's hand up your pooper, nodding your head and waving your arms around like a demented madman.

So either grow a pair or bog off back to the romance section and try to pick up underage foreign girls.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
Kid you say
one more bet of info for you guys is herve submarines that he calls (state of the art) were designed over 15 years ago , the same ones that he was trying to produce in for DW. I wouldn't call a 15 years old TECH exactly a state of the art.

I have looked at 'state of art'

The state of the art is the highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field, achieved at a particular time. It also applies to the level of development (as of a device, procedure, process, technique, or science) reached at any particular time usually as a result of modern methods.

So it would appear that something designed 50 years ago could still be state of art.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
BM, he is refering to an engineer who was one of Herve's competitors a few years back who was quoted as saying "Ambient pressure subs have been around for years, there's nothing new there" .... something any competitor would say to big up their own product, but yes the point is valid, subs have been around since the American civil war and in essence changed very little.

Herve's "trick" was to do it cheaper than anyone else and to restrict the dive limit, which, give the depth of the Gulf soup was no big deal, and it was never an issue that was held back. Any plonker that thought they were going to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and back was just that .......... a dead plonker.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
uaekid wrote: No I don't dislike him, he hasn't done anything wrong with me BM. I actually see him as a man trying be some thing in this world but with no luck. left the army for unstated reasons, then worked in a big company as a hitman threatening ppl
gertrude wrote:uaekid hates Herve because his escape made the headlines world wide and ridiculed the UAE.

well daaaaaaa of course , thats UAEkid theme :lol:

Hey Kid, sounds like a in the TV series The Prisoner, Dubai World trying to find out why Herve resigned from his spy job.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
Ahhhhhhhh, yes , great! it would look like this
prisoner in dubai.jpg
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
High five for viking-warrior! 8)
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Dec 02, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:kid, I hope we can all be civilised to discuss this in an adult manner, but it does worry me where you get your information from. Herve was not in the army, he was a Navy man and served with the French secret service, he retired, that is not unstated reasons, that's what men do in the Forces, they serve and then retire. There is nothing sinister in that. the hitman business is rubbish I can assure you.

Surely this is all information that you have learned from reading the book written by the same person?
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