World's First "Zero Carbon" City Is In The UAE!!!!

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World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 26, 2010
Not bad, UAE!!!

A "big" step in the right direction! ... asdar.html

8) 8)

Tom Jones
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City Is In The UAE!!!! Sep 27, 2010
Carbon neutral perhaps, but Zero carbon .... Hmmmm

How many concrete blocks can you see in the photograph ? What about the concrete footing of the building, or is it polystyrene painted grey :lol:

Anyone wanna chip in with the carbon cost of concrete production ?

Sounds to me like some NYT journo got a freebie 2 week holiday at the Palace and a press pack thrown in ...

Will there be any carbon based life forms living and working in this new oasis :roll:
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 27, 2010
Zero carbon for the people living there means:

No Bebsi sold there.

No charcoal for their 'heritage' barbecues.

And, of course, no blingy diamonds on their watches.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City Is In The UAE!!!! Sep 27, 2010
^And let's not forget all the 'carbon based lifeforms' ! :shock:

Perhaps the city will be inhabited by silicon based lifeforms instead? ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 27, 2010
That is a ridiculous lie! The UAE has the highest carbon foot print in the world, because of the desalination plants and fossil fuel power plants, which you further need to recharge the batteries of the electric cars.
This is all non sense and another PR stunt to lure investors back. Without electric power the UAE would not survive more than a week.
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 27, 2010
Yeah... I agree. Calling it a "Zero Carbon City" is a bit of a stretch. Isn't it???

I could live with "Environmentally Friendly," but calling it "Zero Carbon",.... well..that's what we call in my hometown, "Tall Talk!!!"

:) :)
Tom Jones
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 27, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:Zero carbon for the people living there means:

No Bebsi sold there.

No charcoal for their 'heritage' barbecues.

And, of course, no blingy diamonds on their watches.

:shock: :shock: :shock:


its an energy establishment and not a living city.

Established in April 2006, Masdar (the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company) is a multi-faceted company advancing the development, commercialisation and deployment of renewable energy solutions and clean technologies. Masdar integrates the full renewable and clean technology lifecycle - from research to commercial deployment – with the aim of creating scalable clean energy solutions. Masdar works with global partners and institutions to integrate new research with proven technologies to produce efficient systems and processes that can be replicated globally.
Masdar builds on Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading global energy player, with an aim to develop renewable energy and low-carbon technologies at a global level; whilst contributing toward the UAE’s economic diversification through the development of a knowledge-based clean energy sector in the UAE. It seeks to be a leading renewable energy and clean technology player by providing a test bed for the world to develop commercially viable, sustainable energy solutions.

Masdar consists of three business units and one investment arm:

· Masdar Carbon specialises in developing energy efficiency and clean fossil fuel projects that bring significant reduction in carbon emissions

· Masdar City is a clean technology cluster being developed on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi that will be powered entirely by renewable energy

·Masdar Power builds and invests in utility scale renewable energy power projects

·Masdar Venture Capital manages the Masdar Clean Tech Funds, a series of diversified venture capital investment vehicles focused on building portfolios of direct investments in clean technology and renewable energy

you guys are bump as*es LOOOL you cry for a clean enviroment and when the first step is taken you fight it as usual , another resono to call you FAKE ,don't you think
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 27, 2010
Kid, like always, does not know what he is talking about and makes everybody laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol:
The only thing the UAE does in terms of enviroment and carbon emissions is lying and talk. But nobody gets fooled, the reality is that the UAE is the worst carbon polluter per capita in human history. ... per_capita ... t-1.139335
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City Is In The UAE!!!! Sep 28, 2010
Oh hi Kid ....

See you have been busy cut'n'pasting some website or press pack :shock:

Tell me, what qualifies you to regurgitate a load of PR bumpf ? We all read the Masdar City project brief and it very definately includes living and working units (or is it gonna be run by Aluminium robots built by Dubal, driving electric cars assembled in Abu Dhabi and programmed by a local who had his cousins maids driver do his enigineering degree in Dhaka ?)

Look the paper press needs you to go back and keep writing sycophantic comments on Big Mo's latest reported comments ....

Off you go, toodle off :)

Oh and you EVER use a RESONO again and I will send the Kerela boys rounds to your mum's place !!!!!
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 28, 2010
The expression that comes to mind is "Like sprinkling glitter on dog sh1t!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 28, 2010
"Zero Carbon, Zero Waste" is indeed the mantra of the Masdar Project, but at this moment in time, the project is in Carbon Deficit, and will take a little time to balance out and become carbon neutral.

They have a 10 Megawatt photovoltaic plant on site, that is pumping electricity into the grid, and i believe more plants are planned as the city develops. At the moment, the only real building there is the Masdar Institure of Science and Technology (i.e a university type place), which should be just about finished by now.

They are very restrictive in terms of building material approvals, and hence all products are strictly vetted for carbon content, both physiaclly and in the manufacturing processes, and the carbon is calculated and recorded for absolutely everything.

I worked there for 10 months, so i know what the score is - a nice ideal if it can be achieved, but that amount of analysis of materials is a nightmare beyond belief form the supplier/contractor side of things.
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 28, 2010
maybe the technology they are using in Masdar city like solar street signs or solar street lights might actually be zero carbon or enivromental friendly.

But step back for a while and just think about the amount of paper that was used by the contractors, architects, planners and project managers in developing this city??

If contractors, architects etc get rid of paper they will realise that they can eventually reduce operating costs, increase sales & revenues and their workers productivity will eventually improve!

There was a research done last year or so where they realised that USA construction contractors/ engineering companys were actually loosing over $15 billion a year!

Somebody ought to do a research and find out how much do contractors/engineering companys in UAE or even in the MIddle East loose by using paper/pen!!!
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City Is In The UAE!!!! Sep 28, 2010
What is it with you and paper ...

Where you abandoned as a child in a papyrus basket, amongst the bull rushes on the Nile ????

Or did you get so many papers cuts you now have phobia ?
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City Is In The UAE!!!! Sep 28, 2010
viking-warrior wrote:What is it with you and paper ...

Where you abandoned as a child in a papyrus basket, amongst the bull rushes on the Nile ????

Or did you get so many papers cuts you now have phobia ?

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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 28, 2010
viking-warrior wrote:What is it with you and paper ...

Where you abandoned as a child in a papyrus basket, amongst the bull rushes on the Nile ????

Or did you get so many papers cuts you now have phobia ?

good one vw!! :D

my job is to "educate" people on how to reduce the amount of paper they use at their workplace and find alternatives to paper!

I thought it would be useful to add something to the topic and things i know about how true zero carbon cities are being built across the world.
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 28, 2010
MotionComputing wrote:But step back for a while and just think about the amount of paper that was used by the contractors, architects, planners and project managers in developing this city??

I have to say i agree in this instance.

if ever there was a project that could have benefited from being "paper free", it was surely this one.

Instead, two copies of all paperwork for submittals, PLUS the same information on 2 CD's, which are by all accounts not too friendly to the environment by nature of the way they are manufactured.

That can't have helped the carbon count, but the powers that be seem not to have taken this into account.

A lot of paper could have been saved by using a system like Aconex (anyone in construction may know this system).

Maybe something for them to consider whilst planning the next phase of the city.
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City Is In The UAE!!!! Sep 29, 2010
:wink: MC

I admit it was a cheap shot at the expense of a worthy cause .... but come on, if it made you smile then it was worth it !!

Go in piece(s) A4 !
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 29, 2010
Here is a paper friendly suggestion:

All government departments should from now on print all forms on toilet paper. After all, most of the stuff they produce ends up effectively being abused...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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Re: World's First "Zero Carbon" City is in the UAE!!!! Sep 29, 2010
BlueOrb wrote:
MotionComputing wrote:But step back for a while and just think about the amount of paper that was used by the contractors, architects, planners and project managers in developing this city??

I have to say i agree in this instance.

if ever there was a project that could have benefited from being "paper free", it was surely this one.

Instead, two copies of all paperwork for submittals, PLUS the same information on 2 CD's, which are by all accounts not too friendly to the environment by nature of the way they are manufactured.

That can't have helped the carbon count, but the powers that be seem not to have taken this into account.

A lot of paper could have been saved by using a system like Aconex (anyone in construction may know this system).

Maybe something for them to consider whilst planning the next phase of the city.

100% correct there are couple of developers using the software however they still have to print now and then because it is a requirement from the government & developer!!

viking-warrior wrote::wink: MC

I admit it was a cheap shot at the expense of a worthy cause .... but come on, if it made you smile then it was worth it !!

Go in piece(s) A4 !

a smile is worth millions!!! :)

Dubai Knight wrote:Here is a paper friendly suggestion:

All government departments should from now on print all forms on toilet paper. After all, most of the stuff they produce ends up effectively being abused...

:lol: :lol: :lol:


you are correct that they should do something about all the forms they use. Someone ought to check how much the local muncipalities/ministries spend on paper!! I recently got my residence visa sorted out and was shocked to see 6 to 7 pieces of paper attached to my application!! 3 to 4 of them came from the ministry i.e the immigration and one came from the health department!! Are the local typing centers owned by the government as well??? If not I think I ought to open up 1 aswell!!! But honestly I wouldnt be suprised that the whole process probably costs UAE government millions of dollars when it comes to printing paper,scanning, printer maintenance, printer cartridges and even the power assumption that the printers use up!! Even if they decide to use toilet papers, you are looking at a huge pile of toilet paper that will probably be worth more than GOLD!! 8)
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