Hey Bora,
Listen to what he says. He's absolutely rational in the video. Forget his populistic arguments which he throws out in the Dutch political arena to stir up the left, progressives in parliament.
This is his personal view about tolerance. If Islam really wants to promote religious tolerance, improve interfaith relations and compatibility with the US Constitution, then the Imam's should allow Synagoges to be build in Saoudi Arabia, try Mecca for a change. See how tolerant the Islamists are, aight?

NYC already has dozens of Mosques. F@ck their 'victory' mosque. Western World tolerance isn't open-ended. New Amsterdam (Dutch heritage) was given to the English and renamed New York a few hundred years ago. Geert was invited to talk about this sensitive matter as 70 percent of Americans have shown to be against the proposed Mosque near Ground Zero.
Geert Wilders said it perfect. Tolerance isn't open-ended. The lines are drawn.
Rough, more racist times are ahead. Sadly, this is how the world works.
Wilders is merely a center-right politician who appeals to the right-wing electorate. And for good reasons also. Dutch fooks are one of the most tolerant in the world. We don't give a crap about nationalistic tendencies. Because of failed Dutch leftist policies over the last decades, this will end and a certain type of nationalism will return.
I'll bet you a penny on that one.