Escape From Dubai-by Herve

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 25, 2010
greanbean wrote:
benwj wrote:The point is that arabs need to learn to employ better contract negotiators.

loooooooooool and those would be westerners would they? My understanding was the law firm that had 29 lawyers based at Dubai World failed to see it coming, and said law firm was British.

Priceless. Perhaps Arabs should stop paying talentless expats ludicrous amounts of money to sell them sand.

Failed to see what coming exactly? Please elaborate!

-- Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:43 pm --

herve wrote:It is a Government website, people have to register to access court cases, I think they charge you something like 8 cts per page.

I have registered Herve, my first attempt was rejected as the website did not like my credit card. Bells must have rang at the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation as their fraud department rang me this morning and told me someone had tried to use my card on some dodgy website. Fortunately Barclays don't care so much and let me register on a perfectly legitimate website run by the US Government. LOL. I will have a look tonight and settle down with a nice bottle of Chardonnay for some entertainment.

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 25, 2010
greanbean wrote:Perhaps Arabs should stop paying talentless expats ludicrous amounts of money to sell them sand.

Or maybe for a change try to do something for themselves ?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 25, 2010
anyone in DXB could tell me if my website is blocked? on both etisalat and du ?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 25, 2010
Yup blocked by DU.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 26, 2010
Wow herve, I have accessed your Court file. I was very interested to read the compaint and the amounts claimed. Are DW dealing in Monopoly money or what? I'm surprised that DW admit to such losses.LOL. I don't want to say more here as I'm not sure what should be said on a public forum. Herve, this must all be costing you a fortune in lawyers fees. Anyone that doesn't see you are fighting for your name must be blind. Who would spend this sort of money, or go through this heartache if they were guilty? It just doesn't make sense. Good luck to you Herve, for all it's worth, I believe you.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 26, 2010
BM, it s public records, motions, depositions, reports..... so reporters, public or yourself can search them, publish them and report them freely. Just like the reporter did in the uaekid lik, only it was a biased article.
They can claims all the millions they want but they are in the wrong court, cousin Ahmed is not there to say it is true.
On my hand, I will not and I cannot comment on any of these records, until the trial is over. Then, as you can imagine, no one at DW will be able to stop me to be LOUD, and I mean LOUD :laughing3:
They have the priviledge to trashing my name and throw dirt at me until then, however I am confident the consequences for them are inevitable.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 26, 2010
BM, herve is probably on a no-win, no-fee arrangement. Law firm will take a slice of the millions that he is going to get from DW.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 26, 2010
Oh, I never thought of that, I do hope so.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 27, 2010
Great thread and I never realised (silly me) that Herve was the author - I just thought you liked the book so kept it as your avatar. You have compelled me to read this. I remember the book coming out and it was at the same time as another one based around another expat running away from Dubai after building some failed submarines....pardon me for asking but are you the guy that dressed up in an abaya to get out or am I getting confused? My VPN is down hence I can't find any material on it cos its all blocked.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 27, 2010
Yes Joe, Herve is that man but i think you're confused with the failed submarines bit. You need to read the book. Herve had a submarine building business before he left the USA and was brought to Dubai by Sultan. At the moment I am looking through some of the Court records. They make very interesting reading indeed, especially when Sultan is questioned about his escapades aboard his yacht but ladies of ill repute. This line of questioning was a result of DW's accusation that Herve was having an affair with his secretary. Why DW would want to spend million of $'s in the US on lawyers to retrieve money they claim Herve embessled is beyond my apprehension. It just doesn't make sense. The Court case will be very intersting indeed. I'm not a Dubai hater, far from it, but I'm in Herve's court on this one. Nothing fits at all.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 27, 2010
Yeah doesn't actually surprise me. One on my friends works in Dubai Holdings and has done for about 8 years. For 3 of these 8 years he was helping out on the case with the AD sheikh that beat and tortured that guy on the video tape for stealing something that amount to 5k Dhs (or something like that - I am not too good on specifics). Anyway for them as he put it this was about morals and once they get their teeth into it they follow it through but often end up losing rather than do the reasonable out of court settlement to save money and also face/reputation. These people/corporates are one of the few that go against lawyers advice regularly (they are too stuborn!!!) and a lot of lawyers can just see that its nice earner and don't tell them that they will look like idiots, etc.

Good luck Herve - I will defintely read up on it - if for nothing else than to break my TV addiction. Can I tell people that I know you? I love name throwing.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 27, 2010
JoeTGF wrote:Great thread and I never realised (silly me) that Herve was the author - I just thought you liked the book so kept it as your avatar. You have compelled me to read this. I remember the book coming out and it was at the same time as another one based around another expat running away from Dubai after building some failed submarines....pardon me for asking but are you the guy that dressed up in an abaya to get out or am I getting confused? My VPN is down hence I can't find any material on it cos its all blocked.

Sure Joe
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 27, 2010
Herve, I took your book to work yesterday to show my friends. I can say the ladies were quite taken with you. I have discovered that I am surrounded by bored housewives!
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 28, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Herve, I took your book to work yesterday to show my friends. I can say the ladies were quite taken with you. I have discovered that I am surrounded by bored housewives!

Given by your appraisal of me...can I have numbers?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 29, 2010
I can certainly pass on your details DK. I'm afraid you may frighten them to death tho :D Herve has that je ne sais quoi. Yes I do! A daring exciting man with a lovely accent that just melts a woman's heart. :bounce:
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 29, 2010
Would it help if I spoke Brummie?

Or Geordie?

I do a good Pepe le Pew...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 29, 2010
They don't speak any of those lingos here DK, strictly Cumbrian and the women are basic. Farmers wives mostly and used to giving birth in the fields.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 29, 2010
Well thats my part of the world too!

I can whack some brawn and parkin in me snap tin and and pop roond for a pint of brown!

:D :D :D

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 29, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:Well thats my part of the world too!

I can whack some brawn and parkin in me snap tin and and pop roond for a pint of brown!

:D :D :D


Give 'us a clue? Where abouts? Don't worrry herve, we'll get back on topic soon!
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
Part of the success to my escape was to use Emirati's own culture against themselves, all along.
2 examples
The purpose of the abaya is to "ghost" women, so when you know it, you wear one and you become invisible, because after all, that s what men want for their women, modesty is a no brain excuse, they all wear make up and perfume under anyways. A funny story about it, somebody emailed me a flyer, it was a petition from the women club of a "women only" beach in Jumeirah, they used my name as to justify that a female officer should check women in abaya before they get to the beach to make sure, it was no man under to peep at women.
Their religion: on a Friday morning between 10.00 and noon, everybody is at the moske, no souls on the water, nobody is watching, door is left opened. See ya!
Is it bad? is it appropriate? what do you think poeple?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
herve wrote:Part of the success to my escape was to use Emirati's own culture against themselves, all along.
2 examples
The purpose of the abaya is to "ghost" women, so when you know it, you wear one and you become invisible, because after all, that s what men want for their women, modesty is a no brain excuse, they all wear make up and perfume under anyways. A funny story about it, somebody emailed me a flyer, it was a petition from the women club of a "women only" beach in Jumeirah, they used my name as to justify that a female officer should check women in abaya before they get to the beach to make sure, it was no man under to peep at women.
Their religion: on a Friday morning between 10.00 and noon, everybody is at the moske, no souls on the water, nobody is watching, door is left opened. See ya!
Is it bad? is it appropriate? what do you think poeple?

Is it the same technicses you used when you sold puerto rico the broken submarines too ? herve ,you are not cut up for this business .which reminds to ask you , are you still running the Subs business in Florida ?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
Always off topic kid, hatred and misery are consumming you , I would not want to be in your sandals.
And where did you get that false puerto rico information KID, you just proved to me that you are a puppet getting instructions from Dubai World to smear my name. Say hello to Adulqader for me.
You know what, it's good anyways, that means that whatever you say or DW does, it is not working, you and them are left with nothing but insults because all their accusations fell apart. The end is near.
Non sense again: the only reason I dont have my submarine business in Florida, it is because I left it behind and because Dubai World wrecked it, like they wrecked everything else, and the news prove me right. It would take millions to rebuild my company, which I obviously don' t have.
Now back on topic, the abaya disguise, right or wrong? Even in Europe they brought it up to ban the burka.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
they banned the burka because of people like you who abuse it and than us muslims get a bad name :D

whats next for you herbie? Are you going to release your own x-rated movie where men have fantasies about women in burkas? Or in your case about men who just have fantasies about a black cloth?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
rudeboy wrote:they banned the burka because of people like you who abuse it and than us muslims get a bad name :D

whats next for you herbie? Are you going to release your own x-rated movie where men have fantasies about women in burkas? Or in your case about men who just have fantasies about a black cloth?

Rudeboy, Herve doesn't give you Muslims a bad name, you do a fine job yourselves. It has been reported before about muslim disguising themselves as women.

[Excerpt: Meanwhile, a source told Arab News’ sister publication Asharq
Al-Awsat that many of the terrorists who surrendered in Al-Rass two days
ago told police that they did not know which city they were in because
they were smuggled into the city disguised in black abayas....The
incident is not the first where terrorists have abused the Saudi female
traditional dress to escape being searched at checkpoints and travel
freely between cities in the Kingdom.]

There is no place for the abaya in UK society. The was a case recently when some woman was attempting to teach in a UK school dressed in all her glory plus a veil. How are you to interact with kids like that? Absolutely ridiculous.

I have to tell you that if I were to interview a woman and she came dressed in that get up for the interview, she would not get the job. To be honest if I was aware that any interviewee was Muslim, I would do everything in my power to avoid employing them. By the way I work in England. Muslims are difficult to deal with in a working enviroment, wanting time of to pray and demanding different working times during Ramadan as if it was there God given right whilst the rest of us just have to get on with it. My daughter works for a large International company in Manchester. She unwisely gave a Muslim girl a job in there office. She made life uncomfortable for everyone. One day there was a conversation about marriage where the girl made some ridiculous statement. My daughter takes after her mother and says exactly what she thinks and counter acted the girls statement with a statement about Muslim men. The girl went on to make an unfounded complaint against my daughter. The Muslim girl has now left the company and all she achieved was to ensure that no Muslim ever got a job in that office again.
Give a Muslim a bad name?

-- Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:05 pm --

uaekid wrote:
herve wrote:Part of the success to my escape was to use Emirati's own culture against themselves, all along.
2 examples
The purpose of the abaya is to "ghost" women, so when you know it, you wear one and you become invisible, because after all, that s what men want for their women, modesty is a no brain excuse, they all wear make up and perfume under anyways. A funny story about it, somebody emailed me a flyer, it was a petition from the women club of a "women only" beach in Jumeirah, they used my name as to justify that a female officer should check women in abaya before they get to the beach to make sure, it was no man under to peep at women.
Their religion: on a Friday morning between 10.00 and noon, everybody is at the moske, no souls on the water, nobody is watching, door is left opened. See ya!
Is it bad? is it appropriate? what do you think poeple?

Is it the same technicses you used when you sold puerto rico the broken submarines too ? herve ,you are not cut up for this business .which reminds to ask you , are you still running the Subs business in Florida ?

Kid, please justify that statement. What's the Puerto Rican connection? I do hope you are not making statements that you can't back up. Where did you get this information? I can't find anything on the internet.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
rudeboy, you have got to be kidding.

I'd like the proof that Herve had sold faulty subs to Puerto Rico.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
You might want to check the court records about that case, which was a commercial case & which Herve won incidentally, so I am not sure how this serves to support Dubai Worlds case against him, or is it yet another own goal by the agents of AbdulQader.

Dumb and Dumber strike again :lol:
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:
...To be honest if I was aware that any interviewee was Muslim, I would do everything in my power to avoid employing them.. Muslims are difficult to deal with in a working enviroment..., wanting time of to pray and demanding different working times during Ramadan as if it was there God given right whilst the rest of us just have to get on with it .

I sympathize with what you had gone through. I however cannot agree that I have experienced the same, i have had many muslims work in my teams in the past, and I did not see them to give those problems (regardless of where it was) , I also agree that it is wrong they ask for special treatment based solely due to their religious observance , regarding this I can say that there are many companies that first of all do take the employee's religious observances into consideration.

However every muslim knows that technically the one who is observing the fasts is forbidden to ask for any kind of special treatment just because the person is fasting . Infact the job of the muslims is to blend in and adhere to ( to some extent) to what is around the person. But this is the issue of the person and his understanding of the faith and so on.

My point is your experience with them not necessarily means that they are the reference to take when it comes to MUSLIMS. I am certain living in the middle east one can see a whole lot of brown going on with the "So called muslims" , and make one completely hate this faith and its apparent stupidity. But again this is not the problem of the FAITH , but its followers. This discrepancy exists in all faiths which I am certain with your vast life experience are unable to deny. So lets not brand a faith, practice or culture.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
kanelli wrote:rudeboy, you have got to be kidding.

I'd like the proof that Herve had sold faulty subs to Puerto Rico.

Dubai World can't say no more his subs are not working because he's got vids to prove Now they says it s somebody else' s subs ? How does it feel to be the joke of the week kid?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
@ Zubber, my post was made in response to Rudeboy saying Herve gave Muslims a bad name. I wanted to point out that Muslims can do that all by themselves. I don't hate Muslims, but to a lot of them it's a them and us situation. Note Rudeboys reference to 'us muslims'.
You don't need to have any sympathy for me, I can assure you, I am totally comfortable in my own skin, I have my opinion and am free to voice it and I do. I don't advocate racial hatred, I don't have a problem what religion people follow, be it Muslim, Jew, Christian or whatever, I don't care. I just don't like it being shoved in my face. If you met me you wouldn't have a clue what religion I was, unfortunately a lot of Muslims wear it like a badge. It gets on my nerves and I'm afraid Rudeboy hit a sore point with me with his remark which sent me off on one in defence of Herve. AND another thing why can't he use Herve's name and stop altering it like some demented 12 year old? What does that achieve, except to make Rudeboy look like a bit of a child?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 30, 2010
capsicum wrote:
kanelli wrote:rudeboy, you have got to be kidding.

I'd like the proof that Herve had sold faulty subs to Puerto Rico.

Dubai World can't say no more his subs are not working because he's got vids to prove Now they says it s somebody else' s subs ? How does it feel to be the joke of the week kid?

My sub is 1 foot long and is only 5% fat. :lol:
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