True & Excellent Spiritual Knowledge-idenity Of God In Human

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True & excellent spiritual knowledge-idenity of God in human Nov 21, 2010
True & excellent spiritual knowledge-idenity of God in human form

Recognition of contemporary human incarnation is the most crucial point since we can worship God directly through contemporary human incarnation only. The recognition is to be done by examining various messages of divine knowledge rendered by the spiritual preachers and through the true and excellent spiritual knowledge only, you have to recognize the contemporary human incarnation.

If you want to give gold medal to the top most meritorious student in the class, you have to examine the answer scripts written by all the students of the class and depending on the highest marks, you have to select the gold medalist. Similarly, you have to examine the messages of all the preachers and then recognize the incarnation through the merit of the message. You should not fix some student as the gold medalist in the beginning itself and then allot highest marks to his answer script. Today, people are doing exactly the same mistake. They enquire and examine the preacher through various other aspects and decide some preacher as the incarnation and then treat his knowledge as the true knowledge.

Veda says that true (Satyam Jnanam) and excellent (Prajnanam) spiritual knowledge alone is the real identification of God. Therefore, you have to examine the knowledge first and not the preacher.
Universal Spirituality for World Peace

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Re: True & Excellent Spiritual Knowledge-idenity Of God In H Nov 21, 2010

You do often post interesting articles that are not too long - however, you don't leave enough time to discuss or even last long when you start discussing the issues raised.

The scatter gun approach of numerous cuts and pastes will just turn people off. This comes from a prolific poster - who does read what you post. But increasingly I'm just skimming your posts and my heart sinks when I see a whole raft of new threads from yourself.

Less is more. Discuss more - ask questions, challenge others. Otherwise your posts will largely be wasted.

(I keep getting this image of a Star Trek NG character everytime I type your name... but that's my issue not yours)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: True & Excellent Spiritual Knowledge-idenity Of God In H Nov 21, 2010
You mean Data-swami, now that you mentioned it. I'm starting to get it too ? :?
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: True & Excellent Spiritual Knowledge-idenity Of God In H Nov 21, 2010
shafique wrote:Dattaswami,

You do often post interesting articles that are not too long - however, you don't leave enough time to discuss or even last long when you start discussing the issues raised.

The scatter gun approach of numerous cuts and pastes will just turn people off. This comes from a prolific poster - who does read what you post. But increasingly I'm just skimming your posts and my heart sinks when I see a whole raft of new threads from yourself.

Less is more. Discuss more - ask questions, challenge others. Otherwise your posts will largely be wasted.

(I keep getting this image of a Star Trek NG character everytime I type your name... but that's my issue not yours)


Thanks for that...
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