Escape From Dubai-by Herve

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 14, 2010
herve wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:Those who are responsible for this man taking his life have to live with it. People can go through life without thinking of the wrongs they did, but there comes a time down the road when you have nothing left but your thoughts and it's at that time those things creep in your head and you just can't shake them out. The past catches up Herve. That itself is Karma.

Trust me on that one Bora, I lived in the inner circle of these powerful emirati's , I saw it first hand and I heard them, they are so ruthless like you would not beleive, they do not give a flying sausage of anyone death, they don't live with it because they do not care. Do you know what we are for them? all of us, poor or rich, caucasians or asians, we are "dogs", and for women you are dog "whores", or "flowers" for those they paid for.

Today in the news ... rldupdates
Not only I wrote exactly that in my book when few people beleived me, I also wrote that Nakheel paid (bribed) marine biologist to claim the opposite. There is a name for that, it is called FRAUD.
My karma, if you will, will be in the Court room, when I will tell all of this for everyone to know.

I love the quote at the end: "We can just import more." I highly doubt an expat made that statement. I guess the concept of "not everything (or everyone) is for sale" hasn't reached them.

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 14, 2010
for some reason I just remembered "the godfather" and "casino" :lol:

well herve , I guess its time for you to let go.move on with your life.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 14, 2010
uaekid wrote:for some reason I just remembered "the godfather" and "casino" :lol:

well herve , I guess its time for you to let go.move on with your life.

Oh!!!! Two of my favorite movies!!!!
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 14, 2010
uaekid wrote:for some reason I just remembered "the godfather" and "casino" :lol:

well herve , I guess its time for you to let go.move on with your life.

Hell NO, not until Dubai world, Sultan bin Sulayem and his goons are crucified for their fraud.
Beside I feel it is right to undo the deception. Dubai is not what it claims and people should know.
You want to be a man Kid, come to Florida, I will put you in front of 300 people see how you can promote Dubai.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 14, 2010
Herve, I am truely sorry for the hell you have been through at the hands of Dubai. I'm afraid you appear to think of all Emiratis as lower than low. I can't agree with you on this one. I have had some very positive experiences of Dubai and the locals. I understand where you come from but I felt I had to say this to try to give the other point of view. I only wish you and your family good luck for the future and that you are able to move on to a better place, emotionally. May be this will be after your Court case which may give you the closure you need.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 15, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Herve, I am truely sorry for the hell you have been through at the hands of Dubai. I'm afraid you appear to think of all Emiratis as lower than low. I can't agree with you on this one. I have had some very positive experiences of Dubai and the locals. I understand where you come from but I felt I had to say this to try to give the other point of view. I only wish you and your family good luck for the future and that you are able to move on to a better place, emotionally. May be this will be after your Court case which may give you the closure you need.

I see your point BM, when I was friend with Sultan everything was beautiful, but I can tell you that whoever Emirati they are, including your friends, if something bad comes up they will feed you to the dogs with no hesitation, not one will stand for you, ever, it s just not in their genes. Even between each other when things turn bad they don't fight for each other.
Beleive otherwise and soon or later you find yourself in free fall.
It is not through good experiences that you measure friendship but through adversity.
There are simple yes or no questions to ask Emirati's, any of them, do it , you will see just by the way they respond (it is not the response itself you are looking to) or (most likely) refuse to respond, you can see how full of it they really are, . Many questions are in my book.
Is Sheikh Mohammed above the law?
Can you oppose or criticise Sheikh Mohammed?
Is ok to have a sesual relationship with a prostitute?
Is indulging with prostitution illegal in the UAE
Can a Emirati woman have a boy friend, or why is it ok for a husband to have a girl friend, but not for the wife to have a boy friend.
Can a Emirati woman marry 4 men?
Any of these questions put in UK or US context and asked to UK or US persons would never be considered disturbing. They are in the UAE, because of their double standards which are indefendable and they expose their hypocrisy.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 15, 2010
Herve, I hope we are friends. I have no wish to upset you further.

-- Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:05 am --

Bora, you absolutely must get a copy of Herve’s book, it is so entertaining!
He really is the most romantic of men, intelligent and witty, and you know that does it for me! I was going to write this earlier but I got waylaid by the latest series of I’m A celebrity-Get Me Out of Here. (Apologies to anyone who doesn’t have access to UK’s ITV.) Among this years contestants are Shaun Ryder (ex Happy Mondays) very rock star, from Manchester and always had bad teeth, who is now a fat effer from Manchester with decent teeth and Aggro Santos, a rapper from London. I know you may be asking who the F is that but I tell you Bora, he is eye candy for the ladies. BM has to admit she probably has knickers older than him so I will keep my lusting quiet when Beth is around! Talking of which, I am trying to get her interested in Herve’s book. She doesn’t read enough in my opinion and today she was laid up as got thrown off her horse, luckily she has inherited her mother’s child bearing hips, so she bounced when she landed.

Anyway back to the book. I have a feeling, Herve, that this may be the strangest book review you have ever had. Never the less I will continue. You have given your age away in the book and I have to admit, you are wearing well, your wife is a lucky lady! As I said in a previous post, I was moved by the personal note to your wife. I don’t think I should be quoting from the book so I’m sorry if I speak out of line but ‘you have courageously journeyed alongside of me from the gardens of Versailles and the beaches of Puerto Rico to the deserts of Dubai’ just had to be repeated as is poetry. I think I fell in love at this point.

Chapter one covers your life as a spy, a lonely time by all accounts. You describe a situation where you are instrument in the down fall of a murderer and bomber without pulling the trigger. Good riddens to him, I can’t do with terrorists.

In chapter two you describe how Sultan lures you to Dubai with promises of a 50/50 stake in a submarine manufacturing company. I was particularly amused by your story of the two day trip you took with Sultan on his boat off the coast of Dubai accompanied by two Russian prostitutes. Why are these ladies always Russian? You touch again on the subject of ladies from the Eastern block countries in another chapter when you were interviewing for a PA. You describe her as stunning with Angelina Jolie lips, promising full service to you in every aspect. You did right to deny her that position Herve! If I had been your wife and you had employed her I would have kicked your a$$ and then hers! What a slapper!

Chapter three carries on describing your early days with your family in Dubai. I can appreciate how hard that must have been for your wife. A lady used to working for a living and then being stuck in a villa in the middle of nowhere while you are off trying to build a business. I know what that is like as I spent many a year as an army ‘widow’ wondering where my husband was. I always hoped something horrible would happen to my husband as it would have been cheaper than divorce, but in the end I had to bite the bullet and pay to have him removed from my life. I digress! You describe a situation where two employees lose a contact for you with the Indonesian Navy, I didn’t even know they had a Navy! I thought you were referring to ladies of the night again when you say they had business that sidelined them, but no! More on that later!

I recognised the situation you describe when you talk about the differences in pay for the same job. There is no uniform pay scale, rather people are paid according to where they come from rather than they level of education. My friend was starting a new business and we talked about staff. He told me what he was offering and what he expected to get for that salary. He said he could only expect to get Eastern European for that monthly salary. There was no mention of qualifications. As I interview in my role I found that most odd! I have to jump through hoops for HR showing how I have arrived at my decision. You do touch on your role with staff. I have to say I agree, there is a lot of hand holding to do. Why can’t people just do the job they apply for without giving a load of BS? A bit like the man you employed to remove the hoists from the submarine during trials who couldn’t swim. Sorry, but I had to laugh. He was prepared to drown rather than mention he couldn’t swim and may not get the job? Now that’s dedication!

I also LOL'd at your story about the memory stick given to you by one of your employees. It was supposed to contain promotional pictures but instead he gave you the one where he had taken some dodgy pictures of him shagging some Russian bird, and what made it worse (for him!) was that you recognised the surroundings and he had been doing the dirty deed in a submarine that was submerged! Can’t say I’ve ever done that but never say never eh?

Oh Herve, what a laugh, I have to admit I bought your book and didn’t know what to expect, I will continue, I’m only at Chapter four and I haven’t got to the bad bits yet. Although it was very sad when you describe the death of your friend from a heart attack.

Oh and I have to mention the scrape your other friend got into with the Police when his female passenger happened to lift her shirt up as a policeman came into view. A very unwise move, was it not?

The men who didn’t come home with the bacon as far as the Indonesian contract turn up again towards the end of chapter 4. A top banana of Sultan’s was also employed by you, for the sake of this story we’ll call him Jim, which I think is his real name so no matter. You expose his secret love hideaway in your factory as ‘yeah baby I have just discovered Ali Baba’s shag shack in need of a home make over’. When you order the removal of his underwear stored there it comes to light it belongs to his co-worker Amin, and that Amin has been taking it up the jacksy from Jim! Dirty buggers! I do love a tale of raving poofters!

Anyway Bora, I do hope this has wet your whistle as far as Herve’s book goes. A must read! highly recommended! More later!
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 16, 2010
herve wrote:
uaekid wrote:for some reason I just remembered "the godfather" and "casino" :lol:

well herve , I guess its time for you to let go.move on with your life.

Hell NO, not until Dubai world, Sultan bin Sulayem and his goons are crucified for their fraud.
Beside I feel it is right to undo the deception. Dubai is not what it claims and people should know.
You want to be a man Kid, come to Florida, I will put you in front of 300 people see how you can promote Dubai.

I too have arab/emirati acquaintances, and like BM, have no problem with them. They are friendly, polite, professional. But I agree with you herve that things are fine until you are at the wrong end of the stick. It is well known that they will rat on anyone or sing like a canary if they have to. Yes, this happens every day, in business all over the world, but you herve have probably also seen it first hand (interrogations) where the differences become clear. Since moving to Dubai, I have thought about what the arabs must think of expats. Something that the english are quite proud of is winning ww2. But when examining this, I thought westerners must look quite stupid for charging a machine gun post without a thought of their own wellbeing and almost certain death... and of course no virgins waiting in heaven. I suspect if you had asked an Emirati to do that, they'd ask what's in it for them. But that seems to be the subtle difference. They really do look after No1... at any cost.
Regarding business, you were part of a failed one herve. You managed to con Dubai world into financing your operation... OK more fool them. As you said, like all arabs, they will pin 100% of the blame on you. But you are by no means blameless, and need to accept some responsibility. Anyone with a bit of common sense would ask how can they be millions out of pocket, and you be sitting pretty in Florida? If they lost money, and you are a 50/50 partner, then surely you owe just as much?
Or do you plan to pay it all back after you win the defamation court case?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Benwj, can I ask? have you read Herve's book? Just curious? I'm not half way through it yet and enjoying it a great deal.
When you describe the Emiratis as singing like canaries and they they will rat on anyone you definately are describing a lot of people the world over. I work with one or two people who fit this description and they are British.
Going back to the book, as I say I'm not finished yet but I'm not of the impression so far that Herve was a 50/50 partner in a failed business. Yes. I'm getting to the part of the book that tells of the business starting to go pear shaped but that Herve tried his best (and his reputation) to keep it going against all odds. I do have a bit of knowledge about the locals, as I have said, and I do recognise a lot of the negatives in them Herve describes. I can relate to a lot he says, I know my friend can be totally ruthless if he wants to be but on the other hand he has shown me nothing but kindness and lots of support in his country.
I don't agree with your statement that Herve conned Sultan into financing his business, unless you have different information you would care to share. I read more that Herve was ticed here with promises of expansion and the space to be creative in his field. Surely a dream come true for anyone with a passion like Herves?
Sitting pretty in Florida? I somehow doubt that is how Herve, or his wife feels. If this was a failed business in the UK, would Herve have had his passport confiscated? No, we would have let him declare himself bankrupt, write off all the debt and the next day he could have started over as Herves Big Idea Mark 2 (UK) LTD. Not that I am saying this is the right way but prevent him from leaving the country with the might of Sultan breathing down his neck? That would make me, well I can only say politely, mess my pants.
As I say I will read on and report back my findings.

Benwj, I owe you an apology, I'm fairly new here, as I clicked submit I caught sight of a related topic at the bottom of the page that you had started. I hadn't realised you had discussed this before. I see you are not a fan of Herve. I find that sad really. I'm a supporter of Dubai and have always been treated well in this country as you appear to have been but I feel for anyone who finds themselves in Herves predicament. There are a lot of bitter people on this forum who appear to have major problems with the locals. I'm very pleased I'm not one of them.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Benjw, I did not con anyone, Sultan bin Sulayem came to me, not once but twice, to ask me to move to Dubai and build their factory. Only they failed the business, not me, even the guys they put in after me could not make it either.
As for the 50/50 partner ship, it was only a false promise, once I got there, I turned out to be an employee.
But you are right , only in Dubai an employee is responsible for his boss mistakes and senseless decisions.
But that is not the way it works outside the UAE, so when one little guy manages to slip through their claws they are learning it the hard way.
As for the money they put in the company, problem is was not theirs, and I did not even have access to it.
By summer 2006, I knew (too late) that Dubai , in fact, did not have any money. Everybody but "the bitter easy to blame it on expats" knows that today, especially those who lent the money, they are ALL, without exception, forced to take a hair cut, and by that i mean a "marine" type of haircut.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
benwj wrote: Anyone with a bit of common sense would ask how can they be millions out of pocket, and you be sitting pretty in Florida? If they lost money, and you are a 50/50 partner, then surely you owe just as much?
Or do you plan to pay it all back after you win the defamation court case?

:D Don't have to pay back when you win dude, that' s for the loser. Man if they think like you, it s gonna hurt.
Hope they put a camera in that court room.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
I’m a little confused, I haven’t read Herve’s book, (only snippets from the Public Domain), as to why there has been a court case here in Dubai where Herve was tried in abstentia, and now he’s awaiting the outcome from another trial scheduled to take place in the USA, which he believes is going to vindicate the charges he was found guilty of in Dubai?

As I understand, whether Herve was employed by the Company or was a shareholder, there is always a clause in either the formal documentation establishing the Company or a Contract of Employment, defining the Resolution of Disputes, The Jurisdiction and Governing Law & Language for which any disputes involving the Employee or Company Representative will take precedence.

Now considering Herve was an employee. The Company would appear to be a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubai World and therefore, as such I would be very surprised if a court of Law in the USA had any jurisdiction over a Company or Company representative registered in Dubai?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Dillon, the fact that Dubai World went through the process to establish a business presence in the US, (and is listed as an international company) they subjected themselves to the possibility of a lawsuit and cases are tried under US law. If no such business existed in the US, he would not have been able to take it to the US Court. I guess DW didn't factor that possibly in when setting up in the US.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Benwj, can I ask? have you read Herve's book? Just curious? I'm not half way through it yet and enjoying it a great deal.
When you describe the Emiratis as singing like canaries and they they will rat on anyone you definately are describing a lot of people the world over. I work with one or two people who fit this description and they are British.

No I haven't read the book. But, if Bernie Madoff wrote a book, I wouldn't support it either.
As far as singing like canaries, yes, I too know their are people the world over like this and their behaviour is frowned upon. The difference is that in the UAE it is acceptable.
But maybe this is the direction where the rest of the world is headed? :? and the arab culture is "ahead" of everyone else... for once :) .
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Dillon, you don't trust the US courts? you find Dubai Courts more transparent I guess, I should follow your recommendations and go back there to get a fair trial. not in a million years, Dubai Justice system is corrupt to the core, so if you can't get justice there, you get out and you get it outside.
As for the jurisdiction, you saw in the news that DW sued me in Florida (in reaction of me suing them), now how could they sue me here and claim there is no jurisdiction. Double standards? not in the free world Dillon, only in Dubai.
Anyways we are way past your surprise now, Court date is set and locked.
And like BB said, by doing business and having assets in foreign countries they subject themselves to the laws of these foreign countries, only difference is they can't call a cousin in the court or give orders to a judge.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:Dillon, the fact that Dubai World went through the process to establish a business presence in the US, (and is listed as an international company) they subjected themselves to the possibility of a lawsuit and cases are tried under US law. If no such business existed in the US, he would not have been able to take it to the US Court. I guess DW didn't factor that possibly in when setting up in the US.

Hi Bora, well I’m neither informed nor qualified to take up a legal argument, Dubai World, the Holding Company may have established a Business Unit in the USA, but would any liability of that unit extend to Exomos? So I will watch with interest for any rulings on the case in the US, and what authority they in fact have on, or over the findings of the first case already held here in Dubai, when is the case to be heard?


-- Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:31 am --

herve wrote:Dillon, you don't trust the US courts? you find Dubai Courts more transparent I guess, I should follow your recommendations and go back there to get a fair trial. not in a million years, Dubai Justice system is corrupt to the core, so if you can't get justice there, you get out and you get it outside.
As for the jurisdiction, you saw in the news that DW sued me in Florida (in reaction of me suing them), now how could they sue me here and claim there is no jurisdiction. Double standards? not in the free world Dillon, only in Dubai.
Anyways we are way past your surprise now, Court date is set and locked.
And like BB said, by doing business and having assets in foreign countries they subject themselves to the laws of these foreign countries, only difference is they can't call a cousin in the court or give orders to a judge.

Hi Herve, it isn’t a matter of who I choose to trust, my point was one of jurisdiction, and just for the record, cash would appear to buy innocence in the US courts as in the infamous cases of OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson’s murderer! However, I’ve already stated I’m neither informed nor qualified to take up a legal argument, so I will watch with interest for any rulings on the case in the US, and what authority they in fact have on, or over the findings of the first case already held here in Dubai, when is the case set to be heard?

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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
The US has no authority or interest in the case in Dubai, nor would it acknowledge it as it was brought forth under UAE law, as opposed to the case Herve initiated in the States under US law. It's all about jurisdiction. DW has a presence in several countries. Any lawsuits brought against them in that country would be under the laws of that country. DW would have to argue the case under the law in the jurisdiction where the suit was filed. In order to do that, they would have to retain lawyers who are licensed to practice in that jurisdiction.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Federal Court, Fort Pierce, FL, February 14, 2010
Get real Dillon, if cash could buy innocence DW 's $$billions would have bought me guilty already. Given the army of lawyers they lined up in front of me, they probably spent $$ millions in retainer already. Too bad, they can't beat me with the truth.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Wasn't there a court case a few years ago between someone or a gov dept in Florida having a court case with Dubai Inc over something ? sorry cant remember what is was about.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
herve wrote:Federal Court, Fort Pierce, FL, February 14, 2010
Get real Dillon, if cash could buy innocence DW 's $$billions would have bought me guilty already. Given the army of lawyers they lined up in front of me, they probably spent $$ millions in retainer already. Too bad, they can't beat me with the truth.

I think you’ll find Herve that I’m as real as real can be, the facts are that OJ Simpson succeeded in buying his freedom and Conrad Murray is well on his way to securing the same, I sincerely hope the truth will be revealed to all in February and the real criminals brought to justice.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Sounds like you are fearing the truth Dillon, already you claim innocence can be bought , that s nasty. So guilty anyways huh?
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
gertrude wrote:Sounds like you are fearing the truth Dillon, already you claim innocence can be bought , that s nasty. So guilty anyways huh?

Never fear the truth.
OJ Simpson proved innocence can be bought, Conrad Murray is well on the way.
Iagree, that's nasty.
In my book, Innocent until proven guilty but hey, whatever you want to believe :roll:
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Dillon wrote:
gertrude wrote:Sounds like you are fearing the truth Dillon, already you claim innocence can be bought , that s nasty. So guilty anyways huh?

Never fear the truth.
OJ Simpson proved innocence can be bought, Conrad Murray is well on the way.
Iagree, that's nasty.
In my book, Innocent until proven guilty but hey, whatever you want to believe :roll:

Gertrude, did you watch the OJ trial? He had the best lawyers (most of who are dead now - cursed?) who had the resources to get the best experts to try his case. Not to mention that they were very, very clever. Do you think he would have gotten off if he had a public defender taking on his case? He would have been found guilty within an hour of the jury deliberating.

The fact is that he was NOT proven innocent, because the prosecutors did not prove him guilty - they failed to show that he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, that is why he wasn't convicted. Even him writing that book he fell short of admitting he killed them - and even if he did admit it there is double jeopardy - you cannot be tried for the same crime twice.

I'm sure Herve has a team of seriously expensive lawyers working his case, because at the end of the day, they can see that there is some serious money to be made.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
is this the same Herve Jaubert, I'm not sure :lol:

Their plans began to unravel on Sept. 1, 1994. On that day, the French police anti-gang squad received information from a source that two men planned to commit a robbery that afternoon. Police set up surveillance and followed the men to the Gare de Lyon where they arrested Hervé Jaubert, who had retired in 1993 as a French army captain, and Stéphane Pommier, also an army veteran. The two men were carrying two bags containing wigs, gloves, handcuffs, a roll of tape, a sawed-off shotgun, a 9mm pistol, shotgun shells, brass knuckles, sunglasses, a truncheon or blackjack, smoke and tear gas grenades. They also carried 19,000 francs in bills of 500 francs and two train tickets to Béziers.

the rest
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Hmmmm....and the plot thickens.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
On his way to rob a bank.... with 19,000 francs in his pocket???? yeah right ......
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
gertrude wrote:On his way to rob a bank.... with 19,000 francs in his pocket???? yeah right ......

19,000 FF, around AED 12,000 small change for a bank robber, you would soon spend that on a couple of bribes and a bit of transport if you had to get away in a hurry :lol:
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
I think we would all be surprised at what went on in the world of espionage. You only have to read what comes out in the press occasionally about MI5 and MI6 and the Russians in London. I would be prepared to give Herve the benefit of the doubt on this story in France. I can quite believe this isn't the full story. As for the dealings with DW, why, if he had made an escape, and got away with the money, does he continue to protest his innocence? I would just keep my head down. It says in Herve's book that he had no access to funds and that bills were paid through Sultan's office. It seems perfectly reasonable to me. How did he get away with the amounts DW claim? I don't particularly consider myself to be niave but DW's story doesn't cut it with me.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
Bethsmum, you are right , thank you, I could not get a pencil without asking 7 people to sign forms and other requests for payment.
Sorry to disapoint you Dillon it is indeed a baseless story and DW knew about it before they even hire me. You may not have noticed it, but DW never mentionned it publicly, defamation is already bad for them, they d rather use people like uaekid to spread it around anonymously.
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Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve Nov 17, 2010
So the hitman story was false... but DW knew about it anyway, obsure as is was, we all know about the skill of the Dubai CIB... but they still decided to hire you.
Do you know how stupid this sounds?
I have doubts about the jurisdiction of the case anyway.
You have already been found guilty in Dubai and regardless of how (un)creditable this is, the first case should take precidence. Otherwise you just end up is a pissing competition.
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