Ann Coulter advocates profiling Mooslim looking people

Fox News interview with Ann: ... ll-muslim/
You've gotta love Ann - 'this is Hitler's last revenge' LOL
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Flying Dutchman wrote:I am all for ethnic profiling. If Dutch people are more prone to drugs trafficing: target them. If statistically most (all?) passenger planes are blown up by Muslims: target profile them.
Ethnic profiling in marketing is very effective and nobody has a problem with that. With ethnic profiling for security, the PC brigade starts to march.
Misery Called Life wrote:Flying Dutchman wrote:I am all for ethnic profiling. If Dutch people are more prone to drugs trafficing: target them. If statistically most (all?) passenger planes are blown up by Muslims: target profile them.
Ethnic profiling in marketing is very effective and nobody has a problem with that. With ethnic profiling for security, the PC brigade starts to march.
Ethnic profiling in marketing is about selling the most number of products to a certain demographic.
Ethnic profiling in matters of national security is about finding 1 or 2 people amongst 10,000 and more.
That would'nt sound too feasible rit?
Anyways as Shafique accurately stated a terrorist can come in all shapes and colors, ethnic profiling would serve no purpose apart from causing discontent and further alienating the affected population.