Is this still true about Iran???
Is Iran really that mysterious to the West??
What do you think Melika???

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
shafique wrote:I wonder how many people saw the cover and read : "Everything about Iran is wrong" ??
It certainly would explain a lot of things!
One thing Mel can probably help answer - did Ahmadinejad become the latest 'devil incarnate' for the US before or after he threatened to start selling oil in Euros. Saddam actually went through with this threat and we saw what happened to him and his country... has Iran been selling oil in Euros in any volumes recently?
The other day I ran across an old Newsweek magazine (June 2009) with a funny picture of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the cover. The headline says, “Everything You Think You Know About Iran Is Wrong!!”
Is this still true about Iran???
Is Iran really that mysterious to the West??
What do you think Melika???
melika969 wrote:he is liar, fake populist and has no shame! I dont know if this kind of personality is understandable by west!
Reza Shah's main critics were the so-called "new intelligencia", often educated in Europe, for whom the Shah "was not a state-builder but an `oriental despot` ... not a reformer but a plutocrat strengthening the landed upper class; not a real nationalist but a jack-booted Cossack trained by the Tsarists and brought to power by British imperialists
Who was the enemy of Mossadegh? Well the coup that overthrew him was supported by the CIA. duh.
Reza Shah's main critics were the so-called "new intelligencia", often educated in Europe, for whom the Shah "was not a state-builder but an `oriental despot` ... not a reformer but a plutocrat strengthening the landed upper class; not a real nationalist but a jack-booted Cossack trained by the Tsarists and brought to power by British imperialists
Plot to depose Mosaddegh
Soldiers surround the Parliament building in Tehran on 19 August 1953.The government of the United Kingdom had grown increasingly distressed over Mosaddegh's policies and were especially bitter over the loss of their control of the Iranian oil industry. Repeated attempts to reach a settlement had failed.
Unable to resolve the issue single handedly due to its post-World War II problems, Britain looked towards the United States to settle the issue. Initially America had opposed British policies. After American mediation had failed several times to bring about a settlement, American Secretary of State Dean Acheson concluded that the British were "destructive and determined on a rule or ruin policy in Iran."[34] By early 1953, however, Dwight D. Eisenhower won the presidential election in the United States and a change in US policy toward Iran ensued.
melika969 wrote:Reza Shah's main critics were the so-called "new intelligencia", often educated in Europe, for whom the Shah "was not a state-builder but an `oriental despot` ... not a reformer but a plutocrat strengthening the landed upper class; not a real nationalist but a jack-booted Cossack trained by the Tsarists and brought to power by British imperialists
So what?! the man brought glory, nationalism, progress, technology, science, money and respect for the persians! well we are very gratefull to British imperialsts if they are responsible for it!
shafique wrote:melika969 wrote:Reza Shah's main critics were the so-called "new intelligencia", often educated in Europe, for whom the Shah "was not a state-builder but an `oriental despot` ... not a reformer but a plutocrat strengthening the landed upper class; not a real nationalist but a jack-booted Cossack trained by the Tsarists and brought to power by British imperialists
So what?! the man brought glory, nationalism, progress, technology, science, money and respect for the persians! well we are very gratefull to British imperialsts if they are responsible for it!
It appears that 'Mussolini made the trains run on time' was very appropriate!
You say 'so what' to a description of Reza being a 'jack-booted Cossack trained by Tsarists asn brought to power by British Imperialists' - and largely because he created a Western paradise for the ruling and middle classes? Hmm.
I should introduce you to the white colonials of Africa who still pine for the 'good old days' (they are mostly dying out though).
The pro-monarchy leadership, chosen, hidden and finally unleashed at the right moment by the CIA team, led by retired army General and former Minister of Interior in Mosaddegh's cabinet, Fazlollah Zahedi joined with underworld figures such as the Rashidian brothers and local strongman Shaban Jafari,[48] to gain the upper hand on 19 August 1953 (28 Mordad).
The fact that the CIA used locals to do the dirty work isn't news - the criticism of Reza was that he was installed by the West (and then deposed by them).
the criticism of Reza was that he was installed by the West (and then deposed by them).
With Iran's great oil wealth, Mohammad Reza Shah became the pre-eminent leader of the Middle East, and self-styled "Guardian" of the Persian Gulf. In 1961 he defended his autocratic rule, saying `when Iranians learn to behave like Swedes, I will behave like the King of Sweden.`
Writing at the time of the Shah's overthrow, TIME magazine described SAVAK as having "long been Iran's most hated and feared institution" which had "tortured and murdered thousands of the Shah's opponents."[24] Federation of American Scientists (FAS) also found it guilty of "the torture and execution of thousands of political prisoners" and symbolizing "the Shah's rule from 1963-79." The FAS list of SAVAK torture methods included "electric shock, whipping, beating, inserting broken glass and pouring boiling water into the rectum, tying weights to the testicles, and the extraction of teeth and nails." [25] According to a former CIA analyst on Iran,[26][27] Jesse J. Leaf, SAVAK was trained in torture techniques by the CIA. An example of the public image of the SAVAK in Iran as all-pervasive and fear-inducing, is "a much enjoyed joke" during the Pahlavi regime, where an Iranian Muslim is questioned by angels on the first night after his (the Iranian's) death:
"Who is your God?"
"His Majesty, the Shahanshah!" (King of Kings in Persian)
"What is your religion?"
"The White Revolution."
"What is your holy book?"
"His Majesty's book, The White Revolution."
The angels raise their clubs to beat the infidel. God appears, stops them and asks the deceased, "What is the matter with you?!"
The man replies, "Sorry God. I thought these two might be SAVAK agents"[28]
And it is news to me that Reza or Mossadegh were clerics! I think you're now rambling Mel -take a chill pill. - It is clear you are a big fan of the Pahlavis even though they were puppets of the West (or is it because they were puppets?
But that's just me.. drawing a parallel between previous Western interventions in Iran and the current demonisation.
melika969 wrote:I dont even open your stupid links, when u trying to be funny!
shafique wrote:melika969 wrote:I dont even open your stupid links, when u trying to be funny!
That explains a lot. However, I quoted the bits that made my point - the links were mainly to show where the info came from.
Have you heard the expression 'I'm alright jack?''m_all_right,_Jack
SAVAK (Persian: ساواک, short for سازمان اطلاعات و امنیت کشور Sazeman-e Ettela'at va Amniyat-e Keshvar, National Intelligence and Security Organization) was the domestic security and intelligence service established by Iran's Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi with the help of the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and Israel's Mossad.
SAVAK operated beginning in 1957 and ending in 1979 when Pahlavi was overthrown. SAVAK has been described as Iran's "most hated and feared institution" prior to the revolution of 1979 because of its practice of torturing and executing opponents of the Pahlavi regime.[1