Perhaps it is true that our virtual and real personae tend to be diametrically opposed.

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Dubai Knight wrote:Well: having been branded sub judice as a drooling, leering, lecherous, s.e.x. maniac, with a glint in his eye and a bulge in his...ego...I suppose I should add that to the existing tirade at the bottom of my profile!
Perhaps it is true that our virtual and real personae tend to be diametrically opposed.
Bethsmum wrote:Thanks Bora, I try my best to liven things up!
I was just thinking about Kanelli's comment about my hostility towards DK. I think I can safely say (but I stand corrected if wrong) that I've only shown hostility to those on DF who've been (I'm struggling for the right word here as I don't like 'attacked', after all it's just an internet forum) 'off' with me first. I'm really quite an amicable person in real life, believe it or not, but I do admit to having a strange, some say wicked sense of humour. Some people get me, some don't, such is life!I never let it bother me.
kanelli wrote:Give me a break uaekid. Let's face it, no matter what a woman wears, covered or uncovered, she is viewed as a s.ex. object by men.
And there was nothing offensive in what DK said about some Emirati women trying to show their beauty or control their own love life. You are the one offended that women adorn their abayas in diamante and wear them more form fitting. Deal with your own issues, but don't blame DK.
uaekid, do you spray a bit of your cologne on the paper when you pass your number to the ladies?
Dubai Knight wrote:She can never lose her nationality unless she chooses to become a national of another country, but she does lose all the 'rights' that are normally associated with that nationality.
As for ' the girls walking around the malls', yes Kid I am sure they have a comparative amount of freedom compared to those not mall crawling as a pastime, however they do still comply with the mores of UAE social behaviour and wear their abayas and sheylas, albeit cut to emphasise their figure and adorned with diamante and rhinestone. This is an obvious attempt to attract the opposite s.e.x., however who are they trying to attract?
Back to the subject of the thread.
Unlike the normal order in nature, in order to attract the right potential life partner, the females must 'display' their plumage...
kanelli wrote:I'm a disgrace to my gender! That had me spurting water out of my nose and onto the keyboard.To make us laugh even more, perhaps you could elaborate on your view of the male and female genders... That should be fun.
kanelli wrote:I'm a disgrace to my gender! That had me spurting water out of my nose and onto the keyboard.To make us laugh even more, perhaps you could elaborate on your view of the male and female genders... That should be fun.
Bethsmum wrote:I wasn't going that deep into why I wouldn't want any son of mine dressing in a fairy costume and a tiara. Just that I wouldn't want to see it.
Bethsmum wrote:I dunno why Kanelli, just offensive to my eye. This is obviously about me rather than the child, I just don't like to see boys in girls stuff. It just looks wrong to me!
drewpeacock wrote:Bora,
I lived in Cairo for 7 years and still cant get my tights off.
The hijab is based on the notion that men are pigs.
Flying Dutchman wrote:kanelli wrote:And yes, deep down I DO think that all men think of women as se.x objects.
I object!kanelli wrote: Making women cover completely, or encouraging them to show lots of skin are both evidence - just opposite ends of the spectrum.
The hijab is based on the notion that men are pigs.
kanelli wrote:So brucebanner, who exactly would be doing the annoying of those women that would need to cloak themselves??? Why is a woman only free and respectable when she's cloaked? Where is the responsibility of the men for their conduct? But yes, men don't view women as s.e.x objects...
(Of course, I agree that skimpy clothing is not a good idea, but in Saudi women are draped in black sheets with all skin covered and that is over the top!)