Threatening PM's

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
rudeboy wrote:why dont you ladies carry each others photos in your handbag and when there is a problem on DF, no matter how impossible, you look at their pictures and the problem disappears!! :D

LOL I wouldn't want to carry something that hideous around with me TBO.

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:
rudeboy wrote:why dont you ladies carry each others photos in your handbag and when there is a problem on DF, no matter how impossible, you look at their pictures and the problem disappears!! :D

LOL I wouldn't want to carry something that hideous around with me TBO.

was that for BM, BORA BORA or someone else??

I think i ll go and get the kiddies pool ready with some mud init :D
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Once again matey, you'll be playing with yourself. Got far better things to be doing.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
So now that we're on the 5th page, let's have a summary. BM posts a thread about a "threatening" PM she received but remains cryptic and mysterious for 5 pages. After beating around the bush, we finally discover that BM is upset about a PM that Chocs sent. BM still does not offer the proof of the threat, it was Chocs who offered up the content of the PM.

Chocs PM'ed Bethsmum:
'Seriously Lady, what is wrong with you? Other people are off topic, yet you only choose to pick on me!
I never made anything about ME, it's you who keeps doing that.
You're acting like a weird stalker - pack it up, because I really won't stand for it!'

As we can see, there is no threat of bodily harm, just a threat that Chocs will stand up for herself. There is little doubt anymore that BM is a major attention seeker. Now we can all keep that in mind when dealing with her. Perhaps this thread was useful after all? :D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:
rudeboy wrote:neither do i! let me get that oil sorted out for you ladies ;)

er did you not get that no one cares? Seems like you'll be oiling yourself up mate.


-- Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:58 am --

Bethsmum wrote:Like I said Chocs if I've made you stop and think before throwing your weight about behind the scenes then my work is done. If you have anything to say to me in the future, say it on a public forum so we all know what we are dealing with. And if you can't handle it, then just don't send any more PMs that are unsolicited. Even you can understand that surely?

Clearly you miss the point! I'll address you off the forum if I want to - I'd rather that than tie up threads asking you to stop being such a drama queen - which clearly is the only reason you're around here. Once again, I'm amused that you only address me in regard to this, when others have PM'd you requesting that you stop acting the way you do on the forum.

As I previously said, reply to PM's - NOT start silly threads to get attention! Once again, others have also stated you should do this, yet once again you choose only to highlight me.

I honestly have no more patience for you BM, you come across as all high and mighty, yet you're probably the biggest culprit when it comes to trouble round here - this has been acknowledged ON and OFF to forum!

In my 19 years with my current employer I have attended many, many courses. One of the more boring was a course in plain speaking. At the time I thought it should have been renamed 'Dumbing Down For Simpletons'.
Clearly the time has come for me to use the tools I learned at that time.

I will address your post in terms I hope you may understand.

1 In the first part of your post you state you will continue to send me PMs if you want to. In the last part you say you have run out of patience. Which is it to be?

2 You say others have PMd me requesting I stop acting the way I do. The only other PM I have received of a negative nature was from Kanelli. That means one (1) not multiple (more than 1) people as you keep suggesting. Do you say this to justify yourself (make you feel better)? All my other PMs have been positive. I'm sure if this had been to the contrary (different), someone would have piped up by now.

3 Why do you keep shouting that I'm only highlighting you when others are as bad as you? Are you saying I'm trying to bully you? Who's playing the role of victim now?

4 I have no intention in replying to your PMs so you are wasting your time trying to intimidate (frighten) me behind the scenes.

5 I have been reliably informed that you are no longer a moderator on this forum. In this case how do you know what has been discussed off the forum? I take this statement to mean what you have discussed me with your friends by PM. Are we talking about a conspiricy (ganging up) here?

6 I don't have to be all that high and mighty to show you up. You're doing a fine job all by yourself.

-- Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:43 pm --

kanelli wrote:So now that we're on the 5th page, let's have a summary. BM posts a thread about a "threatening" PM she received but remains cryptic and mysterious for 5 pages. After beating around the bush, we finally discover that BM is upset about a PM that Chocs sent. BM still does not offer the proof of the threat, it was Chocs who offered up the content of the PM.

Chocs PM'ed Bethsmum:
'Seriously Lady, what is wrong with you? Other people are off topic, yet you only choose to pick on me!
I never made anything about ME, it's you who keeps doing that.
You're acting like a weird stalker - pack it up, because I really won't stand for it!'

As we can see, there is no threat of bodily harm, just a threat that Chocs will stand up for herself. There is little doubt anymore that BM is a major attention seeker. Now we can all keep that in mind when dealing with her. Perhaps this thread was useful after all? :D

Yes Kanelli, I have found it very useful and am very pleased to have hilighted yours and Chocs behaviour behind the scenes.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
let me get my 3D glasses, this is going to be a stunner!
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
rudeboy wrote:let me get my 3D glasses, this is going to be a stunner!

LOL :bounce:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Hey, there is nothing wrong with my conduct. I'm not a moderator and have not "conspired" with anyone. I can PM who I bloody feel like PMing - and it was my choice to PM you about your conduct, and Chocs and Desertdude about ignoring your instigation. I've mentioned clearly on forum threads and PM that everyone, including me, has to have better conduct here about not derailing threads with off-topic content and bickering. I have no use for your drama and conspiracy theories.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
kanelli wrote:Hey, there is nothing wrong with my conduct. I'm not a moderator and have not "conspired" with anyone. I can PM who I bloody feel like PMing - and it was my choice to PM you about your conduct, and Chocs and Desertdude about ignoring your instigation. I've mentioned clearly on forum threads and PM that everyone, including me, has to have better conduct here about not derailing threads with off-topic content and bickering. I have no use for your drama and conspiracy theories.

Well I suggest you carry on PMing your friends and leave my inbox out of your round robin.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
What, you don't want to be my friend BM? :lol:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
kanelli wrote:What, you don't want to be my friend BM? :lol:

No thanks, I don't particularly like the circles you mix in. You can never bring people up to your level, I find. They always drag you down.

-- Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:54 pm --

rudeboy wrote:let me get my 3D glasses, this is going to be a stunner!

Rudeboy, i've just had a thought! Are you able to get some with wide angle lenses? According to DDS you will be watching a chubby attention seeking whore. Now you wouldn't want to miss that would you? I wonder if we could stage it in the car park of the Walk? Think of all those people with a bird's eye view. Amazin! We could get one of those boxing ring thingys and I could wear a sparkly Union Jack get up! I have a friend with very good contacts, should I have a word and see if we could get the necessary permissions? We could have a couple of gadgys to referee, mmm I wonder if Herve's free? An extra incentive for me to win to get one of those winning French kisses you were on about! Oh no! I forgot, he won't be able to make it, oh rubbish!
Of course I would have to save DDS a ring side seat, I could introduce him to my Emirati friend, Mr Emirati has already expressed a wish to meet my admirer! Oh what fun! Have you any suggestions for my fighting name? Bethsmum is a bit pathetic, and not very fighting talk. See if you can get whore in to it, makes it much more juicey.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
:boxing: :boxing: :boxing:

Let me know when the tickets go on sale!

:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
I've been thinking about the music. How about the theme from Rocky and me running in my sparkly gear up the stairs to Rimal prior to this lavish spectacle? And I thought Duelling Banjos for the guest of honour as he takes his ringside seat.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:I've been thinking about the music. How about the theme from Rocky and me running in my sparkly gear up the stairs to Rimal prior to this lavish spectacle? And I thought Duelling Banjos for the guest of honour as he takes his ringside seat.

:lol: :lol:
Bora Bora
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
I like Duelling Banjos!

Ronnie Cox actually played the guitar for that in Deliverance!

8) 8) 8)

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Well for your stage name and in line with your family history, I propose '617 Squadron, The Dam buster' and the theme music would of course be from the film, composed by Ron Goodwin.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Dillon wrote:Well for your stage name and in line with your family history, I propose '633 Squadron, The Dam buster' and the theme music would of course be from the film, composed by Ron Goodwin.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I would save the theme music for when she steps out of the ring, arms pumping in the air, and the crowd cheering her. It does sound very "victory"-like. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
You could always keep Duelling Banjo's for your guest of honour though, a fitting piece.

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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Dillon wrote:You could always keep Duelling Banjo's for your guest of honour though, a fitting piece.


I wouldn't change a thing!!!! Just move your recommended theme to the finale. :lol:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Yes Dillon, excellent idea, '617 Squadron The Dam Buster' I can see that emblazoned across my back, they'd be plenty of room for it. I have often walked along the Mohne Dam humming that tune, it is one of my favourites along with Duelling Banjos! And yes Bora, a rousing victory anthem and excellent finale!
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
So six pages in, it was as all of us suspected. A severe case of hypochondriatic threatinitis right from the word go of this thread.

Chocoholic wrote:The point of this thread? BM attention seeking, as per usual and trying to portray herself as the victim.

kanelli wrote:There is little doubt anymore that BM is a major attention seeker. Now we can all keep that in mind when dealing with her. Perhaps this thread was useful after all?

Again this is the word/term your looking for people ... on%20whore

And I'm surprised you guys didn't figure it out earlier ?

And BB I see your still not done with the DF soap box, well you can keep it a bit longer, as I see no one else really needs it here at the moment !

Bora Bora wrote:Maybe you haven't realized it but several people are pretty sick and tired of you.

Haha, I know and I'm pretty sure of it and that only means I'm getting under the skin of people I want to :wink:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:So six pages in, it was as all of us suspected. A severe case of hypochondriatic threatinitis right from the word go of this thread.

Chocoholic wrote:The point of this thread? BM attention seeking, as per usual and trying to portray herself as the victim.

kanelli wrote:There is little doubt anymore that BM is a major attention seeker. Now we can all keep that in mind when dealing with her. Perhaps this thread was useful after all?

Again this is the word/term your looking for people ... on%20whore

And I'm surprised you guys didn't figure it out earlier ?

And BB I see your still not done with the DF soap box, well you can keep it a bit longer, as I see no one else really needs it here at the moment !

Bora Bora wrote:Maybe you haven't realized it but several people are pretty sick and tired of you.

Haha, I know and I'm pretty sure of it and that only means I'm getting under the skin of people I want to :wink:

Don't flatter yourself DDS. I can only hope that arnie can see your true intentions. I guess that wink should mean something? :usa2:

I'll get off my soap box when you get off your donkey.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Darling I was never sitting on you on the first place !
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Darling I was never sitting on you on the first place !

Is that the best you can do. FAIL!!!!!! Please don't use the word "darling" or the words "honey bun" when referring to me. It makes me want to go BLLLLLLLLLLUUURGH.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Am I suppose to be offended ?

*Making a booking at the Ambassador Offendatorium
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
You don't have the good sense to be offended. Offendatorium is fully booked. Move along.

But let me rub a bit of salt in a wound that you have had for quite a few years. My hubby has been offered the UAE passport. Now, be the man you think you are, and say Congratulations. :lol:
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Am I suppose to be offended ?

*Making a booking at the Ambassador Offendatorium

Fully booked at the moment (from just a few threads :| ) but will put you on the waiting list just in case!

We are hiring another Offendatorologist soon in order to have greater capacity...
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Argh ! NOOOOOOO, Am I suppose to curl up and die of jealousy now ? Just let me know the appropriate response that you were looking to satifisfy your ego, and I'll gladly oblige ;)

If anyone kisses the right behinds and grease the right palms you get it or if you have "bussiness partners" in the right places. But whats the point ? You still only get a travel document and not proper citizenship. You still have a lot to learn about this country BBeebs.

But ofcourse you Egyptian hubby won't take up the offer, hes got you for his ticket to the west, that is if he already hasn't cashed it in by now.

And Ambassador, darn your doing some thrift bussiness mate ! But no need to put me on the waiting list. As you can see there are people in more need for any openings comming up. I'll just still and relax in the lobby, if you don't mind. Hope you have decent cafeteria though ?

P.S : Congrats to Mr BB on the offer ;) Lets us all know when we can all come to meet arbab BB to get our bussiness sponsored and hand over 51%, hope there is a DF special discount for us members !
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Argh ! NOOOOOOO, Am I suppose to curl up and die of jealousy now ? Just let me know the appropriate response that you were looking to satifisfy your ego, and I'll gladly oblige ;)

If anyone kisses the right behinds and grease the right palms you get it or if you have "bussiness partners" in the right places. But whats the point ? You still only get a travel document and not proper citizenship. You still have a lot to learn about this country BBeebs.

But ofcourse you Egyptian hubby won't take up the offer, hes got you for his ticket to the west, that is if he already hasn't cashed it in by now.

And Ambassador, darn your doing some thrift bussiness mate ! But no need to put me on the waiting list. As you can see there are people in more need for any openings comming up. I'll just still and relax in the lobby, if you don't mind. Hope you have decent cafeteria though ?

P.S : Congrats to Mr BB on the offer ;) Lets us all know when we can all come to meet arbab BB to get our bussiness sponsored and hand over 51%, hope there is a DF special discount for us members !

Well I think your response speaks for itself. HAHAHA. If you only get a travel document and not proper citizenship, why have you spent so many years being bitter and thinking you deserve it by virtue of the fact that you live here? Why would someone surrender their current passport, which goes to the relative embassy, in exchange for the UAE passport? Seems to me it would make one a "citizen".

BTW DDS, when you come from a country that the term "mate" is commonly used by the countrymen then you can use it. I don't think it's widely used in Pakistan. For that matter, not in the Phillipines either. :lol: :lol: Speaking of the Phillipines, I don't think you can get the Philipines passport even if you are married to a housemaid. I only went there DDS because you took the first punch below the belt. It's called fair play.

If my husband married me because I was his ticket to the west, at least he was smart enough to get a ticket that had many benefits. Maybe you should have aimed higher. or was that the best you could do? :drunken:

FYI, I don't think my hubby would be interested in a partnership with a grease monkey.
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Re: Threatening PM's Nov 20, 2010
Blimey is this 'drama' still going on? Oh dear oh dear. Go Kanelli!
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