the message board for Dubai English speaking community
BlueOrb wrote:Don't you think it's a bit wrong that the woman is named, and even a photo published online of her, while the alleged attacker is not even named?
As for the private parties issue - It's fine to have a private party with prostitutes who are being paid to be there, and do whatever people want. They know what they are getting into, and they are getting paid. That's their "business" and everyone knows the score.
But i think even the hardiest of prostitutes may just draw the line at the insertion of an electricity-emitting foot long black thing - in any orifice.......
Chocoholic wrote:Who knows, that's not for us to judge.
melika969 wrote:U make me sick Kid ,seriously! u are too much to stand! btw in ur religion accusing somebody of sth false is a big sin! so how do u know she is a prostitute?
-- Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:25 pm --Chocoholic wrote:Who knows, that's not for us to judge.
exactly! rudeboy we cant judge why she doesnt have money.
Bora Bora wrote:Question is: did she give an interview?
BlueOrb wrote:Gulf News tend to identify accused people by initials only....but when you catch the same story in the western press, the accused normally get named in full.
I feel sorry for the woman - bad enough to go through something like that, but now everyone klniows her name and what she looks like. In other countries, she would have had a bit more protection for her identity, and the accused would have been named.
Dillon wrote:Bora Bora wrote:Question is: did she give an interview?
I would guess as a model she would have jumped at the opportunity and insisted on the photo, call me a cynic!
Chocoholic wrote:rudeboy wrote:"Noor is representing herself as she cannot afford legal fees, but hopes someone will take her case on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis" eerrr somethings wrong here. She cannt afford legal fees but she is of Emarati and Pakistani background and she is a Brit lol if you ask me she is a funny cocktail more like it
lol nah seriously I am assuming her mother or pops is emarati or vice versa. Anyways why arent her parents helping her out with the legal fees? Hmmmm
Because A you wrongly assume that all locals are loaded. And B it might be a shame thing, those two nationalities frown on such things and so are probably distancing themselves incase of a negative outcome.
uaekid wrote:well its not an emarati or an aslamic thing. its justa young private parties like we know it. men with cash and prostitutes , her complain is a dime a dozen. a prostitute who is taking advantage of an alcoholic and probably on drug rich local, a chance to blackmail them which they deserve .
regarding me well yes I do go to such "private parties" and pay "models" oh sorry I mean an expensive prostitute to shack it , whats new here ? isn't just like a night club. dance drink and find a one night stand ? well we take the short cut.![]()
at the end you are responsible for your actions, no one forced her to such parties that we all know its reputation here or in any of those young men parties in this world that mostly end up some girl is getting raped , we all now what goes on their, so I don't think any religious or law will save you from your stupidity ,right ?
but the girl is hot so I'll have to side with her![]()
its like telling the government and the religion ( hey I'll do stupid harmful thing and you should save me) get real, well yaa.
Red Chief wrote:uaekid wrote:well its not an emarati or an aslamic thing. its justa young private parties like we know it. men with cash and prostitutes , her complain is a dime a dozen. a prostitute who is taking advantage of an alcoholic and probably on drug rich local, a chance to blackmail them which they deserve .
regarding me well yes I do go to such "private parties" and pay "models" oh sorry I mean an expensive prostitute to shack it , whats new here ? isn't just like a night club. dance drink and find a one night stand ? well we take the short cut.![]()
at the end you are responsible for your actions, no one forced her to such parties that we all know its reputation here or in any of those young men parties in this world that mostly end up some girl is getting raped , we all now what goes on their, so I don't think any religious or law will save you from your stupidity ,right ?
but the girl is hot so I'll have to side with her![]()
its like telling the government and the religion ( hey I'll do stupid harmful thing and you should save me) get real, well yaa.
It looks like the kid participated in that party - so many details he knows. Kid, what was your job there?
Chocoholic wrote:
Well no, it would be initials and the story would be littered with 'allegedly', in the UK cannot name a defendant until they are formally charged.
BlueOrb wrote:Chocoholic wrote:
Well no, it would be initials and the story would be littered with 'allegedly', in the UK cannot name a defendant until they are formally charged.
Agreed. But if a man is to appear in court in relation to this later in the month, then surely he has already been charged? Or does it work differently over here?
rudeboy wrote:
and orb is right they blooody even posted pic of her?? Lol its like shes marketting herself for the next launch or something!!!
rudeboy wrote:i am not judging anyone :S I am just saying parents should be helping her unless her parents dont want anything to do with her!!! Not even that, where are her friends who invited her to this party? Why arent they financially helping her with her case? Wait they dont have the money yet they have the money to rent a villa and order the booze :S lol I think this Model is probably a loner or some1 who thinks everyone is her friendwhen they AINT!!!
and orb is right they blooody even posted pic of her?? Lol its like shes marketting herself for the next launch or something!!!Chocoholic wrote:rudeboy wrote:"Noor is representing herself as she cannot afford legal fees, but hopes someone will take her case on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis" eerrr somethings wrong here. She cannt afford legal fees but she is of Emarati and Pakistani background and she is a Brit lol if you ask me she is a funny cocktail more like it
lol nah seriously I am assuming her mother or pops is emarati or vice versa. Anyways why arent her parents helping her out with the legal fees? Hmmmm
Because A you wrongly assume that all locals are loaded. And B it might be a shame thing, those two nationalities frown on such things and so are probably distancing themselves incase of a negative outcome.
if you are a socialite you are well off then the poor buggers on the streets begging. Now are you telling me that a model is not a socialite? Like I said maybe she aint the naomi campbell and am sure she probably is the one who appears in magazines etc etc but still she gets paid and is well off.
Those two nationalities frown from what such things? That their daughter is a model or that their daugther attends parties??
Chocoholic wrote:Depends which paper will report it. You tend to find 7 Days are ahead of the game with this sort of thing, where as the 'governmentally' owned rags like GN, Emirates 24 etc will hang back and only give initials. They don't like to name and shame locals.
rudeboy wrote:ok fine, and her parents? they dont want to help because?
rudeboy wrote:shame of what though? shame that she was attending parties? Shame that she is a model?
melika969 wrote:I repeat my quetion to u Kid, u know abt (تهمة( and u are accusing this girl of being a prostitute, do u have a proof?
Chocoholic wrote:Red Chief wrote:uaekid wrote:well its not an emarati or an aslamic thing. its justa young private parties like we know it. men with cash and prostitutes , her complain is a dime a dozen. a prostitute who is taking advantage of an alcoholic and probably on drug rich local, a chance to blackmail them which they deserve .
regarding me well yes I do go to such "private parties" and pay "models" oh sorry I mean an expensive prostitute to shack it , whats new here ? isn't just like a night club. dance drink and find a one night stand ? well we take the short cut.![]()
at the end you are responsible for your actions, no one forced her to such parties that we all know its reputation here or in any of those young men parties in this world that mostly end up some girl is getting raped , we all now what goes on their, so I don't think any religious or law will save you from your stupidity ,right ?
but the girl is hot so I'll have to side with her![]()
its like telling the government and the religion ( hey I'll do stupid harmful thing and you should save me) get real, well yaa.
It looks like the kid participated in that party - so many details he knows. Kid, what was your job there?
Doorman, drinks server, coat hanger upper, general skivvy or whipping boy!