I bet (vote) that he will not burn the Quran on Saturday. I'm sure he does not want to live the rest of his life in constant fear of getting killed (any moment) by the Muslims.
What do you think?
Will he or will he not?????

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Bethsmum wrote:With any luck he will be arrested and sent to some detention camp in Cuba.
shafique wrote:Bora - I think that those behind Park 51 did indeed stop and think about the wisdom of building a cultural centre in an abandoned coat factory in a side street of Manhattan that no one else wanted to buy and develop. A center which will not advocate hate and be open to all and have a gym and a prayer area.. I mean all indications are that they weren't being provocative. 2 blocks away from there is a mosque that's been there since before WTC towers were built - no harm/objections have been raised.
I also think Pastor Jones knows exactly what he is doing (he is attention seeker - and was formerly in Germany where there the congregation sacked him for his views!)
As for Park 51, it didn't cause any fuss until some people decided to call it an Islamic supremacist mega-mosque and tell people it was on Ground Zero.
In reality, there is no 'Ground Zero Mosque'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZpT2Mux ... r_embedded
But the full reality doesn't hit you until you see exactly what is presented as a Mosque at Ground Zero, and what is actually around the area:
I too would have objected to a mega-mosque at Ground zero (or even overlooking ground zero). However this isn't even close.
shafique wrote:So would you close down the mosque that is 4 blocks away from Ground zero, and has been there since the 70's?
Dillon wrote:So far, just about every responsible American statesman and woman and celebrity, along with their Uncles and Aunties, have condemned Pastor Terry Jones’ proposal, so I believe that if the combined forces of the local plod, State Police, Highway Patrol, FBI, CIA, Washington’s special advisors, US Marshals, Texas Rangers, National Guard, Coast Guard, Ness, Chuck, Sylvester, Segal, Batman and Obama, cannot conspire to find the wherewithal to permanently silence this fool and his followers, Well …
They should live to expect the worldwide backlash already spoken of and experienced in the past. It will further compromise the security of American and other NATO troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and inspire retaliatory attacks against U.S. facilities, domestic and overseas.
Will he? Yes if left unchecked, I hope the Authorities have the common sense to stop him.
Bora Bora wrote: I have to say that the location is wrong.
desertdudeshj wrote:Bora Bora wrote: I have to say that the location is wrong.
Why ? Or are you also buying into the sensitivities crap. Why should I or you take blame or considered guilty for anything that went down on 9/11 ? If people are sensitive about it, they are sensitive about it for the wrong reasons. By saying its the wrong location your saying yes, Islam IS to blame for the terrorist attacks of 9/11
event horizon wrote:Dillon wrote:So far, just about every responsible American statesman and woman and celebrity, along with their Uncles and Aunties ...
Free speech is a popularity contest.
If celebrities and 'statesmen' say they don't like your speech, it shouldn't be allowed.
Good point.
Dillon wrote:Will he? Yes if left unchecked, I hope the Authorities have the common sense to stop him.
event horizon wrote:Speech everyone agrees with doesn't need protecting.
That's why I find it amazing when people claim they support free speech, as long as they don't find it offensive.
Bora Bora wrote:I think you also have to place blame on the press/television for giving this person his "moment". If the press and television had ignored him, who would have known about it?
He has gotten over 100 threats and he has 50 people in his church and he now has to carry a gun.
Tom Jones wrote:Bora Bora wrote:I think you also have to place blame on the press/television for giving this person his "moment". If the press and television had ignored him, who would have known about it?
He has gotten over 100 threats and he has 50 people in his church and he now has to carry a gun.
Over 200 international news organizations (not including the local and national news) have descended on Gainesville, Fl to cover this event. Many plan to carry it live on Saturday. All the hotels in the area have been fully booked for the 3 past weeks!!
Well, he is certainly getting the publicity he was hoping for!!!!
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The leader of a small Florida church that espouses anti-Islam philosophy says he is canceling plans to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11.
Pastor Terry Jones said Thursday that he decided to cancel his protest because the leader of a planned Islamic Center near ground zero has agreed to move its controversial location. The agreement couldn't be immediately confirmed.
Jones' plans to burn Islam's holiest text Saturday sparked an international outcry.
President Barack Obama, the top U.S. general in Afghanistan and several Christian leaders had urged Jones to reconsider his plans. They said his actions would endanger U.S. soldiers and provide a strong recruitment tool for Islamic extremists. Jones' protest also drew criticism from religious and political leaders from across the Muslim world.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — A Christian minister in Florida is canceling plans to burn Qurans on Sept. 11, heeding an international outcry that drew criticism from President Barack Obama and religious and political leaders across the Muslim world.
shafique wrote:^FD - I'm glad your now speaking out against those objecting to Park 51 - because they are 'offended' by a 'mosque' being built.
That was what you meant, right?
Tom Jones wrote:The freedoms we enjoy should be exercised wisely not foolishly. For example, it is totally stupid for a white man to stand at a street corner in Harlem, NY, holding a big sign that says, “I Hate Nigg*rs!”
We have the right to eat anything we want but we usually don’t. We to try to avoid foods that may bring harm to us or to others (as in the case of a pregnant woman!)
Tom Jones wrote:The Pastor knows damn well, in advance, that what he plans to do on Saturday will most likely cause innocent people to be harmed and/or killed, including his own fellow Americans.