weary_heart wrote:Hey Bleak
Like what I mentioned in another thread of something like this - 'arranged marriage' is something beyond my comprehension. How can you marry a stranger? Your freedom to choose your partner is completely suppressed!
On the other hand, I'm fascinated with arranged marriages that last.
well you gonna marry a stranger evenually right....the other person is someone you would know but you dont know him completely....when you marry him, you will find out stuff you didnt know about him because you are closer than before

no no no....me have to wear a suit to work is called suppressed

but for me, i have it different. I will choose my wife and nobody will tell force me to marry anybody....if i m engaged to somebody and i feel that she is not good for me...i will not marry her.
My father and mother did not know anything about each other before they got married.....but they are still together now for years now. There were problems when they were together but they still managed to live together happily......No Pain No Gain...
I know that sage&onion will back me up with this.....he has the most experience than all of us