the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Red Chief wrote:dilara wrote:I know people have too much hate in them, but I'm telling you it's because they really do not have an ambition in life and they get involved with everything to see how much drama they can get out those....
Well said. It's exactly what this Dubai Circus is about. By the way it looks that you hit somebodie's nerve.
desertdudeshj wrote:Oh crap I thought you'd fcuk'ed off for good
Bethsmum wrote:@uaekid
Bethsmum wrote:Well all I can say to that is that I wish I could speak Arabic. let alone write it as well as Uaekid speaks/writes English. I admire him.
And thanks TJ for the correction in my Latin, I did do Latin for a couple of years at school but like my French and German, have forgotton 90% of what I was taught. We English are bone idle where languages are concerned and think everyone should speak English. It really is something we should get a grip of.
Tom Jones wrote:Bethsmum wrote:Well all I can say to that is that I wish I could speak Arabic. let alone write it as well as Uaekid speaks/writes English. I admire him.
And thanks TJ for the correction in my Latin, I did do Latin for a couple of years at school but like my French and German, have forgotton 90% of what I was taught. We English are bone idle where languages are concerned and think everyone should speak English. It really is something we should get a grip of.
Ohhh... pay me no mind, BM.
I remeber this part pretty well... because it almost made me flunk another English class. I wrote the word "Funguses" in the final exam, instead of "Fungi." Will never forget it!!!!
You're right...BM!! English speaking people are the worst when it comes to learning other languages -- because everybody wants to speak English to them, or should I say, wants to practice their English on them!!
desertdudeshj wrote:By the time he finds out what that means, we all would be using flying cars, has a tough time understanding simple English let alone Latin.
symmetric wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:By the time he finds out what that means, we all would be using flying cars, has a tough time understanding simple English let alone Latin.
I don't appreciate your comment regarding Uaekid's English language skills, nor buying the sarcasm.
English is not our first language, and it will never be. We're not expected to master it either.
Pity our government isn't putting serious efforts to introduce Arabic language to everyone living here.
If I had the power, I would strongly urge everyone to learn atleast basic Arabic if he/she or even IT planned on living here.
DD, perhaps you might want to learn how to have a decent conversation with me in BOTH classic Arabic and the very slang of our dialect before you demand citizenship or even think of discussing this issue with us.
desertdudeshj wrote:Sym I know your opinion on this so I'm not going to debate you, You don't appericiate my comments fine you have to right not to. And FYI I didn't take a day of proper Arabic class in my life but still I will be more than happy to engage you in a conversation in your emarati-khaleeji dialiect.
And this is even after knowing that I will never get citizenship otherwise I might have even learned the classic written and spoken one too. But that won't get you far in this country so there was no need to.
Bethsmum wrote:I'm all for the Emaratis not giving citizenship to anyone. I wish it was that way in Britain too. We give away passports if you collect 10 tokens from the back of Weetabix packets.
Dubai Knight wrote:The correct Latin would be 'Nihil Illegitemi Carborundum' and I should know as it was my id signature here for many years...and it was translated by my nephew who has a 1st in Classics from Oxford!
We Brits are terrible at languages, however there is a species of hairdresser in Liverpool who can speak 'Urdu'!
Bethsmum wrote:@symmetric
Yes, and your Scottish friends have cause to worry. When I come into Manchester airport, I often queue behind hundreds of Pakistanis and Indians who all have British passports. They dress in their native dress and most of them don't even speak English, except their hoardes of kids who all have Manc accents. It makes me sick. What gives them the right to migrate to my country and get passports? They don't want to be British and some are even plotting against the British. Why don't they just sod off back to where they've come from? I'd hoof the whole lot of them out if I was Prime Minister.
When I come into Dubai, I see immigration just for ECC countries, that's how it should be, priority in your own country. I don't mind queuing here (well I don't actually as I have e-gate). I have no problem being second to an Emirati in Dubai, but I do have a problem being second to some old pakistani who can't even speak English in England.
I know some of the family 'Lootah' you refer to. Very nice people. I hadn't realised they were originally from Pakistan, that surprised me.
Chocoholic wrote:Oh so Kid had a wake-up call? What was that? A frisbie to the side of the head! Give me a break. Kid, you can not like other peoples opinions as much as you like - the majority of your attitudes suck BIG TIME.
Don't come across all innocent and woe is me, you've brought crappy attitudes towards you onto yourself by your usual narrow minded, outrageous, I am everything attitude.
No one is fooled by you.