Escape From Dubai-by Herve

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 22, 2010
Wondering how he got it out. When his wife visits there is a divide. Did he pass it to a reporter and how??

-- Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:16 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:Yes Kid you couldn't be more correct about the laws in the UK. Take Abu Hamza, he hates us all, and is in prison in Belmarsh. Do we boot him out? No. We let him keep his UK passport, because we can't make the poor man stateless as the Egyptians got in first. Instead we pay to have his cell more comfortable and pay to house his wifey and 8 children in a modernised house somewhere near Central London. Would that happen in the UAE, no, he'd be out on his ear. Who's the daftest?

From what I gather HE said that he was no longer a citizen of Egypt. He probably let his passport lapse, but that doesn't mean he is no longer a citizen. I wonder if the court took him on his word or actually looked into it and worked with the Egyptian government to see if it was true. If he was to become stateless, he can always come to Dubai where there are plenty of "stateless" people. :wink:

It seems Abu Hamza is wanted in the US and the UK is in the process to extradite him as there are charges against him in the US. Clearly the US will take anyone in. I guess the good thing is that it is a ticket-to-ride for one. Does he think that the prisons are better in the US? I guess the US and the UK will have to share the costs = UK got the family, while the US will spend considerable money to put him on trial and more to keep him in prison.

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 22, 2010
herve wrote:uaekid, now you understand why I escaped..........
How long do you think Dubai will be able to prevent the truth to come out, to survive the fraud, the lies, the cover ups, the debts.
How does it feel to belong to country that everybody calls a sand pit, we all can see on DF, that you are very poor in arguments to prove otherwise.

Ohh you don’t need to worry about my reputation in DF more that your reputation as an alleged engineer ! you have tried to shift people attention from what you have really done and covering by by your way of escaping which shows you are guilty and a coward and a book which I guessed you copied a couple of DF threads and clamed being an author of a book. The book should be credit to DF members and not you ..and you are still not answering ppl questions or defending and admitting that you failed to build those subs and where in fact buying from your won wife the phony parts.
Let Dubai be at its worst , but you have been as bad as those whom you worked with , I guess its Dubai glimmer at the time or the nature of those ppl that wanted you to get rich quickly . but I guess you still hate that person who discovered your scam earlier than you thought , I would guess an Indian accountant at the company .
But I agree with you that it was a smart move to handle the case in the us bcz you will only end up paying the amount you woe in a settlement or at worst file a bankrupt and everything is solved but you will end up loosing your future …

Take a look at this article and defend it or better yet read what the ppl you wana sell your book too think of you “down the page” ... tID=313107

The fact that you are a bad engineer ... arine-deal

your wife as a crock too ... ablanca-2/
“He then misused his position as CEO to funnel millions of dollars in improper payments back to a company owned by him and his wife (Defendant Seahorse) and then ultimately failed to produce any viable submarines for which payment had been made.”

It does not matter who will win the law suit. You lost everything from day 1.but I realy wish you luck there bcz and I rather find out about about those local thief being discovered than an expat somewhere in this world.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Kid, I really don't know what you were hoping to achieve by posting those links. They hardly show Dubai in a good light do they? Take for instance the comments that you are pointing to 'down the page'. Four comments is hardly representative of public opinion. I could log on to that web page and post half a dozen positive comments about Herve that would balance the books if you like.

If, as you claim, Herve defrauded Dubai World, then surely they should have checked out his credentials before Sultan brought him to Dubai? If Herve managed to hoodwink a company the size of Dubai World then surely the joke's on them?

As the second link points out
It will be up for the courts to sort this all out. But none of this speaks well of Dubai World’s due diligence before going into a speculative ventures.

The last link is so far from the truth it is laughable and the author (like yourself) obviously hasn't read Herve's book
When confronted with mounting evidence of his wrongdoing and Jaubert fled Dubai and returned to Florida. Upon his return, he began a scheme to extort money from Dubai World by seeking millions is payments to “bury” the publication of a book, Escape from Dubai, which would purport to be an account of his life story. When the extortion scheme fell apart, Jaubert published the book anyway, and filled its pages with a derogatory and inflammatory narrative concerning Dubai World and its principals, as well as Dubai, its citizens, government, culture, religion and society.1
Firstly 'Escape form Dubai' is not Herve's life story but a story of his life after coming to Dubai, it only touches on his previous life in the first chapter.I don't think the book is particularly derogatory to the citizens of Dubai in general or it's culture, religion or society. After Herve's experiences you could hardly expect him to sing Dubai's praises from the top of the Burj Khalifa. You have to take this in to account when reading the book.
I don't understand what you mean when you say
a book which I guessed you copied a couple of DF threads and clamed being an author of a book. The book should be credit to DF members and not you .
Where on earth did you gain this from? How can you comment on something you have not read? I'm afraid you are losing your credability here.
I notice you did not comment on the link I posted about the man imprisoned from Premier Real Estate.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Are you such in denial kid to ignore the videos out there on my submarines....or are you apointed by DW to do their PR,

Who built them kid, were not they delivered to be diving in Palm Jumerah or are you saying they are fake :D
how about the state of the art factory, who built it? I assure you it was not there before me.
My book... after DF? you dont make any sense kid. It is my story, not some anonymous comments from forumers. May be I did not escape either, or like Dilon once said I just fled. :lol:
I was also the first one to expose some uggly truths about Dubai, like the contamination in the water, that was not from DF, it was later taken by reporters.
I also predicted DW would collapse, just before DW announced they would not pay back the debts, like I predict that Dubai will return to the sands as no dark ages country can survive in the modern world by pretending they are an open society.
Like Bethsmum pointed out, have you seen sultan bin sulayem lately, what happened, where and why is he hiding.
I will not comment on the lawsuit, I cannot, I can only tell you, just go online to check the Federal Court records instead of quoting one sided press statements released by DW, it is public, and you will see that all the accusations from DW are baseless and false.
When the lawsuit is over, then, I will make such a noise, than even yourself will have to bury your head in the desert in shame.
Yes I almost lost everything and you seem to enjoy it, but it only makes you forget for a short time your own misery and that you have not accomplished anything in your life, however I am free in a nice country and not in a sand pit. I told you before kid , I don't hate you, you amuse me....if you were not on DF we should have to invent you.
Just wait February kid, when the truth that I "know", and that you deny hits the headlines, really can't wait. Too bad I will not see your hateful face swallow the bitter pill.

And by the way, you seem to have missed what the reporter said about the DW court filing against some statements of my book:
"Inflammatory they may be, but the very reference of these (herve's) statements would appear to imbue them with a significance anyone would have otherwise dismissed out of hand."
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Kid, first off did you ever hear of planting news stories? Done all the time. Lawyers handling big cases do it. The links you posted are clearly one sided. No quotes from HJ. No mention that the reporters contacted HJ to confirm if true or not. Generally a good reporter/publication would go to the other side to get a statement, even if that statement is "no comment". Little credibility to those stories, IMO.

We are going to have to wait to see who is the winner in this matter based on the judge's verdict, which would be based on facts and proof.

The US has this crazy concept: innocent until proven guilty.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
you turend herve side before waiting for the court judjment just like me bm. We human are emotionaly driven we just cant help it . Bm, u could be a house wife or never woned or ran a business, i won 2 and had my share of locals and expats crocks and nothing gets in my nerve like those who are dishonest partners. I will apologize to herve ones its due and the court clear the matter but since he turned to the public he should've had the complete story or simply wait for the court to clear him but he is making it seems like a buzzel which leads us the readers to pass unjustifying judgment on him or wrongly accuse him of wrong doing. Again herve im not in denail of anything but like those who called u a crock Im just trying to solve ur puzzel. but seriously nothing will make me happy than sultan name being the accuzed one since ur story is all over the news. Ok bm i will wait the court and prepare my opologizy speech for the grand date.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Herve, what's the index no and in what district?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
People, you are wasting your time with uaekid on this one. He'll never believe that Dubai is deeply corrupt and without a credible legal system. I wonder how the uae legal system will ever improve if its own citizens don't ask for accountability and change. When they believe the propaganda there is no hope.

Herve was smart - he got out. There would be no such thing as a fair trial for him in Dubai.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Behave Drew.

-- Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:34 am --

Kid, I am being pulled in different directions here. On one hand I love your country. I have always been treated with respect here and it feels like home to me when I arrive at Dubai airport. I have never had a problem here, if you don't count dealing with DU that is! I don't have a bad word to say from a personal point of view.
But on the other hand, there is no smoke without fire. There are too many stories around about the justice system here for them to be ignored. It is very commendable that the Emiratis think so much about their country. You are very patriotic and that's a good thing. But I am a realist and I like to see both sides of the story. When I read Herve's book I see the traits of the Emiratis and recognise what he says in my very good Emirati friend. My friend is a very nice man, but as I can see my daughter is a cheeky little git sometimes, and I still love her to bits, I can see him as being very racist and not seeing the wood for the trees when it comes to Dubai and it's bad bits.
I understand that you can only see Herve as a crook. But to me, I see him as a man with high hopes when he was brought to Dubai by Sultan, but spent his time here trying to push life uphill and unfortunately Sultan turned against him and from that day, on hindsight, he should have turned the light out and shut the door on the way out.
My heart goes out to him and his family.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
im not arguing the system , i have a couple of cases that r taking so long to be done with that i gave them up. My brother work in a court and he is saying they r out dated. What im arguing is the obvioues to me at least herve faild a business vengure and blaming the legal system for it. The legal system wont interfear unless someone filed a complant and a complaint wont be made if the business was ok. If the business goes bad in the production line and purches who to blam but the ceo of his state of the art managment ?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Kid, Herve was stitched up like a's plain to see.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
see fine herbie was stitched, he didnt do anything wrong etc etc why the hell did he launch a book? and why does he keep on coming to this forum again and again??

there are other guys like herbie out there who probably are innocent/guilty whatever but they have quietly got on with their lives, i dont see them coming on a forum and saying hey read my book how i wore a burka, sat in a dingy, crossed into india and how the mumbhai terroists followed my example :D

honestly it looks like herbie is being a bit "greedy" and wants to cash in with his book??

And to top it off all he ever does is post "negative" things about dubai!! ok dubai aint perfect but which city on earth doesnt have corruption, crime, social problems??
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Behave Drew.

-- Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:34 am --

Kid, I am being pulled in different directions here. On one hand I love your country. I have always been treated with respect here and it feels like home to me when I arrive at Dubai airport. I have never had a problem here, if you don't count dealing with DU that is! I don't have a bad word to say from a personal point of view.
But on the other hand, there is no smoke without fire. There are too many stories around about the justice system here for them to be ignored. It is very commendable that the Emiratis think so much about their country. You are very patriotic and that's a good thing. But I am a realist and I like to see both sides of the story. When I read Herve's book I see the traits of the Emiratis and recognise what he says in my very good Emirati friend. My friend is a very nice man, but as I can see my daughter is a cheeky little git sometimes, and I still love her to bits, I can see him as being very racist and not seeing the wood for the trees when it comes to Dubai and it's bad bits.
I understand that you can only see Herve as a crook. But to me, I see him as a man with high hopes when he was brought to Dubai by Sultan, but spent his time here trying to push life uphill and unfortunately Sultan turned against him and from that day, on hindsight, he should have turned the light out and shut the door on the way out.
My heart goes out to him and his family.

and based on "there is no smoke without fire" why did sultan turned against him ? as I said its a buzzel to me since I don't have his book so did he explain that part ? I'm 100% with you regarding the law for the sack of argument but lets suppose he there is no law at all, does this justify a CEO fleeing his company ones it went down ? any where in this world my dear BM. this not about the law or the nationality, its about the business ethics.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
C'mon Kid, can't you get a copy of the book anywhere to read? Why are you so against Herve in the first place? Is it because he managed to escape Dubai without his passport, which left serious egg on the face of Dubai Police? Herve had no control of the finances at Exomos, it appears to me he was CEO in name only. All the cheques were signed by Sultan. Surely at the end of the day it was his multi million dirham c0ck-up? Herve was arrested because the Police searched his offices in the Free Zone and found the bullets he had transported from America. He had left them there, which was the correct thing to do and not import them into the UAE as he didn't have a license for his gun which was brought legally and declared and left at customs . This was the reason his passport was confiscated, so that he could be released to go home to his family and not locked up. This smacks to me of a plot to get anything they could to arrest him. That's as far as I've got with the book so far. I wouldn't describe this as business ethics.
KId I note you say I'm taking his side before the Court case. There already has been a Court case and Herve was tried and convicted in his absence in Dubai. As he pointed out even our friend Bin Ladin hasn't been tried in his absence anywhere in the world.
Herve did the only thing left to him and made a sharp exit before being banged up in Dubai. That took guts IMO. His life would have been in serious danger if caught. Can you imagine how his wife felt through all this? It must have been hell on earth.

-- Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:41 pm --

rudeboy wrote:see fine herbie was stitched, he didnt do anything wrong etc etc why the hell did he launch a book? and why does he keep on coming to this forum again and again??

there are other guys like herbie out there who probably are innocent/guilty whatever but they have quietly got on with their lives, i dont see them coming on a forum and saying hey read my book how i wore a burka, sat in a dingy, crossed into india and how the mumbhai terroists followed my example :D

honestly it looks like herbie is being a bit "greedy" and wants to cash in with his book??

And to top it off all he ever does is post "negative" things about dubai!! ok dubai aint perfect but which city on earth doesnt have corruption, crime, social problems??

Rudeboy, why shouldn't Herve write a book? If you had a story to tell why wouldn't you especially if your wife was a writer, too? I have said before that it would be more understandable for Herve to sit back and keep his head down if he was guilty. Greedy? Financially wise to try to recoup some of his losses I would say.
Herve is not the only one to post negative things about Dubai on this forum, I can name at least one other who posts every day, has lived here for 30 years and wouldn't pi&& on this country if it were on fire. So what's his excuse?
It would make you a little more credible if you would use people's correct names when posting on a topic like this. Maybe you were right when you suggested, on another topic, starting a DF for under 12's. You could be the moderator.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Spot on BM. (Feels weird writing that!)

The Elephant in the corner wearing the dishdahsa, that no one to date has commented on, is the political / managerial manouvering and infighting that is behind all of this.

Sultan is, I think we can all agree, a fairly astute businessman, and when things are going smoothly not a bad egg.

However his rise to the top created enemies (or competition depending on your perspective) along the way, and non more so than his number 2 at DPW. "Jamal the Hutt"! To whom I will return ...

Exomos was conceived as part of a long term business plan, a bit whacky by the usual rule of thumb, but nothing ventured nothing gained, eh? (Luxury Living and Accessories)
At the time personal submarine building businesses around the world could probably be counted on the fingers of two hands, and Herve was already building subs when he was approached back in the early 00's, that's quite key because if as the Plaintiff claims "Jaubert fraudulently induced Dubai World to hire him as CEO of this new business by falsely representing himself as an expert in the design and construction of submarines" they will have to prove that Herve committed a fraud that induced Dubai World to appoint him as CEO of Exomos.

So what was that fraud ...

He was building subs made of toilet paper that he "alleged" were seaworthy?
Did he print up a Submarine Design Degree from the Submarine University of Atlantis on his computer?
Did he misrepresent the status or performance of his business in Florida?
Was there nothing more than a passing nod to due dilligence, if so then whose fault is that, buyer or seller?

There are countless more question as to what this fraud might have been, but is there not a more leading question buried in there ? Do you expect anyone to believe that it took 3 - 4 years to rumble this alleged fraud.

:lol: Come on, get real.

Dubai World WAS and still IS awash with accountants and auditors with nothing to do but "invent" fraud allegations and "investigate" them in the background, it's their stock in trade.

No one employee gets to f4rt without prior approval and the relevant form filled out in triplicate.

Truth is, when it surfaced (excuse the pun) from the investment company that held the financial reigns, that this incubator company with a $50 million budget was unlikely to see any returns before 2010, the decision was taken to pull the plug on it, with the approval of Sultan. Basic economics.

That was before any allegation of fraud was made. Chicken and egg, and in this instance the decision to cut this underperforming investment was made BEFORE any allegation of "wrongdoing" were levelled at Herve.

Problem was though, this coincided with events playing out in the International Markets. Suddenly Jumeriah Village South and Palm Jebel Ali started to look like white elephants (it's him in the corner again !!) and money got tight. So, certain characters used this as an ideal opportunity to make a bid for power themselves, by "taking a pop at the Chairman" and those who he had personally brought within the cover of Dubai World. see ref: "Jamal the Hutt"

Herve's case was not the only stick that was used to beat down Sultan and relieve him of elements of his business empire, but thanks to photo's of diving gear under abaya's and the book, it's without doubt the most public.

Herve's case is not the only one currently in court in the US, the UK and the UAE. There are a great many out there who are fighting similar concocted allegations, but chose to do it privately.

Kudos where its due, Herve has chosen to actually demonstrate what transparency means - Everything, warts and all, out in the open for all to see and discuss. There is not one of us that is infallible and yes, sometimes he can come across as arrogant and bull headed, but come on, (Slap him) he's French :)

With regards to the article posted by UAEKid - WestLaw - Dubai still has Paris, I LMAO about how "he began a scheme to extort money from Dubai World by seeking millions is payments to "bury" the publication of a book, Escape from Dubai."

Anyone who knew Herve would testify to the fact that the day he first put pencil to parchment, that book was going to be published come hell, high water or lunatic financial offer and here's something the Emiratis WILL understand, it's about a code of honour that they breached, on a personal level.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Very eloquently said VW. Hats off to you on this one.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Has a court case with Dubai World ever made it to a court room yet?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
Not sure i get your point Gertrude but Yes.

They lost in Singapore;
They settled in New York;
They adjurned and withdrew in London;
& there are certainly 4 underway in Dubai
& of course there is Florida
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 23, 2010
The point is that arabs need to learn to employ better contract negotiators.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 24, 2010
:lol: yeah, so they can include in their contracts the clause "I will not sue arabs when they screw me" .
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 24, 2010
benwj wrote:The point is that arabs need to learn to employ better contract negotiators.

You are probably correct on so many levels with that comment BUT, (and as many others did) I saw at first hand the rampant insanity with which contracts were entered into by ALL nationalities and at all management levels within the DW group, Emirati (MGM $5.5 Billion) American (Barney's $943 Million), Singaporean (Development land $1.1 Billion), British (various over $1 Billion total) the QE (asbestos lined rust bucket) II for £50 million ..............

Deals overseen by internal legal counsel and external legal advisors from the "magic circle", the same deals financed by the blue chip banks, Credit Suisse, Deutsche, Morgan Stanley et al

So to chuck $10 million per year at the Chairman's pet water projects was "normal", frankly from top to bottom and left to right, no one gave a flying cr4p. Chump change.

Only when the big ticket items started to tank, did the chump change disappear so fast that you would think a group of thirsty scotsmen were roaming the corridors looking for loose change to buy a pint, a nip and a packet of Golden Wonder Ready Salted!

Arabs need to "Employ better contract negotiators" ............they had the very best money could buy (sic), I think you mean to say should "employ fortune tellers" or take responsibility for their own actions, and stop looking to blame anyone but themselves for those excesses.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 24, 2010
capsicum wrote::lol: yeah, so they can include in their contracts the clause "I will not sue arabs when they screw me" .

Not quite, but the contract should favour the client.

VW, yes I'm being a bit harsh, hindsight would have been useful. No one expected that they might actually have to use the contracts in court did they.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 24, 2010
Well from my experience, contracts here are not worth the paper they are printed on, particularly if working with a government agency.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 24, 2010
Spot on DK, and benjw forgot to add that the clause should favor the client only when Dubai IS the client, and that it should not apply when someone is the client of Dubai.

-- Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:35 pm --

Ambassador wrote:Herve, what's the index no and in what district?

The case number is NO.2:09-CV-14314; South Florida District, it is my understanding that the documents filed by the parties in the case are accessible through the federal court's website,
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 24, 2010
Thanks for posting the case number Herve, I'm going to see if I can find it and have a read!
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 24, 2010
It is a Government website, people have to register to access court cases, I think they charge you something like 8 cts per page.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 25, 2010
Herve, I am continuing with your book. I am taking it easy and now up to Chapter 6 where you start to plan your escape. My heart is in my mouth! I have noticed a deteriation in your mood as the book progresses. From being romantic and humerous you are now deadly serious when plotting the escape. At the beginning of chapter 6 you talk about Houdini, the master of escape artists. You say 'the master of his trick, he calls misdirection'. Show them one thing while you would be doing something else. The mind will believe anything it sees and hears. This could be applied to DF!

Seriously Herve, you book is not to be missed. Between you and me, I have been asked to bring it to Dubai on my next visit and meet and pass it on to other DFers whilst in disguise! What do you think Herve, would this be a mistake on my part? I don't want to be arrested on entry. I have shared a secret with another forumer on what I brought into the country once, it was strictly for my own pleasure but my knees went to jelly when my hand luggage was xrayed at security and the nice Emirati man's eyes nearly popped out of his head. I fear a copy of your book would lead to far greater consequences if I tried to import it!
PS Don't let Chocs read this! She thinks I have no friends and am the Devil Reincarnate and to hear I have received PMs other than hers would send her over the edge.
Herve, I am enjoying your book, Well done, you are a hero to me. Big kiss from BM
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 25, 2010
benwj wrote:The point is that arabs need to learn to employ better contract negotiators.

loooooooooool and those would be westerners would they? My understanding was the law firm that had 29 lawyers based at Dubai World failed to see it coming, and said law firm was British.

Priceless. Perhaps Arabs should stop paying talentless expats ludicrous amounts of money to sell them sand.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 25, 2010
BM, you don't risk an arrest over my book, that would make the headlines soooo big time. Worst case they confiscate it, so if you take it to Dubai, just remove the jacket, and you ll do fine.
I ship my books to Dubai under a different jacket, like if it was a book on cooking or pets, whatever, they all arrived. Customs agents, if ....they went through, did not see them, even if they knew I hide them, then they would have to check ALL books behind the jackets...that would be fun and such a waste of time
As far as adult movies and toys go, they get confiscated, true, but when I had shipped to myself my military navy seal gear, it went through with no problems, an equipment that can be used only for covert ops, we can see where are their priorities, :lol: .
right greenbean, why is it Dubai would assume the law firms missed anything, there was no scam to prevent to begin with, nothing to find out, no rabbits to pull out of a hat. it was all legit.
for once, Emiratis should accept that if this business went down , it is not because there was a scam that an army of lawyers did not see, but only because the Emiratis ruined it.
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