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WikiLeaks Nov 28, 2010
Wikileaks, a good or a bad thing? I wonder. I have just watched a report on the BBC which warned of backlashes against ex-pats working and living in the Middle East. There are 250,000 emails downloaded from the US state department by some novice hacker onto a memory stick. They are to prove very embarrassing for everyone named. The Guardian has been emptied of all other news tomorrow in readiness to print them. It will be very embarrassing for Mr Cameron as Dave is not rated highly by the Obama regime or the American Ambassador to London, it seems. It just goes to remind people of what they say or do in an electronic enviroment. I had a narrow escape with my employer in this capacity a couple of years ago. I received an email, entitled 'Anti Theft Device'. 'Ooooh thinks me, this looks interesting'. I opened it to find a rather large naked lady with huge bosoms sitting on the bonnet of a car. Unfortunately my old manager was walking behind me at the time. Unbeknown to me he started an investigation into my emails and IT found a calendar I had received and had then, foolishly, forwarded to a friend of mine who supports Liverpool. (He is now my manager so I'm on safe ground now). The calendar depicted all of the Man Utd team as retarded folk and as a Man City supporter, you can see how I was keen to pass it on. I received a written warning. I am older and wiser now. Be careful out there.

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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 28, 2010
I am always in support of the truth so have been a fan of Wikileaks.
On the issue of being careful what you do at work or otherwise with electronic information - yep its world where everything you type or forward can be construed by third parties very differently to how it was intended (humour, etc). I got into big trouble on this issue about 2 years ago but thats a different story - only worth saying that I immensely regretted it and have super careful since.
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 28, 2010
Joe, I could be accused of going off topic here, does that count if I started the topic? Oh well, lets call it a small detour.
One of my favourite sayings that I have drummed into my head is 'Je ne regrette rien'. Don't regret it, you made a mistake, use it as a learning curve, an outcome which will leave you feeling positive. :D Two other sayings I have learn to adopt and put to work is 'Don't get mad, get even' and 'Revenge is a dish best served cold'.
Now back to Wikileaks, yes, I agree, the truth is best, but at what cost? I would hate to see a backlash on anyone not related to the leaks.
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 28, 2010
Must be some real juicy stuff this time as the US is on the defensive for almost a week now in damage control mode.

Wikileaks or any whistle blowers are a must in todays world and there should be more of them.
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 28, 2010
Yes, DDS, I think the phrase is crapping themselves.
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 28, 2010
Not just the US - Israel is also not happy. Apparently some of the e-mails apparently are from Tel Aviv to Washington and may talk about what the US is really doing in Israel, and what they really think of the Israelis (so embarrassing on a number of fronts).

I think that if the data leads to lives being lost - that's one thing, but embarrassment and exposure of lies is totally legit. I've seen a lot of protest saying the leaks are dangerous, but by past experience it is the latter they are scared about.

But let's see whether the leaks live up to the hype (on all sides).

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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 28, 2010
Yeah I can't see how lives would be lost - someone please tell me?
Its a reasonable tactic for the government(s) to try and state that this would comprimise natioanl security and endanger people in the field but in reality governments are used to spinning these lines. Don't forget waterboarding is legitimate and Bush even stated that he had no regrets signing off on that in a recent interview. The previous leaks pertained to torture by forces and if we are trying to set an example and abide by the geneva convention than our forces any government should be held to account if that is not the case.
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 30, 2010
Just finised reading quite a few of those leaks. Very interesting I must say !
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 30, 2010
it's Andrew that's inappropriate, Sarcozy is the Emperor without any clothes and Dave (Cameron) is a lightweight. I could have told them that!
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 30, 2010
Couldn't be arsed with the Brit, European stuff. More instresting middle eastern stuff to read. Once I'm done with that maybe I'll think about that.
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 30, 2010
Don't forget to colour the pictures in while you're at it DDS :D
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 30, 2010
How dare you make personal attacks and go off topic, next time I will edit your post, ban you and comedown to your place and set your PC on fire !

....oops sorry my mel tourettes are acting up again...sorry my bad :D
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 30, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:How dare you make personal attacks and go off topic, next time I will edit your post, ban you and comedown to your place and set your PC on fire !

....oops sorry my mel tourettes are acting up again...sorry my bad :D

I knew you'd set me on fire one day DDS
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 30, 2010
I still don't know what to think about this. Of course it is embarrassing for government officials around the world to be reading what US diplomats have been saying behind their backs, but as has been admitted by some of those officials, they do the same about the US. When I read about some of the Middle East leaders and their ministers commenting about bombing Iran, that was pretty serious stuff. So, I can see that some of the content could potentially strain relations between some of the governments. In the end, has this leak proved to be far reaching and endangering people's lives? I'm not so sure.
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Re: WikiLeaks Nov 30, 2010
kanelli wrote: When I read about some of the Middle East leaders and their ministers commenting about bombing Iran, that was pretty serious stuff.

Pretty serious stuff, 3 professors in Iran been killed by bomb attacks in just the day these news were released. Apparently they were major people on the nuclear program.

desertdudeshj wrote:
....oops sorry my mel tourettes are acting up again...sorry my bad :D

well if there is no double standards in this forum, definitely you should get banned for picking on members continuously!
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
Mel, DDS is not picking on me, it's just his way of showing affection.
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
hahahaha! i m so happy that i cant see any of your images! lol, and idont even bother to use the VPN for them!
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
You aren't missing much Mel, the first one is a little man who takes a rubber stamp and stamps BANNED on a piece of card, and the second one is of a little man who's secret love has been discovered.
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
Desperately seeking BM
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
Ahh, isn't love sweet!


(You guys should get a room :) :) )

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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
Shaf, DDS doesn't strike me as the room type of person, I see a mattress in the back of his 4x4. He's a class act aren't you DDS? :bounce:
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
melika969 wrote:
kanelli wrote: When I read about some of the Middle East leaders and their ministers commenting about bombing Iran, that was pretty serious stuff.

Pretty serious stuff, 3 professors in Iran been killed by bomb attacks in just the day these news were released. Apparently they were major people on the nuclear program.

Yup, heard the Big Kahuna saying that it was the CIA and Moussad that were responsible. I would sure like to know how two enemies slipped into Iran and apparently got away with it. :roll:
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 01, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Shaf, DDS doesn't strike me as the room type of person, I see a mattress in the back of his 4x4. He's a class act aren't you DDS? :bounce:

That was a very brilliant dedcution on your part if I must say so myself 8)
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 02, 2010
I've got you sussed, munchkin :D
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Re: WikiLeaks Dec 04, 2010
Ah Yes , Julian Assange hacker turned investigative journalist, Finally someone to standup for all you white hat's out there, a lesson for all you wannabe's h3x0rs :), Now being attacked for some fabricated crime, tsk tsk tsk
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