Enough Already!...

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Enough already!... Nov 23, 2010
If you thought this thread was about complaining about posters - it is not. That cacophony is old...

I am refering to the Chilean miners as "Heros".

Granted it is a "feel good" story and thank god they survived.

But "Heros" and all the hoopla about them, c'mon really. I think it is too much.

What did they do that was Heroic? They survived so they are survivers but not Heroes in my book. We are lowering the bar for what a Hero is (or should be).

*did not get off the wrong side of the bed by the way :wink: *

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Re: Enough already!... Nov 23, 2010
I agree Ambassador. The miner who ran the New York marathon did a grand job with his bad knee but not quite the hero in my book.
It is the same as the England football team, they are national heros when they hit the barn door from 10 paces. The real heros are the poor squaddies they unload from those planes at Lyneham, the ones after the coffins, that you never see going through agonies at Headley Court.
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Re: Enough Already!... Nov 23, 2010
I agree, The word hero is now way too overused and lost its meaning somewhat. A soldier is electrocuted whilst repairing a generator in Iraq then brought home a hero ? What was so heroic about that. At most an unfortuate loss of life but thats it.

If you took the soilder and Iraq part out and posted the story in forums and blogs all over the world, they would be calling him a dumbass instead.
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Re: Enough Already!... Nov 24, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:I agree, The word hero is now way too overused and lost its meaning somewhat. A soldier is electrocuted whilst repairing a generator in Iraq then brought home a hero ? What was so heroic about that. At most an unfortuate loss of life but thats it.

If you took the soilder and Iraq part out and posted the story in forums and blogs all over the world, they would be calling him a dumbass instead.

I will treat that post with the distain it deserves. What have YOU done today that makes you feel proud?
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Re: Enough Already!... Nov 24, 2010
Avoided you to the best of my ability ;)
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
As I thought, you are a failure.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Is there a smilie for tosser?
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Talking to myself and feeling old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit
Hangin around, nothing to do but frown
Rainy days and DSS always get me down

What Ive got they used to call the blues
Nothing is really wrong
Feeling like I don't belong
Walking around some kind of lonely clown
Rainy days and DDS always get me down

Funny but it seems I always wind up here with you
Its nice to know somebody loves me
Funny, but it seems that it's the only thing to do
To run and find the one who loves me

What I feel is come and gone before
No need to talk it out
We know what it's all about
Hanging around, nothing to do but frown
Rainy days and DDS always get me down
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
I knew you loved me. I could tell the signs.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
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Re: Enough Already!... Nov 24, 2010
Anyone who is attracted to a job for the danger money and then complains when things get tough is not a hero.
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Re: Enough Already!... Nov 24, 2010
benwj wrote:Anyone who is attracted to a job for the danger money and then complains when things get tough is not a hero.

I think mining is a money maker but only for the mine owners. These people are paid very poor wages specially in Latin America and China. In China alone 2,600 miners have died so far this year!
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Re: Enough Already!... Nov 24, 2010
I cant quite get the idea of all soldiers being treated as heroes.
If someone dies defending their homeland then they definitely are heroes.

But when someone dies while killing civilians or people who look different, how on earth are they heroes ??

I am sure Japanese soldiers who bayonetted pregnant women in WW2 were considered heroes in Japan, but were they really ?
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
The thing is that British soldiers don't have a say in where they are posted. Do you really think they want to be in the middle east? They are sent where the Government says and have to do the best they can to achieve the Government's objective. They are professionals, and just get on with it. If we didn't have our Forces just where would we be now as a country? They are all heros in my book.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Anyone who puts his life in harm way for a higher cause is a heroe, bearing arms or not, money or not. It is always easier for those who put their lives in a harm chair and watch TV all day to denigrate those who risked their lives.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
herve wrote:Anyone who puts his life in harm way for a higher cause is a hero.

True but puting your life in "harm's way" simply to ear a living is not a "higher cause"...Unfortunately many around the world have no choice but put their life in harm's way simply for survival. With respect to mining a hereo will be a person who puts his/her life in harm's way in order for the owners to implement better mining safety...

BTW, I am curious about your case but you did not answer my post (elsewhere about the Index # and district where matter pending..)
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Ambassador, I feel sure that Herve just missed your question about his Court reference in all the posts on his topic yesterday.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Ambassador, I feel sure that Herve just missed your question about his Court reference in all the posts on his topic yesterday.

Thought so.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
herve wrote:Anyone who puts his life in harm way for a higher cause is a heroe.

What is a higher cause then?
Digging coal out of the ground? Hardly.
But you are correct herve. People deserve respect for doing things that others wouldn't.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:The thing is that British soldiers don't have a say in where they are posted. Do you really think they want to be in the middle east? They are sent where the Government says and have to do the best they can to achieve the Government's objective. They are professionals, and just get on with it. If we didn't have our Forces just where would we be now as a country? They are all heros in my book.

Well if your country is at war with two countries there is a very good chance you'll be sent to one of them if you sign up. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Well DDS if everyone thought like that we wouldn't have any armed forces. Has it never occured to you that some of our lads are career soldiers and have been in the army and RAF for years? Yes, some would be put off joining up as you would be, but then we have had some very brave men in our forces and I thank God for them.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Focus BM Focus. The issue raised here is about the term hero being applied willy nilly. Not wether there is a need for a country to have an armed force or questioning the bravery of men and women who enlist.

A soldier dies reparing a generator or another gets crushed while reparing a tank although very unfortunate and tragic loss of lives, cannot be labled as heroes in any sense of the word.

Just like those Alaskan Crab catchers die annually trying to make big bucks out in the rough bearing sea or the miners as mentioned in the OP.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
I was focused, I just don't like our lads being dissed. I'm afraid it gets me very excited and I may have gome off topic :D
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 24, 2010
Ambassador wrote:
herve wrote:Anyone who puts his life in harm way for a higher cause is a hero.

True but puting your life in "harm's way" simply to ear a living is not a "higher cause"...Unfortunately many around the world have no choice but put their life in harm's way simply for survival. With respect to mining a hereo will be a person who puts his/her life in harm's way in order for the owners to implement better mining safety...

BTW, I am curious about your case but you did not answer my post (elsewhere about the Index # and district where matter pending..)

Check the escape thread, ambassador, it s there.
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Re: Enough already!... Nov 25, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Focus BM Focus. The issue raised here is about the term hero being applied willy nilly. Not wether there is a need for a country to have an armed force or questioning the bravery of men and women who enlist.

A soldier dies reparing a generator or another gets crushed while reparing a tank although very unfortunate and tragic loss of lives, cannot be labled as heroes in any sense of the word.

Just like those Alaskan Crab catchers die annually trying to make big bucks out in the rough bearing sea or the miners as mentioned in the OP.

Only a minorty deserve the hero tag in Afghanistan. The rest are just chocolate soldiers along for the ride.
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