Greetings Shafique,
Are you tearing your hair out yet? Another post derailed.The immaturity of the posters here is ridiculous. Your comrade in arms while failing to grasp the argument on hand has actually delved into what Beck did in his younger days (which you actually appreciated?...grow a spine man) while your bete noir is on an altogether different tangent, ridiculous one no doubt.
So getting back to Glenn Beck....
After a night of revelry lying on my couch, flipping channels I actually stumbled upon one of his anti-Soros rants,and needless to say I was hooked.
On the surface, it would seem like he's targeting Obama. But now after nearly a year of Obama bashing he has successfully(self professed) uncovered a nexus between Obama and Soros. While he has been hinting at the two of them all along, now it's much more blatant. The battle lines have been drawn and there is turning back I guess. The episode I watched actually had him lashing out at Rocofeller JR too.
Now one would say is targeting Soros anti-Semetic? Well what does Semetism have to do with it? Soros is definitely guilty of trying to orchestrate public policy. Just as he is guilty of collapsing economies.Who could forget his gamble with the pound and recently an ASEAN minister accusing him of precipitating the Asian financial crisis of the past decade. Until now no-one thus far has uttered anything but praise for Soros, that is until Beck came along. I would opine hat any discussion on Soros is valid! And God-forbid his actions have eminated from some kinda lobby which has Jewish interests in mind (which he has all but hinted at) That would cause an outcry.
Now coming to his anti-Semetic stand...Well he has long targeted the FED, calling for it to be dismantled. And let's face there are those who associate FED with Jewish dominance. But is targeting the Fed anti-semetic? And now he is targeting renowned Jewish symbols of success in banking like the Rocofeller's and Soros, thus far under the guise of them influencing Obama's Marxist policies. (his own words) Rocofeller has bitten the bait and has called for the regulator to take Fox off air. So that's bound to raise a few eyebrows.
But who knows what next? Who knows what's he gonna hint at? Does this all end when Obama goes out of office come 2012? It's almost like a major conspiracy theory unraveling.
This is turning out to be better than Harry Potter, with Beck positioning himself as Potter... can't wait to see who Voldemort is!!

But seriously let's face it...the fact that people are taking Beck seriously is in a way a sign of times in Amrika and Europe. There is a recession, there is inflation, there is growing mistrust amongst people vis-a-vis the political administration, Americans are confused and scared. I mean such a telling shift in the mid-terms points out that people are not sure anymore.
And Beck is playing on it. Simple! The scary bit is that he is hinting that all of this is some major conspiracy, (he isn't saying by whom, just yet), even more scarier is the fact that if he is given more talk-time people will begin to accept his views!
And weather it's fiction or fable Beck has seemingly connected the banking crisis in Europe to the unemployment in USA with his Marxist conspiracy theories. And so long as the situation continues to deteriorate, people will take Beck even more seriously.