Even today I cannot watch "Meridan Tonight" without shouting "HOW!" when I see Fred Dinnage
Or when Mike Reed was on Eastenders, shouting "Runaround", It got very old, very quickly with the wife, but I found it amusing (everytime) ... simple things
Remember Clackers, 2 snooker balls on a piece of string that you bounced off each other and hurt like f*&% if they hit you on the head ? If memory serves they were eventually banned !
The Beano was compulsory as my great aunt was one of the artists on Roger the Dodger, but the "Commando" mags were on our must have list on a Saturday morning (Am I correct in saying there was an Army, Navy & Airforce edition, there was definately more than one, because we used to get together and pass them around before heading off to play football) Football in the park, jumpers for goal posts 14 a-side

made sense to us!

-- Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:40 pm --
Dillon wrote:Comics!
My brothers and I were strictly readers of the Broadsheet variety with 'The Topper' and 'The Beezer', and the quality of their 'Whizz Bangs' were by far superior !

What about Whizzer & Chips ?
Damn - this feels like I'm in a time warp ...
Were summers really longer ?