I'm Not B!tching...

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I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
But why would people bring 2, 3 and 4 year olds to a resort which is clearly not appropriate for a child.

Just spent 3 nights at Bab Al Shams and there were quite a number of very small children (of course being cared for by maids...).

I say:

1. Find a babysitter.
2. Go before you have children.
3. Go after the children are old enough to be left behind (for a weekend at least).

Not only were kids around during the day but they were around in the restaurants past 11 pm!

Had not been to Bal Al Shams but heard it was ok (not cheap).

By the way, stayed in room 142 (quite nice) - supposed to be just 1 meter short of "royal room" (so were we told at time of check-in).

Rant over...

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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Oh fekin' hate this type of crap. Some people really have no common sense and fail to realise not everyone find their kids cute and funny, but rather obnoxious. Be it resorts, resturants, flights, cinemas, theather. Basicaly any place other than chucky cheese, amusment parks and bouncy castles.

All my friends know I hate kids so when we are meeting up or going anyplace it has to be without their rug rats.

Dumbass neighbour think that the hall way is a personal playground for their noisy runt who does nothing but wail like a banshee. I'm almost up to my eyeballs with that runt !

P.S : Amb, check us both into the offendatorium !
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Ambassador wrote:But why would people bring 2, 3 and 4 year olds to a resort which is clearly not appropriate for a child.

Just spent 3 nights at Bab Al Shams and there were quite a number of very small children (of course being cared for by maids...).

I say:

1. Find a babysitter.
2. Go before you have children.
3. Go after the children are old enough to be left behind (for a weekend at least).

Not only were kids around during the day but they were around in the restaurants past 11 pm!

Had not been to Bal Al Shams but heard it was ok (not cheap).

By the way, stayed in room 142 (quite nice) - supposed to be just 1 meter short of "royal room" (so were we told at time of check-in).

Rant over...

If you want a getaway without kids around you, go to a resort without a kids club :idea: .
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
I do sympathise. I have been to Bab al Shams but didn't take the kids there - didn't really see it as a place for kids - more a romantic venue. I do however like that in Dubai kids (particularly young ones) are tolerated more than when I lived in the UK. Over there going into a shop with a noisy kid (sometimes they are noisy) was frowned upon. I do however detest that people keep really young kids up at ridiculous times at night - in the cinema sometimes there has been a row of kids at the late show and others in prams - thats just not right - I know more happens here after sun down but still its too late for kids of 2-6 to be up at 11pm.

Amb - Sorry to hear about your experience buddy - hopefully you still enjoyed it a bit.
DDS - I fear for the kid that lives down your hall
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
no doubt, international laws should be passed that would make having children without a proper license a criminal offense, The world might just be the utopia we all dream about heh
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
My only problem is that people with these noisy runts think they have done the world a favour by birthing them and expect everyone to tolerate them

Don't even get me started on when someone wants you to look at a million pics of their shriveled prune taking a bath or the fact everything thing they own has a pciture of it on everything from Mobiles phones to cars to FB accounts and forum ID's.

FACT : Not all babies or kids are cutie.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:My only problem is that people with these noisy runts think they have done the world a favour by birthing them and expect everyone to tolerate them

Don't even get me started on when someone wants you to look at a million pics of their shriveled prune taking a bath or the fact everything thing they own has a pciture of it on everything from Mobiles phones to cars to FB accounts and forum ID's.

FACT : Not all babies or kids are cutie.

haha ,actually a large percentage of births in the world are "Accidental",
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Not my fault
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Ambassador, welcome back, there was me thinking you'd been recalled to sort out the WikiLeaks when you've been sunning yourself all along.
I have to say that I, too, and not fond of children. In my opinion they are vastly overrated. I have had 3 so am fairly qualified to speak. I blame it all on the parents. What children need is boundries and when those boundries are over stept I found a good clip round the ear worked a treat.
I am not the maternal type at all, I don't really know how I was talked into giving birth. My eldest two were shipped off to boarding school at the ripe old age of 8 and the youngest has been threatened with the same if she steps out of line. I have actually found that threatening it is the much cheaper option than actually doing it. Little Beth is now 15 and is very good crack indeed, a little stunner, although she sailed close to the wind yesterday when she updated her status on FB to 'will you lot stop sending my mother friend requests', and within 1 hour I had 103 friend requests from random 14-16 year olds.
I remember what my mother used to say, and that was 'children should be seen and not heard'. It was the only useful piece of information she gave me, as she wasn't maternal either, but it has served me well.
Children should be locked in a cupboard untill they are at least 18.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Shams should provide tazers with a 10m reach.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Children shouldn't be out late and I agree that they should be 'seen and not heard'. My little niece is ace, at three years old, she's a delight to take out to a restaurant, is polite and behaves herself and that's purely because her parents have never let her get away with nonsense.

Children here are loonies, the parents don't care and they're mostly raised by maids, given zero discipline etc. When I was little a whack on the behind with a wooden spoon was what we got for misbehaving, or sent to sit on the stairs with no dinner.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
If anyone can appreciate this it's DDS.

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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Agree Chocs - too many expats here rely completely on their maids for every aspect of parenting - results in lots of spoilt unruly kids
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
When I take a walk through Sadaf in JBR of an evening, it's like there's a bus in from the Philipines. All standing around on their mobiles leaving their little charges to drop food on the floor, pick it up and eat it, charge through the plants or sit crying in their buggies. I would be mortified if it was one of my children being looked after in this manner. There's never a double barrelled shot gun when you need one.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
I love how the expats up their status by referring to housemaids as "nannies". These poor girls are there to clean house, cook, do laundry, wash cars, carry the bags, push the trolley and babysit. Some even get to entertain "sir". :lol: Not exactly what a proper "nanny" would do and they get a fraction of the pay that a proper nanny would get. Oh, they are teaching the little one's a second language although it's not French. Very useful I'm sure. :roll:

What it comes down to is that these children aren't raised with any discipline at all!! Can't help but to shake my head when one of them takes a fall, gets hurt, cries and heads to the housemaid for comfort. Pretty sad.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Not only that Bora, then you get the mothers who then cry - oh the 'nanny' didn't look after/abused/treated my child badly - er yeah that's what you get when you leave your child in the care of someone who isn't qualified, nor wants to look after them!
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
On average I get around 4 notes a week slipped under my door from people offering baby sitting services. :?
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
*sigh* sadly what other option do working women have besides getting a nanny , certain countries have day care centers right at work, does UAE have these ?
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
There's day care for children yes. Oh wait better still, whatever happened to women stopping work to raise their own children? Then going back to work when they start nursery? Seriously how many of these people would afford a maid/nanny in their homes countries? Not many I'd say.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:There's day care for children yes. Oh wait better still, whatever happened to women stopping work to raise their own children? Then going back to work when they start nursery? Seriously how many of these people would afford a maid/nanny in their homes countries? Not many I'd say.

Indeed a noble idea , however i dont think this plays in to the whole feminism concept :cry:
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
What would you rather? People raise their own children, or have them raise by strangers?
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Well according to child psychology - the first five years are the most important stage in any toddlers life, apparently whatever cognitive functionality is developed within those years , would be carried out through out their life and would determine the rest of their mental development .

Hence I concur with thy notion of the woman atleast make a sacrifice and take care of them atleast during that period. *nodding*

Whats ur take on this issue ? choclady ?
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
I think choc traded in her ovaries for a surf board ! :D
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:I think choc traded in her ovaries for a surf board ! :D

Dude , tell me about the practice of local chicks ? what they do regarding this ? Just wondering man
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Local as in Emarati ?
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 29, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Local as in Emarati ?

Yep , and now that i think about it , could all women who live in DUBAI be generalized too in this subject matter (of raising the kids and blah blah) ?
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:When I take a walk through Sadaf in JBR of an evening, it's like there's a bus in from the Philipines.

I don't know WHAT is going on in Sadaf. It is like a DMZ for kids and maids. I ALWAYS see kids acting like brats and maids on the mobile as you said. The other day I saw 2 boys, maybe 6-7 years old beating the holy heck out of each other. I mean punches to the head, kicks to the face...total broken nose material. The maids went flying across the courtyard, not even sure who's brats were fighting. As I approached, some other people pulled the wannabe Tysons off each other.

I am grateful for where I live, even the Russian call girl down the hall and her yappy dog are quiet.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
I think you can strike the right balance but its down to the parents and particularly the mum. In the UK you rarely have live in hired help. Also in the UK you wouldn't dream of asking hired help to essentially raise your child and do all the housework, shopping, etc - there are clear boundaries on what the job entails and the parents know that. Here the expats not only abuse what the maid should be doing but as a result end up losing out themselves as they don't take part in their childrens nearly as much as they should be doing. My wife works and chooses to - are kids are at nursery/school and she likes to have more in her life than just kids and coffees with other mums and I understand that. However she probably does more for and with our children than a lot of the other mums we know that stay at home and pass everything off to the maid...sorry nanny.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 29, 2010
dubaidog wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:When I take a walk through Sadaf in JBR of an evening, it's like there's a bus in from the Philipines.

I don't know WHAT is going on in Sadaf. It is like a DMZ for kids and maids. I ALWAYS see kids acting like brats and maids on the mobile as you said. The other day I saw 2 boys, maybe 6-7 years old beating the holy heck out of each other. I mean punches to the head, kicks to the face...total broken nose material. The maids went flying across the courtyard, not even sure who's brats were fighting. As I approached, some other people pulled the wannabe Tysons off each other.

I am grateful for where I live, even the Russian call girl down the hall and her yappy dog are quiet.

I know who you mean DD. She's not supposed to have that mut. She puts it in her bag when she gets into the lift and avoids other humans. I have studied her at length from behind my Chanels. She has had some serious work done, hell of a frame but a bit scarey round the lip area. I consider myself a bit of a self taught expert on the old plastic surgery business, she's had her chest done too, they don't move. I was once told she does things with diamonds, I bet she does.

-- Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:04 am --

Chocoholic wrote:There's day care for children yes. Oh wait better still, whatever happened to women stopping work to raise their own children? Then going back to work when they start nursery? Seriously how many of these people would afford a maid/nanny in their homes countries? Not many I'd say.

Chocs, I never stayed at home to raise the children, it's just not me, I would be bored to death. With my youngest one I went back to work after 6 months and she went to nursey part time, a very good one that took the majority of my wages at the time. I then had the opportunity of a good promotion that was too good to miss and she went full time at 11 months old. It's the quality of the care you give them. She is well behaved and I expect nothing less. My two elder girls went to boarding school. We lived in Germany at the time and the quality of schooling offered to Forces children isn't all that. They were shipped off to school at huge expense to me and the British tax payer as the school fees were subsided by the army. I worked to pay for them and they both came out with a very good education, they were well behaved, independant girls.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:I know who you mean DD. She's not supposed to have that mut. She puts it in her bag when she gets into the lift and avoids other humans. I have studied her at length from behind my Chanels. She has had some serious work done, hell of a frame but a bit scarey round the lip area. I consider myself a bit of a self taught expert on the old plastic surgery business, she's had her chest done too, they don't move. I was once told she does things with diamonds, I bet she does.

That's amazing! You described her to a "T". You must be in the same building (mind you, there are lots that fit the silicone bill here in DXB). I see her quite a bit, and you are right about the lips...bl00dy crazy and freaky. She DOES have legs for days though. The other day she had the little ornament on a leash, walked about 2m into the carpark, it did it's business and she turned and walked back in. I think she spray-tanned herself orange to match the yapper. So gross. I'd take the yapper over the kids playing hallways that I hear about. Like DD2's situation, it seems our friend's hallway in Sadaf is a day care center as well.
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