Wage Question

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Wage question Mar 06, 2006
hi....i will be moving to dubai later this month and would like to know if the wage im on is goin to be enough to live on and go out occasionally.
im on 3500, maybe a little more in commision.i have accomadation provided,travel to and from work and also get 3 meals a day at the employee restaurant.

any feedback would be helpful..


Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 06, 2006
Hey Syd,

Would that be AED3500, USD3500 or AUD3500?
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Mar 06, 2006
that would be AED3500
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 06, 2006
Well Syd, have a look around this forum. There's plenty of info concerning what the cost of living is like here.

Without knowing where you're from, I can't say if you're better off working where you are (Australia perhaps? If it is indeed Australia, don't come to Dubai, certainly not on this offer). Neither do I know what you do but in any case, AED3500 won't go a long way considering how expensive things are. Had you have to pay for your own accommodation, AED3,500 wouldn't be enough (for rent alone), in most instances.

Definitely a good idea to have a browse around this forum.

Cheers mate!
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Mar 06, 2006
well im currently in london....im a personal trainer.the wage here is rubbish and very hard to live off...so i guess dubai cant be any worse at least...can it?when compared to london.i worked out that after all my expenses here in london,id have more money at the end of the month on the dubai wage.i guess its worth a try...nothing to lose.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 07, 2006
I hate to be a wet blanket but that seems no where near enough to me. First of all with that wage, what kind of accomodation are you being offered. Also medical insurance?? Hmmmmm...... seems way too little.
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Mar 07, 2006
well i stay in a 3 bedroom apartment that all the international employees stay in.im working for the hyatt so i assume since they are international standards should be fairly good.
you have to realise that fitness job arent that well paid as well.even here in london im working for the best paid company and only get 16000 a year.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 07, 2006
Syd, you do realise that at AED3,500... that's about GBP530. You may even get to save a fair bit in terms of AED but it won't be much in GBP.

What's your primary reasons for coming?

I hope savings isn't right on top of the list.
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Mar 07, 2006
i think you may have lost the plot re salary. Gabs is totally correct. Your salary of 3500dhs is just about surviveable on a basic level.

Your equiv Uk salary is equiv to 120,000 Dhs which is 10,000 a month obvioulsy. So thats makes you a £ grand down a year.

apart from living in a hovel and getting 3 meals a day plus lots of sunshine (which you wont see because of working) i really dont see the point of moving for such a pittance.
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Mar 07, 2006
hmmm thanks for all the feedback...making me think twice.

ive worked out wgaes as it would be in pounds.....and at the end of the month i would have more money leftover then i would if i stayed in london.so to me...the aed wage is not going to be any worse than london.

i have everythng provided.food.accomadation.medical.travel to and from work so what i earn is basically what i have to spend.its a 48 hr week.

still think its a waste of time.....???

no im not doing this to save money....i know i wont b able to...as i wont if i stay on london.there other reason is that its for assistant manager so its good career experience.

really undecided now:S
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 07, 2006
the overall opinion is that 3500dhs is well hell of a crap wage equiv to £546 a month. Even a crappy car is gonna take one third of that just to start with

and i bet you dont even work anywhere near a 48 hour week in UK.

when you consider the average cost of socialising is basically similar to that of the UK, you aint gonna be doing a lot in yer spare time.

At the end of the day it is your choice, all we can do is offer our opinions.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 07, 2006
arniegang wrote:the overall opinion is that 3500dhs is well hell of a crap wage equiv to £546 a month. Even a crappy car is gonna take one third of that just to start with

and i bet you dont even work anywhere near a 48 hour week in UK.

when you consider the average cost of socialising is basically similar to that of the UK, you aint gonna be doing a lot in yer spare time.

At the end of the day it is your choice, all we can do is offer our opinions.

thanks arnie for your opinions.do u live in dubai atm?how old are you?

id probly do a bit over 40 hrs in the uk.

i wasnt planning on getting a car...its it a nessescity?(spelling)
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 07, 2006
I have a home in dubai and am a regular visitor, although i do have residency. I choose to live in the UK as opposed the UAE.

Most of us are quite genuine and serious when it comes to giving advise re wages etc, there of many of us with much experience.

I think you have to consider quality of life and the costs that are attached to it.

Yea ok 16k pa in UK aint brill money. But when you consider you are going to be £1000 a month down on your wages, even taking into account the cost of accom and food in UK, you really are not better off.

No a car is not essential, but how you gonna get about in your spare time??. Cabs will sonn eat into your small income. A life just existing in work and stuck in your appartment isnt much of a life is it.

At your age and depending on what car you would by, the insurance will almost cost one months wages.

One decent night out a week clubbing drinking will take 50% of your wage. You really wont have much money to do anything to be totally frank.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 07, 2006
arniegang wrote:I have a home in dubai and am a regular visitor, although i do have residency. I choose to live in the UK as opposed the UAE.

Most of us are quite genuine and serious when it comes to giving advise re wages etc, there of many of us with much experience.

I think you have to consider quality of life and the costs that are attached to it.

Yea ok 16k pa in UK aint brill money. But when you consider you are going to be £1000 a month down on your wages, even taking into account the cost of accom and food in UK, you really are not better off.

No a car is not essential, but how you gonna get about in your spare time??. Cabs will sonn eat into your small income. A life just existing in work and stuck in your appartment isnt much of a life is it.

At your age and depending on what car you would by, the insurance will almost cost one months wages.

One decent night out a week clubbing drinking will take 50% of your wage. You really wont have much money to do anything to be totally frank.

Thanks for your help again.I do take your advice seriously i was just wondering what experience and stuff you had in dubai.thanks again I will have a good hard think about it.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Mar 08, 2006
I have to agree with Arnie. To get around you will need a car as public transport is limited to a bus service that is not extensive, at the moment. To get where you are going will probably cost you an average of AED20 by taxi (we live pretty centrally and barr trips to the supermarket which would be a 25 minute walk, about AED10 by taxi, most jaunts in the taxi set me back about AED20) . Also on that wage I'd be cautious about the type of accom. you are getting.
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