the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Chocoholic wrote:Charming! As if these poor guys don't struggle enough to scrape together a pitiful living as it is. Just appalling. ... title=Take the deal or go home
Chocoholic wrote:Can we have a sensible response from you please instead of the usual drivel!
kanelli wrote:Sorry, was this thread about moderating?
Well what the hell is the point Bora? Seriously I'd like one of you flippin' idiots to enlighten me as to why you all feel it necessary to derail every single thread on the forum?
Chocoholic wrote:I'm not discussing this on the open forum! You have mail!
Chocoholic wrote:Seriously I'd like one of you flippin' idiots to enlighten me as to why you all feel it necessary to derail every single thread on the forum?
Flying Dutchman wrote:Chocoholic wrote:Seriously I'd like one of you flippin' idiots to enlighten me as to why you all feel it necessary to derail every single thread on the forum?
Thats a good question for DK, who trolls about every thread he posts in with his silly willy and sexually frustated comments.
desertdudeshj wrote:Back to the OP...for a change. Its always going to be the "if you don't like it leave" policy. Nothing is ever really going to change here for the for seeable future atleast. But soon this temporary workforce model will fail but by then it will be too late.
I see there is a younger generation of politicians in the FNC who really don't have much if any power but still its a ray of hope, who are starting to see this. With one recently calling for the Minister of labour to scrap the sponsorship system. But ofcourse there is strong opposition to this.
Money can only buy so much.
desertdudeshj wrote:I'm just counting my days here now. Just a couple of more years at the most ( hopefully less ) and then I'm gone.
desertdudeshj wrote:Oh no not me, I've been here all my life and uptil recently been a staunch supporter. If you'd offered me a million bucks a few years back I would not have moved or even thought about it. I took the "blue pill"( matrix refrence) somewhere in early 2009 and woke up from the illusion.
I don't have anywhere to go, so it will take me sometime to find a new "home" What I don't understand is the European and American expats dissing this place, singing praises about how things are back home and yet stay here. Thats hypocrital in my opinion.
desertdudeshj wrote:I see you found your soap box again...congrats
-- Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:28 pm --
P.S : Its not about citizenship at all, I can live here indefinetly if I choose to. I know the system and its loop holes very well by now and couldn't careless of any dole handed out by the govt. Have lived without it for so long and will do so in the future. Nor have any false sense of entitlement to anything. So keep your assumptions in check.