desertdudeshj wrote:Bethsmum wrote:Chocs you can't really mean what you said about Symm and Uaekid? That they are both local and therefore the same? Sorry, but that's just plain daft. You can't lump everyone together because of their nationality, that's like saying you and me have the same opinion because we are British.
I must admit i was surprised at Sym's story about the origins of the Lootah clan, but it's not outside the realms of possibility. Lootah isn't your standard Arabic name. Where ever they came from they look totally Arabic to me, and no trace of the Pakistani roots. I know one of the Mr Lootahs very well indeed and will ask him when I see him. I won't text him as he will want to know why I am asking and it is too much to explain this forum to him and besides he won't appreciate his family name being discussed on an internet forum, they are mega private people.
@Drew, no they weren't the same people doing the rounds after Hurricane Katrina
Doesn't seem right comming from someone who themselves hugley biased views....Pot kettle black, perhaps ?
What are you talking about? Yes I do have some strong views, you are probably harping back to the Jewish posts. It is you that insisted you weren't biased but clearly were when I am quite clear about what I say. To say that two people should be treated as idiots because they are both Emirati is not right in my book. You obviously have a problem with the locals, I don't.