There Is No "Ground Zero Mosque"

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There is no "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 21, 2010
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: There is no "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 22, 2010
event horizon
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Re: There Is No "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 22, 2010
So, in summary young loon, you can't actually address what Olberman says about the Park 51 community centre.

That speaks volumes. I presume you watched the clip and that is why you've been quiet of late?

And on this topic, Jon Stewart got in on the action before Olbermann: ... ing-update

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: There is no "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 23, 2010
Rival protests held at New York Ground Zero mosque site

Hundreds of people took part in rival protests over plans for a mosque near the site of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Police kept the banner-waving groups apart, although there were no reports of violence between supporters and opponents of the scheme in New York.

Opponents chanted "No mosque, no way" as supporters responded with "Say no to racist fear".

Developers plan to convert an old building into a 13-storey Islamic community centre and mosque.

Feelings ran high during Sunday's protests in Manhattan, close to Ground Zero.

'Un-American' claims
There were face-to-face confrontations as demonstrators shouted at each other across the barricades, the Associated Press reported.

Opponents want the mosque to be moved further from the site where more than 2,700 people were killed in the September 11 terror attacks.

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Steve Ayling, a 40-year-old plumber from Brooklyn, told AP: "They should put it in the Middle East." The people behind the mosque project were "the same people who took down the twin towers", he said.

But Dr Ali Akram, a 39-year-old doctor also from Brooklyn, said that scores of Muslims died in the twin towers. Opponents of the mosque were "un-American," he said.

"They teach their children about the freedom of religion in America - but they don't practice what they preach."

The plan by a New York developer to build the centre and mosque about two blocks from the former World Trade Center site has been attacked by prominent Republican politicians and conservative pundits.

President Barack Obama has come under fire over his defence of the developer's right to build a mosque a few blocks from Ground Zero.
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: There is no "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 23, 2010
I wonder if Dr. Ali thinks that suppressing free speech is un-American:

Later a scuffle broke out at the site of the pro-mosque protest a when a mosque opponent held up a sign that read, "I can draw Mohammed if you can build a mosque."

Good point. (Oh, and I like how the report doesn't say which side started the scuffle, I'm sure it wasn't the Islamic/Leftist protesters)

Riches says he knows the owners have the right to build the mosque but that seeing it will make visiting the site where his son died more painful.

"Muslims were dancing in the street celebrating the murder of my son that day, we still believe in religious freedom but it should be further away, show sensitivity for the families," Riches said.

Yup. Just like the 9/11 hijackers, who are considered 'holy warriors' taking part in a 'holy war' (Jihad), considered themselves 'martyrs' (shaheeds) as they plowed into their targets shouting 'allahu akhbar'.

As for my question above, President Obama and the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) both pushed to pass through a resolution at the UN to suppress free speech if it denigrates religion.

Funny how Muslims and their leftist cretins only care about 'sensibilities' if the offending party happen to be Muslims.

Then restricting freedom is alright.

And no, you won't find any rant and rave over at about the UN resolution and Obama's support for it.
event horizon
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Re: There Is No "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 23, 2010
What has any of the above fantasies got to do with the facts about Park 51?

It is good to see that not all NYers have bought the misinformation peddled by the loons, notably this aspect:

Robert Spencer employs a number of deceptive arguments and tactics in his polemics that often go uncontested in the blogosphere including but not limited to:

-projecting the actions of an individual as an inherent trait of the entire group

-taking the most extreme opinions and interpretations of Islam and asserting them as correct, normative and mainstream
Because Robert Spencer preys on the gullible, confused, and fearful in order to stoke the flames of hate and intolerance in their minds and hearts against Muslims at large, and Islam as a religion – rather than against terrorism and terrorists.

No rants, no raves - just cold, hard facts young one. You still haven't actually addressed any of the points made in the first video. THAT speaks volumes.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: There is no "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 26, 2010
The comedy and valid points keep on coming. Enjoy: ... ee-no-evil
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Re: There Is No "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 29, 2010
In Jon's own words " From sea to shining sea"

The Tennessee Evil Mosque ! ... ee-no-evil
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Re: There Is No "Ground Zero Mosque" Aug 29, 2010
snap! ;)

'You're the Imam?' - 'No, I'm a mom' :mrgreen:

In the same vein:

Americans Outraged About New "Ground Zero Halal Cart"

In New York news, Americans from all over the country have publicly opposed the institution of a new Halal cart near Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan. As planned, the Muslim food cart would be stationed right near a site that is synonymous with almost 3,000 American deaths, and in many way ways, $6 platters of lamb, rice, and some unidentifiable sauce.

"It is offensive to those families who lost loved ones to have to smell that low-grade meat everytime they're in Ground Zero," said New York firefighter, Paul Haggerty. "I don't mind having that over-salted and really dry food in other parts of the city--but why here? Why in a location that would cause even more trauma and indigestion to people still mourning?"

Even politicians--especially from the Republican Party--have made a case against the Halal cart, questioning the motive behind the cart.

"Do we even know where the funding for this Muslim-associated street cart is coming from?" said New York Gubernatorial candidate, Rick Lazio. "We as Americans have to ask ourselves questions about the intentions of this 'street meat.' There is reason to believe that the profits from those cheap meat platters will just fuel another Muslim extremist attack on our great country--so why not stop it in its beginning stages?"

Despite the unpopular position, President Obama has stood behind the new Halal cart, claiming: "This is America, and our commitment to all eateries--from Union Square Cafe to this Halal cart--must be unshakable. The Halal cart will serve as an example to all Americans, regardless of food preference, how [possibly with the addition of a little moisture] not all Halal carts are responsible for the attacks of September 11th." ... 94885.html
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Re: There is no "Ground Zero Mosque" Sep 04, 2010
event horizon
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Re: There is no "Ground Zero Mosque" Sep 04, 2010
Well I have to say that it is extremely disrespectful to those that lost their lives in the attacks and should be rethought. All the opposers are asking is that the site of the mosque be moved further from the ground zero site, and I'd have to agree with them.

As one women said, 'Not all muslims are terrorists, but all the terrorists were muslim' - and that sits heaviuly in the heart of many.

I think it's a huge mistake to allow this to go ahead and once again it's seen as 'the minority' getting their way. Plus why does it have to be a mosque, what would happen if they decided to also build a church? Food for thought.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: There Is No "Ground Zero Mosque" Sep 04, 2010
^Chocs did you watch the two videos (Olberman's and Jon Stewarts)?

BTW I too would object to a mega supremacist mosque on (or even over-looking) ground zero. When they plan to build one, let me know.

And the anti-mosque brigade have upped their game (apparently you can rent decommissioned missiles in the US - wtf???) :
Image ... -at-park51

As one comment says:

"Let's blow em up ourselves so they don't have anything to bomb. Let's see how they like it"

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