Emirates Flight 201

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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 06, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Thats a bit debateable, why all this time to claim responsibilty and whats the point trying to do in a cargo plane ?

Because the terrorists have no way of knowing in which plane the package will be transported. Some packages go on passenger flights while others go on cargo planes. All they do is to drop the package at a UPS or FEDEx outlet.

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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 06, 2010
Ok, then why wait so long to claim responsibilty ?
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 06, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Ok, then why wait so long to claim responsibilty ?

Because no one attributed the crash to Al Qaeda, then they could come back to strike more planes, which they did.
Dubai has become a nerv center where bombs, terrorists, fly in, from, or through, and that is not good for the residents and for Dubai who needs visitors and investors to finance their debt. Hence the cover up.
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 06, 2010
Herve, your claims may hold a little bit more credibility if you weren't so negative about Dubai all the time. It's all a little bit draining after a while. :sleepy1:
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 06, 2010
herve wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Ok, then why wait so long to claim responsibilty ?

Because no one attributed the crash to Al Qaeda, then they could come back to strike more planes, which they did.
Dubai has become a nerv center where bombs, terrorists, fly in, from, or through, and that is not good for the residents and for Dubai who needs visitors and investors to finance their debt. Hence the cover up.

Well maybe not a nerve center as you may describe it, but it being in the middle of the region and a hub, its almost impossible for anything or anyone going east to west and vice versa not to pass through here.

As for govt being not truthfull, I haven't seen one govt in the world which is totally forth comming. You being in the espionage bussiness surely must know more about this than me. 9/11 was never properly investigated or has the US govt come forward with all info, Hell forget 9/11 still so many questions unanswered about JFK's assasination.

Not defending dxb just being reasonable.
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 06, 2010
-- Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:48 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote: Well maybe not a nerve center as you may describe it, but it being in the middle of the region and a hub, its almost impossible for anything or anyone going east to west and vice versa not to pass through here.

As for govt being not truthfull, I haven't seen one govt in the world which is totally forth comming. You being in the espionage bussiness surely must know more about this than me. 9/11 was never properly investigated or has the US govt come forward with all info, Hell forget 9/11 still so many questions unanswered about JFK's assasination.

Not defending dxb just being reasonable.

Paris, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, are hubs, you never see terrorists originating, or arriving there.
The region you are describing IS the whole problem, Dubai being a hub, yes, but a foremost "friendly" hub for their neighbors. Come on... Fedex a printer costs more than the printer itself, anywhere else in the world it would raise suspicion.
Yes I am aware of other GOV cover ups, of course, the difference with Dubai is that it is constant, almost every week.
In the recent weeks, I can name the bombs stuff, but also the US swimmer who died, have you heard anything lately about the causes of his death, no of course not, because the real causes ARE bad publicity....
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 07, 2010
I still want to know who framed Roger Rabbit.
Sheikh Mohammed needs to come clean.
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 07, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:I still want to know who framed Roger Rabbit.
Sheikh Mohammed needs to come clean.

I ll tell you if you dress in Jessica :D
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 07, 2010
Herve, mon chéri, je peux être Jessica, mais elle sera blonde. Est-ce un problème pour vous? :lol:
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 07, 2010
herve wrote:Yes I am aware of other GOV cover ups, of course, the difference with Dubai is that it is constant, almost every week.

Well from what ever little we know the US govt is no angle or has it been ever in the past, and it does this on a very regular basis and the things that it does cover up or atleast tries to is pale in comparison to what ever that can be atributed to here.

Again no govt in the world is a becon of moral transperency.

Again not defending just pointing out the obvious.
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 07, 2010
The French government, pour example, is hardly a paragon of virtue when it comes to transparency or being 'plus blanche'...

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 07, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:The French government, pour example, is hardly a paragon of virtue when it comes to transparency or being 'plus blanche'...

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Knigh and DD:
France is mother of all democracies, at least have some respect if you dont have the memory or did not go to school long enough.
Pull your head out of the sands: the French or the US Government do not censor the media, do not provide jail time for reporting on negative issues, do not ban websites, books , movies, restrict internet, phone service, messaging.
All government try to cover up the bad news, yeah sure, but at least in the free world when it gets to the media, it s out.
In the UAE, bad news never get pass the media, my wife was a reporter at Gulf News, everyday she had to pull stories out because they were disturbing, 2 articles about me in Arabian Business were pulled out by Media council because I was exposing negative facts.
It is absolutely ridiculous to compare democracies and the UAE where transparency (polite word to not say cover up) ranks #156 in the world after Bangladesh and Zambia.
I invite you to verify by yourself, walk the street with a sign saying the head of state is a dictator..my advice : start with France, because in the UAE you will be put in prison for a long time. Or just promote my book hehehe. You will see.
I understand you dont want to be negative because it s never pleasant to admit you live in a bad place, but at least stop living in denial, and be quiet instead of posting non sense.
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 07, 2010
herve wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:The French government, pour example, is hardly a paragon of virtue when it comes to transparency or being 'plus blanche'...

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Knigh and DD:
France is mother of all democracies, at least have some respect if you dont have the memory or did not go to school long enough.
Pull your head out of the sands: the French or the US Government do not censor the media, do not provide jail time for reporting on negative issues, do not ban websites, books , movies, restrict internet, phone service, messaging.
All government try to cover up the bad news, yeah sure, but at least in the free world when it gets to the media, it s out.
In the UAE, bad news never get pass the media, my wife was a reporter at Gulf News, everyday she had to pull stories out because they were disturbing, 2 articles about me in Arabian Business were pulled out by Media council because I was exposing negative facts.
It is absolutely ridiculous to compare democracies and the UAE where transparency (polite word to not say cover up) ranks #156 in the world after Bangladesh and Zambia.
I invite you to verify by yourself, walk the street with a sign saying the head of state is a dictator..my advice : start with France, because in the UAE you will be put in prison for a long time. Or just promote my book hehehe. You will see.
I understand you dont want to be negative because it s never pleasant to admit you live in a bad place, but at least stop living in denial, and be quiet instead of posting non sense.

Merci Herve,

My history is very well up to date regarding the 'Mother of all Democracies',(which could be debated bearing in mind the Roman Empire was founded on democratic principles having an elected senate representing the people and a system of regional governance until a Ceasar decided he wanted to be overall ruler) however the current government is hardly the flavour of the month back home is it? Or are all the transport strikes merely system breakdowns?

I am sure the people of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia might have had a thing to say about their 'democratic rights' under French occupation too...

France is a Republic. Dubai is an Emirate. There are major differences in the structure of both. Its the same racquet, just different balls.

8) 8) 8)

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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 09, 2010
Herve, You are the first person to accuse DK of being optimistic, and a Dubai lover.

If its pessimistic views and subtly that you want, DKs your man, that’s why we love him.
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 10, 2010
benwj wrote:Herve, You are the first person to accuse DK of being optimistic, and a Dubai lover.

If its pessimistic views and subtly that you want, DKs your man, that’s why we love him.

I always enjoy DK posts, brilliant, accurate, I am with him most of the time, he a must be DForumer.
But I am sorry, in terms of transparency or civil rights , comparing France and the Emirates is like comparing a Bentley with a Horsey horseless.
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 10, 2010
Well I'm going to back Herve up, because there are lots of sleeper cells in the UAE. The UAE ports are rife for arms dealing. This I know from extremely credible sources.
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Re: Emirates Flight 201 Nov 10, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:Well I'm going to back Herve up, because there are lots of sleeper cells in the UAE. The UAE ports are rife for arms dealing. This I know from extremely credible sources.

Hell yes.
When I went in hiding, I met some people I would never thought were in the Emirates, offering me AK47 if i needed one.
More recently a Hamas commander was killed in his hotel room, he was in Dubai under a false identity, and probably working weapon deals or running sleeper cells.
The NY bomber was pulled out of a flight bound to Dubai, the underwear bomber went to school in Dubai.
All these bad guys share the same hatred, they all support the same people and the same religion. Inevitably Dubai is a safe heaven. They did Not pick Tokyo, or Rio de Janeiro.
Given the fact that everybody in Dubai is monitored, recorded, tracked, from the moment they set foot at the airport, to their hotel room, and even in the bathroom (thank you Dahi Khalfan for proving me right) I dont see how these guys can go freely in Dubai without being detected. I beleive they are (at least) tolerated, until they mess up and given time to flee.
I can tell you that in the US shipping a $100 printer for $250 would not pass customs and would get you squeezed a little bit. Why did it go through in Dubai.
You cannot ship an adult DVD, a ses toy, or my book, but a printer loaded with explosives, no problem. Come on....

-- Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:35 am --

It s not jut terrorists and bombs that fly through Dubai, this article tells about Somalian pirates negociating highjacked tankers and laundering ransom money in Dubai.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20101112/wl ... 1112162051

Is there anything legit downthere :?:
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