Escape From Dubai-by Herve

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Benwj, give him a break. Who knows the whole truth anyway? It isn't hard to find the French case on the internet and nowadays who doesn't google or facebook someone they are about to employ? Why would DW bring Herve to Dubai to be CEO of one of their company if they thought he was a bank robber? That just doesn't make sense. I stand by my first impressions that if he was guilty Herve would say a little prayer that he got away and keep his head down. It wouldn't make sense to keep banging on about it. I would just sit at home in America, shut up and count my ill gotton gains.

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
I have not read Herve's book, but have been following these threads for years. I have to ask why the Dubai Defenders (good name for a football team) present themselves as judge, jury and executioner here? If I had known then, what I know now, I would have asked Frenchy for a spare spot in his raft.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
I'd help with the rowing
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Bethsmum, wait to find out where I bought the boat from, you are up to a surprise!
Dillon and benjw, what part did you not understand in "wrongful conviction" ? Are you guys Emirati's or half baked expats to be happy they call you by your name when you carry their suitcases. Come on, come out of your avatar so we understand where your biased opinions come from.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
dubaidog wrote:I have not read Herve's book, but have been following these threads for years. I have to ask why the Dubai Defenders (good name for a football team) present themselves as judge, jury and executioner here? If I had known then, what I know now, I would have asked Frenchy for a spare spot in his raft.

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
herve wrote:Bethsmum, wait to find out where I bought the boat from, you are up to a surprise!
Dillon and benjw, what part did you not understand in "wrongful conviction" ? Are you guys Emirati's or half baked expats to be happy they call you by your name when you carry their suitcases. Come on, come out of your avatar so we understand where your biased opinions come from.

Herve, I have read ‘Nothing’ about any ‘Wrongful Conviction’ in the public domain, apart from your personal opinion, about your case.

Are you guys Emirati's or half baked expats to be happy they call you by your name when you carry their suitcases.

No, but why would Nationality matter, that’s racism where I come from and would be frowned upon in any court of law, and why half baked Ex-Pat? By your analogy, anyone who doesn’t agree with you is therefore ‘Half baked’?

Come on, come out of your avatar so we understand where your biased opinions come from.

If you re-read my posts you’ll notice I have many questions about your case and have not yet submitted an opinion, I’m waiting for the outcome of the case in February for that.

It would appear Herve, that you are uncomfortable with my questions and interest in your particular case by the aggression, racist comment, and conclusion that questions regarding your case constitute a ‘biased opinion’, this is something else I don’t understand?

The facts are; You have been accused of something you claim you were innocent of.
You fled the Country of your accusers before the trial.
You were tried, found guilty and sentenced in abstentia.
You instigated a 2nd trial in the US to vindicate yourself.

You’re present on a Public Forum freely discussing some of the details of your predicament, I think you should accept there will be questions from individuals who may or may not, be in full possession of the details of your particular situation from both supporters and critics, you’re not on trial here, this isn’t an inquisition, it’s a healthy interest in the details of the above.

There was also an earlier remark of ‘Sorry to disappoint you Dillon’ regarding the post by UAEKid, why would you assume your news would disappoint me? It does in fact raise further questions but I somehow don’t think you would be the right person to ask.

As I’ve said before, I’ll keep my opinions until after the February hearing and sincerely wish you good luck in justice prevailing and a positive outcome for you, until then I personally will remain ‘on the fence’.

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:I'd help with the rowing

I'll make a sail and bring the food!
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I'd help with the rowing

I'll make a sail and bring the food!

Very amusing but off topic.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I'd help with the rowing

I'll make a sail and bring the food!

Very amusing but off topic.

Amused at the way you only highlight ME, when this is in reply to 3 other posters!

Annnnywaaaaay, I think whatever anyone thinks of Herve's book, it highlights the fact that many people come unstuck here.

Yes, there are always two sides to every story, however, there's never any smoke without fire and there are so many stories of people having issues here. Add to that, that the powers that be, have been dragged through various courts for misconduct, criminal offences in many areas speaks for itself really.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Let's get back to Herve, should we?. After all this topic is about him and his book and, strangely enough, not you.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
As Bethsmum mentioned it, if you look at the facts, DW accusations don' t make any sense, why would someone steals $5M from his employer, escape, then write a book, and then sue his employer. Hence the high possibility of a wrongful conviction. However you prefer to favor their side of the story, reject any possiblity of a wrongful conviction and point to any baseless stories that surfaces on the internet that might put some dirt on me.
And when I mention innocence, you bring up OJ Simpson, as to convince yourself or everybody, that if I was , it would be because I would have bought my way out.
Even there you dont make sense, if a conviction could be "bent" with money or power, DW with their billions and Government support would have much more leverage than me, I am just a little guy with a mortgage.
There is no racism in asking where you come from, meaning that if you are an Emirati, we would know why you favor DW, so in this case yes the Emirati nationality matters.
By half baked expats, I mean these people who claim to be from a certain country when they are not, hiding behind a UK passport when they are actually from another country. So when a British citizen is constantly bashing against the UK and favoring the UAE, it stops to be confusing when you find out that the "British" citizen is actually from Yemen or Pakistan. I have nothing against Pakistani or Yemeni, I have a problem with people who pretend to be someone else and hide.
Your posts clearly put you in this category. I respect more uaekid because he never hid who he is.
I welcome any questions, including yours, I never , ever , dodge a question.
Now for the rest you got it all wrong so let me correct you, and this has been verified in the press.
I did not flee.........I escaped a corrupt state, who condones torture, coerce residents, extort confessions and monies and fabricates cases, it is a completely different ball of wax, boy. Again your intention to reduce what i accomplished. I did not take a flight, I escaped on a rubber boat, rendez vous in high seas, and then crossed the arabian sea on my sail boat, infiltrated india, got a new passport, and you call that "Flee"? Get lost, you would not even dare jump the fence you mentioned. At least have some respect, and when you see balls, admit it.
I did not escape before the trial..........there was no trial and no prosecution before I escaped, DW put me on trial AFTER they realized that I escaped, to try to stop me to publish my book. That did not work obviously. Dont you find that curious, a trial wrapped up in a few weeks, when all other cases take years.
I was convicted in absentia, great! , even Osama bin Laden has not been tried in absentia, in addition international court does not recognize trials in absentia. So you need some reading here.
After i heard of my conviction in Dubai, I sued DW, it s normal when you are an innocent man fighting for your reputation and your rights and when you beleive it was a wrongful conviction. I dont know what kind of man you are dillon, may be you would have swallowed the whole thing and bent, may be you are the kind of guy who hides in a dumpster when his girl friend is mugged in a dark halley. I am not, I am a fighter, when someone steps on my foot he gets a "strong" response, DW is learning it the hard way.
regards too
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Well, it’s obvious by your post that you’re not reading what I’m actually writing and still you default to personal insults, an easy thing to do, so I guess I’ll just leave this discussion where it is and revisit in March sometime when the results of your next hearing have been aired, I shouldn't have expected anything else from you really, considering your current situation.

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Its a win-win situation.
Guy goes to DW to make money.
Accused by DW of stealing money.
Sues DW and seeks monetary compensation.
There is a theme there somewhere. :?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Let's get back to Herve, should we?. After all this topic is about him and his book and, strangely enough, not you.

With all do respect I believe he is a scam artist , a guy hired by a company , spent its money for his benefits , his con got discovered , so he left the country from its back door , it’s a simple story.
What about his book ?saying I’m good and honest !!! we all say that in our first date … the hall story is too odd to be true .. after all we should ask why he didn’t deliver the subs,.if delivered what he promised the company would’ve made money out of him and kissed his as* instead of pursuing him all the way down to the US.
I could be wrong and US courts would show it all.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
The business was doomed from the start. He's either a scam artist or silly enough to believe that he could make money legitimately. Although the emiratis where also silly enough to finance the business and now have serious egg on their face.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
benwj wrote:kid,
Although the emiratis where also silly enough to finance the business and now have serious egg on their face.

I agree, aren't these the same twits that spent billions building "The World"? The now-sinking forgotten islands they can't give away? The mindset was way different years ago, right? If people would buy ridiculous islands, they would certainly buy submarines.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
dubaidog wrote:
benwj wrote:kid,
Although the emiratis where also silly enough to finance the business and now have serious egg on their face.

I agree, aren't these the same twits that spent billions building "The World"? The now-sinking forgotten islands they can't give away? The mindset was way different years ago, right? If people would buy ridiculous islands, they would certainly buy submarines.

I thought the world was a great idea, but execution was flawed. It doesn't look anything like a world map.
As for the submarines, the proof is in the sales orders. At least they sold many of the world islands.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
uaekid wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Let's get back to Herve, should we?. After all this topic is about him and his book and, strangely enough, not you.

With all do respect I believe he is a scam artist , a guy hired by a company , spent its money for his benefits , his con got discovered , so he left the country from its back door , it’s a simple story.
What about his book ?saying I’m good and honest !!! we all say that in our first date … the hall story is too odd to be true .. after all we should ask why he didn’t deliver the subs,.if delivered what he promised the company would’ve made money out of him and kissed his as* instead of pursuing him all the way down to the US.
I could be wrong and US courts would show it all.

Kid, I can't agree with you on this one. Please don't think I am a Dubai hater, nothing could be far from this, I love Dubai, I have said it plenty of times. In fact I would be a striker in Dubaidogs 'Dubai Defenders'. But something smells fishy to me. Herve didn't leave by the back door, he had his passport taken off him and did the only thing he felt he had open to him and escape. He gets maximum respect from me, that is not the reaction of a normal person.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Kid, the business was a failure, but that by itself is not a crime, happens all the time, we should concentrate
on the fact where is the money went and the parts of the submarines, that is the essential part of the whole trial i would venture to say, Nobody cares how he left the country, no court will care. The escape can be fiction or not, nobody cares. Most likely he got travel documents from an embassy where ever, maybe even in Dubai.
The US court does not care, they only investigate the proof of fraud, where is the money went, documents related to transactions to and from the Dubai company, calling witnesses and so on.
I have not read the book and will not, but I doubt there are any valid explanation about business transactions,
As a CEO he is in charge, everything has to pass his desk.
My limited experience in the UAE is, that the locals have a hands off management style, not paying attention to details, thus are often not in control of their business venture.
The beef is, money left the country and disappeared,the company went under and someone is responsible. The rest is blah, blah, redundant arguments, nothing of value.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
macjul wrote:Kid, the business was a failure, but that by itself is not a crime, happens all the time, we should concentrate
on the fact where is the money went and the parts of the submarines, that is the essential part of the whole trial i would venture to say, Nobody cares how he left the country, no court will care. The escape can be fiction or not, nobody cares. Most likely he got travel documents from an embassy where ever, maybe even in Dubai.
The US court does not care, they only investigate the proof of fraud, where is the money went, documents related to transactions to and from the Dubai company, calling witnesses and so on.
I have not read the book and will not, but I doubt there are any valid explanation about business transactions,
As a CEO he is in charge, everything has to pass his desk.
My limited experience in the UAE is, that the locals have a hands off management style, not paying attention to details, thus are often not in control of their business venture.
The beef is, money left the country and disappeared,the company went under and someone is responsible. The rest is blah, blah, redundant arguments, nothing of value.

In the case of DW, the Chairman was very hands on (note the use of the word "was"), or at the very least, well informed about everything. If you haven't noticed the person in question is fading into obscurity. He's pretty much gone from cutting checks and deals to cutting ribbons at opening ceremonies (I think there is going to be a new Union Co-op ceremony in the near futue). I do believe that there will be one more appearance from him, and not too favorable.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
macjul wrote: Most likely he got travel documents from an embassy where ever, maybe even in Dubai.
The beef is, money left the country and disappeared,the company went under and someone is responsible.

No, I did not have any travel document. It would not have helped anyways, once you are in Dubai police system, you can't go through. Only way out is the sea, no fence, no border posts, no cameras and on a friday morning while everybody is at the moske, nobody is watching.
In 2009, about 800 people were arrested attempting to flee the country with either a replacement, a friend's or a fake passport.
No monies disapeared macjul, everything was documented.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
herve wrote:
macjul wrote: Most likely he got travel documents from an embassy where ever, maybe even in Dubai.
The beef is, money left the country and disappeared,the company went under and someone is responsible.

No, I did not have any travel document. It would not have helped anyways, once you are in Dubai police system, you can't go through. Only way out is the sea, no fence, no border posts, no cameras and on a friday morning while everybody is at the moske, nobody is watching.
In 2009, about 800 people were arrested attempting to flee the country with either a replacement, a friend's or a fake passport.
No monies disapeared macjul, everything was documented.

Well Herve, monies may have disappeared, but just into your account(s). :)
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:
uaekid wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Let's get back to Herve, should we?. After all this topic is about him and his book and, strangely enough, not you.

With all do respect I believe he is a scam artist , a guy hired by a company , spent its money for his benefits , his con got discovered , so he left the country from its back door , it’s a simple story.
What about his book ?saying I’m good and honest !!! we all say that in our first date … the hall story is too odd to be true .. after all we should ask why he didn’t deliver the subs,.if delivered what he promised the company would’ve made money out of him and kissed his as* instead of pursuing him all the way down to the US.
I could be wrong and US courts would show it all.

Kid, I can't agree with you on this one. Please don't think I am a Dubai hater, nothing could be far from this, I love Dubai, I have said it plenty of times. In fact I would be a striker in Dubaidogs 'Dubai Defenders'. But something smells fishy to me. Herve didn't leave by the back door, he had his passport taken off him and did the only thing he felt he had open to him and escape. He gets maximum respect from me, that is not the reaction of a normal person.

hon, this is not about dubai or emaraties and regardless of crush on him its just not an innocent man reaction to escape his company period. ... police takes everyone passports including locals in similar cases . but I guess he is more of experienced manager and thats what got him in trouble ,taking the company down and making it bankrupt, like he said, he had problems finding experts and parts...what went after that he did not explain yet . he is covering his act and rapping it with how bad dubai, emaraties and laws in here.

again I could be wrong and the US court will clear it for all of us..but I wouldn't be surprised him faking purchsing papers being the CEO at the time.

-- Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:26 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:
uaekid wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Let's get back to Herve, should we?. After all this topic is about him and his book and, strangely enough, not you.

With all do respect I believe he is a scam artist , a guy hired by a company , spent its money for his benefits , his con got discovered , so he left the country from its back door , it’s a simple story.
What about his book ?saying I’m good and honest !!! we all say that in our first date … the hall story is too odd to be true .. after all we should ask why he didn’t deliver the subs,.if delivered what he promised the company would’ve made money out of him and kissed his as* instead of pursuing him all the way down to the US.
I could be wrong and US courts would show it all.

Kid, I can't agree with you on this one. Please don't think I am a Dubai hater, nothing could be far from this, I love Dubai, I have said it plenty of times. In fact I would be a striker in Dubaidogs 'Dubai Defenders'. But something smells fishy to me. Herve didn't leave by the back door, he had his passport taken off him and did the only thing he felt he had open to him and escape. He gets maximum respect from me, that is not the reaction of a normal person.

hon, this is not about dubai or emaraties and regardless of crush on him its just not an innocent man reaction to escape his company period. ... police takes everyone passports including locals in similar cases . but I guess he is more of experienced manager and thats what got him in trouble ,taking the company down and making it bankrupt, like he said, he had problems finding experts and parts...what went after that he did not explain yet . he is covering his act and rapping it with how bad dubai, emaraties and laws in here.

again I could be wrong and the US court will clear it for all of us..but I wouldn't be surprised him faking purchasing papers being the CEO at the time.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Kid, would not you try to escape if you were threatened to be tortured, forced to sign a confession, forced to surrender your money, with no hope of getting a fair hearing, a biased judiciary, lawyers on a guest visa status and so forth?
For what you said above, I explained everything it is in my book.
For what I saw, any other options lend the accused in jail, until proven guilty, which would take a while when you are innocent.
My message has always been the same: don't get caught in the justice system, you cannot win, get out the same day you get the phone call from the police station. After that it s too late.
Back to the passport thing, once your passport is confiscated, your name is entered in DPS which includes a travel ban. Everytime and everywhere you go, you are tracked, hotel, rental car, dinner at the restaurant, phone calls...and of course all border stations, Sea ports and airports.
Getting a fresh new passport from your consulate, even with a different name, is of no help, and would lead to an immediate arrest, why? because with a new name there is no records for entry in the country, hard to explain why when you find yourself in that situation.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 18, 2010
Kid are you saying I have a crush on Herve? LOL. I have a crush on a lot of men but I have to tell you I love that accent!

-- Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:43 am --

Les gens pensent que je t'aime, permet de ne pas décevoir. LOL!
Herve, when you said I would be surprised about the person you bought the boat from I had an awful feeling you had named a relative of my very good Emirati friend in your book, I scanned ahead and thankfully you name the brother of Sheikh Kahlifa. Quel soulagement!
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 19, 2010
You see kid, since you secretly love Bethsmum, I suggest you learn French accent, though you might not make it anyways, I have to admit it takes a little more than just the accent.
And look at this video and don't tell me it is not a nice sub, does not fit very well with all your accusations , unless you think I faked the video too.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 19, 2010
I find it so amusing that anyone could defend the UAE legal system. There is tons of evidence that it is not fair - the judgments are as reliable as the wind.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 19, 2010
Almost read the book in here.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 19, 2010
kanelli wrote:I find it so amusing that anyone could defend the UAE legal system. There is tons of evidence that it is not fair - the judgments are as reliable as the wind.

thats the problem of ppl like you kanelli ! you are as bad as the legal system here :lol: they steal ,commit frauds escape from their responsibilities and financial dues, and blame the system why its being fair to them. well it shouldn't in my opinion at least bcz those have not been fair to the business and society they were among.. they broke the codes of ethics and principles.

this is not intended to herve but to ppl who do wrong and expects rights.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 19, 2010
uaekid wrote:
kanelli wrote:I find it so amusing that anyone could defend the UAE legal system. There is tons of evidence that it is not fair - the judgments are as reliable as the wind.

thats the problem of ppl like you kanelli ! you are as bad as the legal system here :lol: they steal ,commit frauds escape from their responsibilities and financial dues, and blame the system why its being fair to them. well it shouldn't in my opinion at least bcz those have not been fair to the business and society they were among.. they broke the codes of ethics and principles.

this is not intended to herve but to ppl who do wrong and expects rights.

Kid, in all honesty, weren't/aren't there a number of Emiratis who spent some time at the all expenses paid facility provided by the government? And I'm not talking about the drug users/dealers. I'm talking about the businessmen who were either responsible or involved in the very fraud and thief you refer to? They were striped of their positions and if not, were given limited,if any, authority to act on behalf of the company. Also might add that the majority worked for government-owned companies. Even upon being released passports were confiscated to ensure that they did not leave the country. The difference is, their trials and investigations are very behind the scene and kept hush-hush because how would that look to the outside world?

Let's take a look at a privately-held company. Damas - owned by 3 Emirati brothers. Their crime was a non-violent one by they were found guilty of theft and fraud. They got caught because they were listed with DIFC and traded. Didn't they know that they would be subject to be audited, especially when they had shareholders that they had to be accountable to? Had they not registered with DIFC their fraud and theft would never have been found out. You can't register with an authority, sells shares, trade shares and operate "business as usual". Why do you think private local companies do not want to go public? Going public means accountability and transparency. Answering to people who invested in the company.

Dubai Financial Services Authority has issued a landmark ruling that fined the three brothers who ran the Nasdaq-listed Damas jewelry company more than $3 million and requires them to repay $99 million in cash and almost two tonnes of gold ‘borrowed’ from the group.

For their part the Damas bosses – Tawfique, Tawhid and Tamjid Abdullah – have previously promised to pay back all the monies taken from Damas and are now under court order to fulfill this promise.

The regulator discovered some 2,200 debit transactions between July 2008 and October 2009 ranging from petrol bills to 50 property deals, including twin 49-storey towers on the Sheikh Zayed Road. The two tonnes of gold, which has not yet been paid back was used to make ‘certain personal investments’ reported the DFSA.

I'm sure you are going to want a link to the above, so here it is: ... l-missing/

No time served in jail, just a promise to payback what they "borrowed". Do they get to keep the property? In the US it's called white collar crime, and generally the sentencing requires payback, confiscating of all properties through ill-gotten gains, and a prison term. Highly unlikely they are going to lose the property or serve time in jail.

Fraud, corruption, thief is how too many Emiratis have gained their wealth. And, yes, expats have played a part in it as well, and just to add: many expats were used as scapegoats by Emiratis.

I would find it hard to believe that the "average" Emirati who is thankful for what they have, or are knee deep in debt, doesn't resent the actions of some of their fellow countrymen. Not because they didn't have the opportunity to commit the same crimes, but because of the shame that is brought about due to their devious ways. There are by far more good Emiratis than there are bad, as there are by far more good expats than there are bad.
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