30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It?

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30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 08, 2010
I seem to recall Raidah asking about workouts previously.

Tell you what try Jillian Michaels (The biggest Loser trainer) - 30 Day Shred.

OMG - it's evil! Seriously forget the gym, she kicks your backside in 20 minutes flat.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 08, 2010
The only Shred I'm likely to get involved with will be 'Robertsons Golden Shred' on my toast tomorrow :lol:
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Re: 30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It? Nov 08, 2010
What is it for, losing weight or getting toned or bulked up ? As shredding is a term usually used by body builders to get more defenition.

I wouldn't mind getting back into shape if that is all that was required, god knows I need it but I hate gyms ! :D
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 09, 2010
Well basically it's for losing flab and toning up - you won't build muscle with this. You use hand weights and a yoga mat and the point is it's 3mins strength, 2 mins cardio, 1 min abs - and repeat - several times. She uses all the muscles groups at once for maximum calorie burn, so lunges with arm raises etc.

There are 3 levels, the aim is to do each level for 10 days, hence 30 day shred. Some people I know are losing between 5kgs and 10kgs during the 40 days of doing it.

You can download it from itunes.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: 30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It? Nov 10, 2010
Ok I "bought" it online ;) Damn thing looks tough as steel nuts. But am willing to give it a go, I'll probally die after the 5 mins or so. I couldn't care less about weight nor am a weight watcher. Just recently ( for over a year and a half ) but struck down with enourmous physical inactivity and resulted in putting on quite a few Kilos !, I won't use the word pounds as that would be unfair to the word pounds !!! Part of me arrives hours before the rest of me does and part of me leaves the room long after I'm gone, if you know what I mean :D

For the last month or so I've started a moderate regime of 3kms of brisk walking with last 1 and 1/2 week of going up to 6 kms broken up into two sessions as somekind of phase into something more streneous. So I guess this would be it !

So have you checked it out yourself and any seen results ? And what does one do after 30 days, start over I assume ?

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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 10, 2010
Fat *******:D We'll have to start calling you Chubs mark2
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 10, 2010
Well I'm in the middle of it - I don't have scales at home, but my arms and legs are definitely becoming more toned and I feel alot stronger.

Once I've finished, I'll use the workouts for maintenance alongside some time in the gym, swimming etc.

Jillan Michaels is tough as steel nuts - boy does she get you going.

-- Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:09 am --

Bethsmum wrote:Fat *******:D We'll have to start calling you Chubs mark2

Totally uncalled for BM!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: 30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It? Nov 10, 2010
Lets see, hope I don't end up feeling like I got hit by a car for a few days. Man I hate that.
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 10, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:Well I'm in the middle of it - I don't have scales at home, but my arms and legs are definitely becoming more toned and I feel alot stronger.

Once I've finished, I'll use the workouts for maintenance alongside some time in the gym, swimming etc.

Jillan Michaels is tough as steel nuts - boy does she get you going.

-- Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:09 am --

Bethsmum wrote:Fat *******:D We'll have to start calling you Chubs mark2

Totally uncalled for BM!

Agree Chocs and this is one example that earned her a 24 hour ban on DF
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Re: 30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It? Nov 10, 2010
Ok time to fess up, I suck at it and clearly way too advanced for someone for my fitness level. I got tired doing the warm ups and died a cruel death 15 mins in !

But I read some reviews, even physicaly fit people who'd been going to the gym for years were finding it very tough so I guess I made it half way through isn't that bad. Anyways I'm in no big rush so I'll eventually ease into it. But will keep at it, hopefull before the year is out I'll be able to level 1 without having to feel like I spent a year in Abu Guraib !

FARK I hate workouts !

Sorry just had to get it out of my system :oops:
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Re: 30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It? Nov 10, 2010
Hey DD, did you "buy" it by torent? I cant find the torent link, can you post it or share it please?
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Re: 30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It? Nov 10, 2010
Will PM from where I "bought" it from ;)
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 10, 2010
LOL I told you it was tough! At least you're giving it a go, stick with it, it gets easier everyday. Just work up to it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: 30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It? Nov 10, 2010
Tough is a easy word when talking about this. I watched the first 10 mintues yesterday and said bah thats not that tough, i'll crack it in no time, god bod here I come.

Today was a different story althoughter though when I actually tried it. But I am also keeping up my 6 kms walks along side so the lack "shreding" shoudl help a little bit, anywho lets see how it turns out.

If I turn into Brad Pitt in 30 days ( yeah right ! ), I'll bet y'all will be kicking yourselves but sorry ladies this dude is already spoken for in any case :D. Don't ask me how, she just has bad taste in men :)
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 11, 2010
hey u serious DD? I figured it'd be a femme workout great for chit chat and a lil booty shakin.
But if it's indeed a hardcore cardio workout a la Pitt in Fight Club, I'd sure as hell be interested. Could you both Chocs and DD elaborate a lil more on it pls?
Misery Called Life
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 11, 2010
Misery Called Life wrote:hey u serious DD? I figured it'd be a femme workout great for chit chat and a lil booty shakin.
But if it's indeed a hardcore cardio workout a la Pitt in Fight Club, I'd sure as hell be interested. Could you both Chocs and DD elaborate a lil more on it pls?

Hey thats what I thought when I first saw it. Pfttt, these girly excerises with girly weights bah, gimme some bicep busting, tree stump tearing, leather chewing, cigar swallowing stuff man.

But as you can see I had to whimper out halfway through feeling as though a semi had rolled over me. The biggest thing I see it just made up of real simple stuff like jumping jacks, crunches, pushups etc etc.

Bah what the hell have a look and see for yourself.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WSPkxYX ... re=related

You might laugh now, but try it and DIE !
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 11, 2010
LOL 'Try it and DIE' - hahahaha not far from the truth.

MCL, have a look at my posts I basically describe it to you. I did Level 1 this morning and ventured into Level 2 - Holy Cow - are you KIDDING ME?!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: 30 Day Shred - anyone tried it? Nov 11, 2010

I had a good long hard look at it, but might give it a pass cos well I'm already onto sometin quite similar.

This is what we do, we got an indoor as well as an outdoor variant, the indoor variant goes like this

The endeavor is to complete the workout in 60 mins flat.
It's all done back to back with minimal breaks between sets,

Warm-Up (5 min)
Jumping Rope high intensity (5min)
Boxing Drills (Shadow Boxing) ( 10 min)
Push-ups (75-100 reps) (different variations are used to increase or decrease intensity)
Pull-ups ( 3 sets of 15, 8 , 10) (different variations to manage difficulty levels)
Jumping Rope medium to low intensity (10min)
Squats( 100 reps)
Jumping Squats (50 reps)
ChinUp's (3 sets 15,15,15)

Cool Down (outside the 60 min mark)

(now where's the darn copy-write trademark when you need it :lol: )

Misery Called Life
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Re: 30 Day Shred - Anyone Tried It? Nov 11, 2010
Shit and you call do all that ! I wouldn't even look at the 30 day shred if I was able to do all that LOL ! Like I said I got tired just doing the warm up LOL But I'm not prime example of fitness anyways :D

I think its good for slobs like me, who need to get back into somewhat like the human body was orginal intended to look like and do :D
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