Danishguy wrote:
I dont know if this was to me...
If you offendent Jesus, we would not see it in Denmark, and if we did, we would think that was maybe stupid, and then we would think the world would go on.
We are used to attacks on everything in Denmark, so stop learning me about freedom of spreech. No one is safe from cartoons in DK. The primeminister is the most drawn man in Denmark. If you did it in most countries in Arabian, you would be in prison.
We dont say apology when we haven't done anything illegal. If our Primeminister had been given an apology, he would have been fired by the parlament next day.
I think the only reason why this massive attack on Denmark, is because we dont have the same economic power as USA. Denmark is at little country, so it would be easy for 1.300.000.000 people to hate 5.000.000 people with a little economic strength. If we would have a chance to boycut arab countries, I dont think this madness would have come so far.
There is also islamic powers in Denmark who wish a "war" between Denmark and the muslim world. These powers is some Imam's who have traveled around and been telling lies about the whole situation.
If you offendent Jesus
in fact it was for you and others ,,, anyway ,,,first of all ,, we wouldnt ,, not even one single muslim ,, would under any case insult Jesus pbuh,,, on the contrary ,,, WE RESPECT JESUS EVEN MORE THAN CHRISTIANS ,,, am not trying to offend christians by this ,, but its a fact that you may search .
We are used to attacks on everything in Denmark
SEE ??? YOU ARE USED TO ATTACKS IN EVERYTHING . where ??? IN DENMARK !!!!!! well,, now we are not only not used to it ,,,, but we dont and will not accept it that the Prophet Mohammad pbuh is being a topic of such bullshit . Freedom of speach is not an execuse for any body ,, Danish or non-danish ,,, to express his freedom of speech in this way . a lot still consider that terrorism comes from Muslims ,, but they dont insult our Prophet ,, they just express their opinion that they think that terrorism comes from muslims ,, and this is a subject of free discussion .
so stop learning me about freedom of spreech
you should have said " stop
teaching me about freedom of speech" but any way ,, i think you are teaching the whole world the about the freedom of insulting ..... i think the Danish Dictionaries shows the meaning of insulting as : speech ..... i am sure there is a misunderstanding ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The primeminister is the most drawn man in Denmark
there is no comparision between your prime minister and The Prophet Mohammad pbuh,,,,, and its not coz your prime minister is danish ,, we dont compare anybody to the Prophet Mohammad pbuh ,,, you can draw our prime ministers in cartoons ,, no one would care !!!!!!!!
If you did it in most countries in Arabian, you would be in prison.
well,, yes i agree on this ,,, but we are not speaking about the Government systems here ,,, and how their people would be treated if they attack their governments with their opinions . WE ARE SPEAKING ABOUT SOMETHING HAS NOTHING TO DO , WITH THE ARAB GOVERNMENTS ,, IT IS SOMETHING sacered FOR EVERY MUSLIM . so, allow me to say ,, it was silly even to mention this thing here .
I think the only reason why this massive attack on Denmark, is because we dont have the same economic power as USA. Denmark is at little country, so it would be easy for 1.300.000.000 people to hate 5.000.000 people with a little economic strength. If we would have a chance to boycut arab countries, I dont think this madness would have come so far.
well well well,, do i hear a kind of a disperate tone here ?????!!!!!!!!!!!! its obvious to every body - i think - that you are off the wagon now ,,,, USA has been for a long time the topic of attacks from arabs opinions ,,, i am not speaking about the governments here ,, ok ??? but even when something insulting to islam comes from usa nationals ,, you will hear usa spokesman ,, AT LEAST apologizing ,,, athough in my opinion it doesnt show the good intentions ,, but that apology is still considered , but your PRIME MINISTER didnt !!!!!!!!!!. and not to mention the 9/11 event !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so what does that has to do with those silly numbers you were giving me about populations .. NONSENSE
There is also islamic powers in Denmark who wish a "war" between Denmark and the muslim world. These powers is some Imam's who have traveled around and been telling lies about the whole situation
islamic powers in Denmark who wish war between Denmark and muslims ???? in my opinion you are talking about the painter who draw the carrecatures !!!!!! disregarding the word "islamic" ,,, you are still talking about those imams who travelled to Egypt - if true - ,,, in my opinion !!! its good ,, at least it shows how you think about us ,,, i dont know about the "pig" thing ,,, i mean there is no need to do that ,, coz as i said before ,,, one cartoon depicting the prophet pbuh ,, is enough to insult us . and make us angry .