Ken O'Keefe To Save Us From The Banking Puppet Masters

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Ken O'Keefe to save us from the banking puppet masters Sep 15, 2010
Remember Ken O'Keefe?


He was the former US marine and 9/11 Truther on board the Mavi Marmara whose account of the raid was plastered on every loon blog to show how inhumane the Israelis were (I think a loon may have re-posted his story on this forum).

'Oh, yeah, I guess I kind of remember him.'

Well, it seems he's trying to milk every minute of his famed fifteen he's got left. He appeared on Iranian television discussing the world order but I decided against posting his TV appearance because I would be accused of taking his comments out of context/posting snippets/mistranslation from our resident Farsi expert.

But he did recently hold an interview with the far-left Baltimore Chronicle and makes some very interesting observations.

No doubt our Fearless Ken O'Keefe will call the nay-sayers and skeptics 'sheep' who can't see The Truth (sound familiar?):

(H/T ElderofZiyon)

The world is full of illusions that are used by the rich and powerful to manipulate and control the people. Those who really control the governments are those powerful few who control the banking systems, the major multi-national corporations and, of course, the mass media.

These powerful people and entities have key strategic needs in order to maintain power:

1. They must keep the people ignorant and disempowered.
2. They must keep the people divided. They conquer by dividing the people, never giving people the chance to unite; constantly fostering war by pitting the masses against each other

This system has been controlled by the same families for millennia, and people have been manipulated into a collective state of insanity throughout. Over the course of this tragic situation, empires have come and gone, each one giving way to the next. America is simply the latest in that repeating pattern, and it will fall like all empires do. However, the powers behind it, those controlling the banking, the governments and the propaganda, they will remain in place and prop up the next empire and the pattern will repeat.

The powers themselves remain hidden, with many layers of separation between themselves and the people, and an intricate and complex legal system to protect and hide them.

The Zionist project has been invested in heavily, and the powers that be will not relinquish it lightly.

Israel's primary function is to maintain perpetual conflict in the Middle East. Soon enough, Israel will be spreading this conflict on a global level. I have no doubt that the pending attack on Iran is intended to take us straight into World War III, with a regional nuclear war very likely. This is quite obviously a disaster to any sane human being. However, to those who see their power threatened by the spreading of truth, 9-11, Zionism, the banking system, etc, this is a very necessary act to help them maintain their grip of control over peoples of the world. This 'divide and conquer' strategy has served them well for millennia.

9/11, Zionist Project, world banking.

Oy vey, you gotta see the connections.


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Re: Ken O'Keefe to save us from the banking puppet masters Sep 16, 2010
He seems to be line with Ahmadinejad:

Mr Ahmadinejad said that a handful - only around 2000 Zionists - dominated the centres of power in the West. They were atheists, he said, who wanted to dominate the world and plunder the wealth of nations.

There are rivals though, like Fidel who claims the world is ruled from the Netherlands:

HAVANA (Associated Press) -- Fidel Castro is showcasing a theory long popular both among the far left and far right: that the shadowy Bilderberg Group has become a kind of global government, controlling not only international politics and economics, but even culture.
The 84-year-old former Cuban president published an article Wednesday that used three of the only eight pages in the Communist Party newspaper Granma to quote -- largely verbatim -- from a 2006 book by Lithuanian-born writer Daniel Estulin.
Estulin's work, "The Secrets of the Bilderberg Club," argues that the international group largely runs the world. It has held a secretive annual forum of prominent politicians, thinkers and businessmen since it was founded in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland.

In the meantime Fidel tells Ahmadinejad to put a sock in it:

An American magazine has reported that former Cuban president Fidel Castro criticized Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, calling him an anti-Semite.
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Re: Ken O'Keefe To Save Us From The Banking Puppet Masters Sep 16, 2010
And then there are those who just argue that big business interests ruled the world in practice (eg the anti-globalists) and were dismissed as nutters until the financial crisis proved them substantially correct.

Guys like Stiglitz, Chomsky, Roubini aren't conspiracy theorists - but they make interesting points about globaization, corporate hegemonies and the pernicious aspects of the not-so-free market capitalism that is out there at the moment.

Look beyond the spin and rhetoric and there's something perverse about the way that losses are nationalised whilst profits are privatised etc.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Ken O'Keefe to save us from the banking puppet masters Sep 16, 2010
Oh, and to those who like to see Jewish conspiracies everywhere - I point out that there are many other fields (apart from banking, law, governments etc) that have disproportionate Jewish people in them - eg the arts, look at Hollywood , as well as science, academia etc - but also look at a hobby of mine, Magic and Illusion.

There are great Jewish magicians of current day and the past - Dai Vernon, Max Malini, Houdini - and current day - Copperfield, David Roth, Sol Stone, David Blaine, Teller, Ricky Jay etc etc.

BTW FD - one of my favourite magicians (now dead though) was Dutchman Fred Kaps!

Anyway - I ask the conspiracy nuts to explain to me how excelling in the field of magic can be construed as a zionist conspiracy! ;)

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Re: Ken O'Keefe to save us from the banking puppet masters Sep 16, 2010
Iranian TV had a show claiming Harry Potter is a Zionist conspirancy.

A Saudi fatwa states that Pokemon is a conspirancy too.

The humiliation of the existence of Israel apparrently is so deep, that its enemies cannot explain it in normal terms.
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Re: Ken O'Keefe To Save Us From The Banking Puppet Masters Sep 17, 2010
Hey there are nutters in the UK and US that object to Harry Potter too - on the grounds is promotes witchcraft - in fact some schools even banned the books. (And it was the Number 1 most challenged book in the USA on the banned book list between 2000 and 2005) ... z0zkRpWge3

Conspiracy theorists and religious nutters aren't the preserve of the Shia clerics or Egyptian rogue fatwas.. in fact the most creative Zionist conspiracies come from the good old USA and Europe - the Mid East are late-comers and are playing catch-up!

All are as bad as each other.

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Re: Ken O'Keefe to save us from the banking puppet masters Sep 17, 2010
TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has described the Quran-burning plan as a Zionist-orchestrated scheme.

“Quran-burning project was a brazen, divisive, Zionists-backed scheme,” Mottaki said in a joint press conference with his Malawian counterpart Etta Banda.

The Westerners have “sown the seeds of hatred” and will certainly face the repercussions of their heinous move, he asserted.

Although American pastor Terry Jones called off his Quran-burning event in the face of strong international disapproval, some extremists burned copies of Quran at their churches on the anniversary of 9/11.

I should start a sticky on 'Zionist' conspiracies.

Seriously. ... an-fm.html
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Re: Ken O'Keefe To Save Us From The Banking Puppet Masters Sep 17, 2010
Hey, I'd read that thread - sounds like fun.

I'd like to see whether the conspiracy nuts can indeed link Pokemon to Zionism! :)

There's a mine of humour in the material out there - but you're ignoring all the nutters in your backyard eh!

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Re: Ken O'Keefe to save us from the banking puppet masters Sep 17, 2010

“Every Black man today that’s rich, he has friendship with a Jewish person.”

"I look at Lucianne Goldberg, Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, and I ask myself, 'Why was this introduced at this time when Netanyahu was being pressured by the president to give up more land on the West Bank,'I think we need to look deeper into this than just what appears on the surface."

"How did we get into World War II? You say Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Yes, they did, but what were the forces that created in Japan the desire or the need to force them to attack America? You don't know that. But when America went to war after the attack on Pearl Harbor, she had to borrow money. There were the international bankers again. They financed all sides. And how many millions of Americans lost their lives? Suppose Hitler was trying to destroy the international bankers controlling Europe, but he went about it by attacking a whole people. All Jews are not responsible for the evil of the few who do evilBut certain Jews have used Judaism as a shield."

“Now, some of you like to refer to me as anti-Semitic. I hate that you would say that. In the face of many of those who call me anti-Semitic, they’re very definitely anti-Black."

"Ever since 1914 there has been an effort by certain groups, the trilateral commission, the Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, and these are forces along with the Freemasons that are secret societies that are desirous of producing a world government that’s run by an elite that controls the resources of every nation on the Earth"

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Re: Ken O'Keefe To Save Us From The Banking Puppet Masters Sep 17, 2010
You should also read what Elijah Muhammad's theories are - Yousuf, space ships, their views on white people etc.

Not quite as kooky as Hubbard - but close!

The US seems to have a disproportionate amount of conspiracy nuts - but perhaps they just get the publicity? Anyway, I agree all laughable.

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