Jews people + Arab people= innovation and e-commerce
From the bottom of my heart, I really hope they’ll achieve a peaceful settlement once and for all.
What’s your thought about the outcome?

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
shafique wrote:At last there is some movement on the peace talks - with resumption beginning next month.
The solution everyone says they are aiming for is clear: 2 state solution and final status agreement on the main issues of i. borders, ii. Jerusalem and iii. refugees.
Let's see how much of the 22% of the land captured in 1967 is negotiated away or swapped, whether Israel will give up the illegally annexed East Jerusalem and how many refugees are allowed back (on both sides).
I predict it will be a drawn out negotiation - but I suspect the usual spin won't be much use this time round. Let's see. I'm hoping for the best.