Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd

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Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
'Sinner’ singer given 39 lashes by Imams

Punishment for performance in front of "mixed audience."

A singer who performed in front of a “mixed audience” of men and women was lashed 39 times to make him “repent,” after a ruling by a self-described Shariah court on Wednesday.

Imam Amin Yaseen, founder of the Shoohadah organization aimed at bringing Muslims “back to religion” (hazara islamiyyah), has made it his recent mission to fight against musical performances for both men and women.

His “judicial panel,” with Imam Bin Lyion Mutsafi and another member, sentenced Emet Samir to 39 lashes in order to “rid him of his sins.”

In a video clip of the court posted on the Islamiyaah Web site, Amin Yaseen said that those who make others sin , such as artists who make men and women attend performances or dance together, have no place in the world to come.

He displayed a leather strip he said was made by his father from ass and bull skin, with which Samir was to have been whipped.

Samir, who said, “I accept upon myself the lashing for my sins,” was ordered to stand by a wooden poll with his head facing north (“from whence the evil inclination comes”), his hands tied with a azure-colored rope (“a symbol of mercy”), and served his “sentence.”

(Oh, I may have taken some liberties over the names in the above story, just to make a point) :mrgreen:

For some commentary on the story and a photo of the 'Imams' brandishing the strap: ... r-singing/


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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
I tell you what, someone seriously needs to rid the world of these idiots.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
The same news piece was posted in one of the "other" places I visit and one poster defended it as that the lashes were only "symbolic" !!!
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
It's a bit funny to have a rabinical court hearing, find the guy guilty of a crime under Judaism and then symbolically lash him lightly. The guy accepted the punishment though - let's just hope he didn't enjoy the punishment and publicity ;)

I mean, I found the whole episode funny (as in funny 'ha ha') - hence the word-play above. :mrgreen:

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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
let's just hope he didn't enjoy the punishment...

Your kidding him Shafique....Poor little man.. made to believe that if he was lashed, he sins would be forgiven .
His “judicial panel,” with Rabbi Ben Zion Mutsafi and another member, sentenced Erez Yechiel to 39 lashes in order to “rid him of his sins.”

A corrupt doctrine ,similar to confessions/papa preaching in christianity..If there is any sin to be forgiving it can only be through repentance and invocations to God alone...only God is entitled to forgive sins acting in breach of his law, what humans do is punishing the one who corrupts the social order that was set according to the divine law.. Sorry that his religion doesn't teach that to him..
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
If I didn't know better I'd say you were mocking or insulting the other two abrahamic religions. So what part of being Muslim, the Quran or Hadith says you have to insult and mock other peoples religion in order to feel superior ?

You might not agree with him but he has a full right to believe what he believes, even the prophet mohammed was told just to convery the message, if one believes or not its ones own choice, Thats why he was called the Messenger of God and not the Enforcer of god.

But you have no right to mock or claim superiority over anyone because you think your beliefs are better than anyone else.

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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
He's got you there Berrin. (I hope that wasn't aimed at me.. and if it was, I totally agree. Thanks for the reminder. )

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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
False analogies are fun, as one commentator pointed out:

Robaby, no, I didn’t miss it. I don’t see why you have a difficulty understanding the issue. In this case a religious body, NOT the State of Israel, “orders” the punishment. Since it’s not the state, it *cannot* enforce the punishment unless the person agrees to it voluntarily. Otherwise they all go to prison. Why does the person agree? Because he accepts them as a proper religious authority for him.

Really, it’s a no-brainer.

In some Islamist hell like Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, nobody will ask you whether or not you like the punishment for some stupid religious rule. Because it’s official.
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:The same news piece was posted in one of the "other" places I visit and one poster defended it as that the lashes were only "symbolic" !!!

You can judge yourself:

mark: 5.30
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:The same news piece was posted in one of the "other" places I visit and one poster defended it as that the lashes were only "symbolic" !!!

You can judge yourself:

mark: 5.30


I would if I spoke hebrew
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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
Hey, my religion also tells me to openly declare the right from wrong, and leave it at there,allowing the person to practise whichever he wants despite.., We too have muslim missionaries, when they openly possess the knowledge they have, do they mean to humiliate what others believe?..Or put it more simply was our prophet meant to humiliate jews and christians when he started to preach?..
The matter of fact is that that ribbi knows the truth, it just that we don't know what's inside him..
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
Please Ber your post was more mocking and degrading than trying to spread the message. And if that was your serious attempt at dawah then you need a lot to learn and I suggest that you don't until you do.
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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 01, 2010
Please Ber your post was more mocking and degrading than trying to spread the message. And if that was your serious attempt at dawah then you need a lot to learn and I suggest that you don't until you do.

Didn't know that you had risen me to such high sacred position in your mind..
You know I am just like any other person saying what I feel,.. like everybody else does on these forums. Freedom of speech man, freedom of speech….

I don’t see any deliberate mocking and degrading in my post
First, Israel is a secular state, under secular states people who wish to live according to religion becomes a member of a community or sect, like tariqah where they are taught how to live to become a good/strict follower. What I thought funny was that If this lad knew what he was gonna get incase he sung, then its was and would be rather silly of him to quote “accept” the punishment.. He was gonna get those lashes if he didn’t accept or not.. isn’t it?

Secondly, I would say that, that rabbi is all a failure, if his follower had to act as if he didn’t know what he was doing was a sin and then still insisting to punish him to rid the sin? Any room for forgiveness?
If I was that rabbi I too would ask to be whipped rather than just the lad alone...

Then of course I compared religious doctrines to explain the corruption as far as I could explain.

But trust me if they had been Muslims I would have said the same things without hesitation, as I have done on many occasions.
So sorry mate,sorry that I can’t live up to your expectation of an exceptional dawah man other than to share what I know or feel...

But hey do you ever go back and read your own posts…I’d like to believe that you are a muslim too!
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
Berrin, for every loony rabbi with a weird ruling I can give five or six loon Egyptian rulings.

I mean the Christians have their own nutters - such as Bob Spencer and the Quran burning Pastor, we have our 'breast feeding' fatwa issuing Imams. It is totally legitimate to make fun of these funny guys, quite another to mock the religion brought by Jesus, Moses (however corrupted you may think they have become).

But that is by-the-by - God tells us in the Quran how to discuss matters of faith.

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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
A community in the USA has put up signs telling women how to dress - and includes the instructions 'maintain gender separation in all public places' (hence why I'm posting this here) ... cordingly/

It is all constitutional and ok, apparently, and I guess this is a sign that some communities in the US aren't opposed to asking women to dress modestly. Some women don't like it... but hey, religious groups should be allowed to decide what their adherants choose to wear..right? ;)

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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
Berrin, for every loony rabbi with a weird ruling I can give five or six loon Egyptian rulings.

Please do give, so that we can discuss and decide all together..But we’ve got to make sure that we don’t stay moderate muslim despite quranic teachings. (For devout Muslims, western description of moderate muslim means, someone who interprets Islamic teachings according to their own whims and wishes, or better still abandoning/following what they like. This is typical attitude of a secular muslim..

I mean the Christians have their own nutters - such as Bob Spencer and the Quran burning Pastor, we have our 'breast feeding' fatwa issuing Imams.

Hmm breastfeeding..
002.233- And the mothers should suckle their children for two whole years for him who desires to make complete the time of suckling; and their maintenance and their clothing must be-- borne by the father according to usage; no soul shall have imposed upon it a duty but to the extent of its capacity; neither shall a mother be made to suffer harm on account of her child, nor a father on account of his child, and a similar duty (devolves) on the (father's) heir, but if both desire weaning by mutual consent and counsel, there is no blame on them, and if you wish to engage a wet-nurse for your children, there is no blame on you so long as you pay what you promised for according to usage; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah and know that Allah sees what you do. (Al-baqara)

Who is nutter? Imam?

The matter of fact is that Shafique, Egypt is a secular state, as all muslim secular states go through, more and more muslims, year by year abandoning Islamic way of life and teachings in order to adapt themselves to secular way of thinking and living.unfortunately…
i.e in the case of breast feeding…More and more mothers opt for bottle feeding for many selfish reasons…esthetics, burden, employment, work, money for comfort, busy life etc. etc..

We have many scientific evidences that breast feeding is the best when it comes to protection (immunity)and nutrition of baby as well as that spiritual bond and development between mother and the baby.. ... touch.html

I object to the way secular moms treat their babies, I can only praise the imams..

It is totally legitimate to make fun of these funny guys, quite another to mock the religion brought by Jesus, Moses (however corrupted you may think they have become).
But that is by-the-by - God tells us in the Quran how to discuss matters of faith.

Making fun of others for a purpose is one thing, being in the right position to say bluntly what you think is another thing.(sorry that I wasn't careful for the tone)
Don’t please underestimate what I know of quran, cause I too read what you are writing, and don’t also please feel obliged to take side between contributors in an effort to camouflage what you have within you in the mean time. Sorry but that’s the way how I feel it…
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
Berrin - I'm not questioning your knowledge or faith, just agreeing with DD that mocking another religion does not agree with our understanding of the teachings of Islam. You may have mocked unintentionally, but your subsequent justifications don't seem to imply this.

We can agree to disagree on this point.

As for the breast-feeding fatwa - this was what I was referring to:

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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
You may have mocked unintentionally, but your subsequent justifications don't seem to imply this.

Please show me what it is that I don't see it myself..

As for the breast-feeding fatwa - this was what I was referring to:

Ooo come on shafique, that bbc article is such a laughter, don't you see his hidden satirizing..I agree with that imam, women should feed men to remind them their male responsibilities ordained by
Unfortunetly you can only get so sarcastic, working and living under secular administration, simpl cause state has no methed of ruling on human responsibilites and manners..he is clearly making fun of the current social problems/situation in Egypt..
Sometimes articles like this that draw the attention of public and make people to ponder on the social ills of the society..Not that what he say will be a fatwah to be implemented..He know it jolly well..

-His fatwa stated the act would make the man symbolically related to the woman and preclude any sexual relations.
-According to Islamic tradition, or Hadith, breast-feeding establishes a degree of maternal relation, even if a woman nurses a child who is not biologically hers.
He said that if a woman fed a male colleague "directly from her breast" at least five times they would establish a family bond and thus be allowed to be alone together at work.
"Breast feeding an adult puts an end to the problem of the private meeting, and does not ban marriage," he ruled.

I understand what he means Shafique, I doo..
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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
:roll: I've seen people like you before. Would rather go to the end of the world to justify themselves rather than admit they were wrong.
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
Sigh - Berrin, let's agree to disagree.

I have much desire to debate the breast feeding fatwa as to debate the rights and wrongs of the original article. That was my whole point - both are not to be taken seriously (and trust me, there are more of these loony fatwas out there!)

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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
I've seen people like you before. Would rather go to the end of the world to justify themselves rather than admit they were wrong.

I know that you have a long lasting grudge on me from previous posts,,you must be waiting for any moment of mine to catch and attack (be aware Shafique) me on personal level rather than make a constructive communication...Otherwise you wouldn't wait for Shafique but you yourselves show me what bit of my current posts were unacceptable..

-- Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:58 pm --

I have much desire to debate the breast feeding fatwa

It's not a fatwa it's a teaser..Those lashes that the jewish boy received was also a symbolic teaser..Wasn't meant to be, individuals were just actors playing an just can't find a rational explanation when you read the article fully other than just seeing the satire..
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 02, 2010
Fair enough Berrin, you win.

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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 05, 2010
Berrin said, "I object to the way secular moms treat their babies, I can only praise the imams.."

And how exactly do secular moms treat their babies that is so bad?

What is the difference between babies breastfed for two weeks, six months, one year or two years? I certainly can't pick out the kids who were breastfed longer that others, or even the ones who were formula fed.

In the time when the Quran was written, breastfeeding children until 2 yrs was practical and definitely a health benefit. In this day in age, especially in developed countries, there is no huge benefit to breastfeeding for extended periods of time.
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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 06, 2010
And how exactly do secular moms treat their babies that is so bad?

i.e. esthetics. take mums who prefer to stay skinny while pregnant and after so that they still look attractive both at home and outside i.e work. Those kind of mums have almost no milk and dry very quickly due to no will power..
Also some ladies get very busy life during the day that cannot tolerate to stay awake at night for breastfeeding, instead, employ the nurse to bottlefeed etc
I mean when we start to think about the role of modern woman in secular societies, we can find many reasons to explain maternal negligence over the care of newborns (willingly or unwillingly) …This is why many developed nations now are opting to increase paid maternity leave after birth by law..i.e. up to 3 years..

What is the difference between babies breastfed for two weeks, six months, one year or two years? I certainly can't pick out the kids who were breastfed longer that others, or even the ones who were formula fed.

I don’t know, but I don’t think we have such advanced scientific methods to differentiate changes between 3 months and 2 years of breastfeeding...
However they continually come out with new findings in support of breastfeeding….

Mind you tough doctors also advice parents to keep at least two years between two pregnancies and don’t advice cow milk for babies until 1 years of age..
I sort of think breastfeeding works two ways, both for mother and baby..
For the baby, the first two years of breastfeeding must be more like a transition time/period, preparing still underdeveloped body to adapt outside nature from what it was in the womb..(This must be via both psychological building (sense of belonging) and by preparing the organs to take foods that normally adults eat.

For the mother, breastfeeding must be triggering many hormones to function in many ways for developing the milk and the ratio for its nutritional value, as well to initiate quick recover from physical loss and emotional overwhelm left from pregnancy and giving birth- helping the mother to stay away from depression and bond to the baby afterbirth...

There must me some direct wisdom in breastfeeding cause as you say before modern times we had at least basic cow and goats milk and in modern times we have formulas as substitute but yet we still don’t see woman evolving to stop producing breast milk and yet God in quran offers still nothing better or equivalent other than another nursing moms milk…
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 07, 2010
Berrin said, "i.e. esthetics. take mums who prefer to stay skinny while pregnant and after so that they still look attractive both at home and outside i.e work. Those kind of mums have almost no milk and dry very quickly due to no will power..
Also some ladies get very busy life during the day that cannot tolerate to stay awake at night for breastfeeding, instead, employ the nurse to bottlefeed etc
I mean when we start to think about the role of modern woman in secular societies, we can find many reasons to explain maternal negligence over the care of newborns (willingly or unwillingly) …This is why many developed nations now are opting to increase paid maternity leave after birth by law..i.e. up to 3 years.."

More ridiculous comments. What does anything have to do with being secular or religious, particularly Muslim? Women mother in different ways and make different feeding and parenting choices based on many factors. There cannot be a one size fits all for proper mothering. Underlying all of your comments is basic mother-judging, which is unfair. I don't know a single mother, except ones with mental problems, addiction problems etc. who wouldn't do anything to make sure their babies are healthy and happy every day. To make it seem like secular mothers are obsessed with their looks, their own schedules and willingly neglect their children, as opposed to superior Muslim mothers is just plain infuriating.

There are a lot of shoddy "research" studies out there, and even shoddier journalistic interpretations of research. Maybe you think that breastfeeding is the be all and end all, but science and life experience just doesn't back that up. Yes, breast milk and breastfeeding are wonderful, and it is the best food for infants, but it isn't right to judge other mothers on how they breastfeed or don't. I breastfed my first until 21 months and am still breastfeeding my second at 15 months, the boys sleep in our bed until they are about 18 months and are shifted to their own beds in their own room. I in no way feel superior to other mothers about that. (And I'm secular! *gasp* and thin! *double gasp* and have a helper! *triple gasp*)
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 07, 2010
Berrin, a serious question -are you married and do you have children?

If you are married, ask your wife to read your post above and let us know her comments. If you're not married, then I'd advise you re-read your posts and at least apologise to kanelli for your tone and lack of humility - you are not doing your point of view any favours, and you are not putting your point across very well.

A word of advice, think very carefully before pronouncing on aspects that you've only just read about and haven't got personal experience when faced with those who know the subject in greater detail.

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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 07, 2010
More ridiculous comments.

Show me which?
Get over your prejudgment Miss/es..Your world view and thoughts can be limited to your own experience, but don't forget everyone else too has their own experience in this life ..There are over 6 billion living in this world..I don't think you can standardise everyone' wills and actions to match yours or your assumption..

What does anything have to do with being secular or religious, particularly Muslim?

Nothing.. it's just that the more devout muslim or any other group of religious person you are, the better the chances that you'll devote yourself to the way of God..You just become more conscious of your duties towards everyone and the creator..But you can't deny how modern life transforms women to live and act more like a man, which I find to be huge burden on ladies shoulders, don't you think?

There cannot be a one size fits all for proper mothering

no soul shall have imposed upon it a duty but to the extent of its capacity; neither shall a mother be made to suffer harm on account of her child, nor a father on account of his child, and a similar duty (devolves) on the (father's) heir, but if both desire weaning by mutual consent and counsel, there is no blame on them, and if you wish to engage a wet-nurse for your children, there is no blame on you so long as you pay what you promised for according to usage;

Underlying all of your comments is basic mother-judging, which is unfair. I don't know a single mother, except ones with mental problems, addiction problems etc. who wouldn't do anything to make sure their babies are healthy and happy every day.

Really? What about teenage mothers? Most of the time due to its tragedy/burden they have to drop their infants for adoption. You probably have no idea of mothers who are serial killers of infants, do you?.. ... abies.aspx ... alone.html

To make it seem like secular mothers are obsessed with their looks, their own schedules and willingly neglect their children, as opposed to superior Muslim mothers is just plain infuriating.

I am not praising muslim mothers either, they too are found in similar position.., ... hida-dati/

It doesn't have to be just the looks, it can be due to any obsession.. ... nline-game

There are a lot of shoddy "research" studies out there, and even shoddier journalistic interpretations of research. Maybe you think that breastfeeding is the be all and end all, but science and life experience just doesn't back that up.

Could be..But there are some good studies too.. ... ;115/2/496
The vast majority of mothers can and should breastfeed, just as the vast majority of infants can and should be breastfed," and "Only under exceptional circumstances can a mother's milk be considered unsuitable for her infant..

Yes, breast milk and breastfeeding are wonderful, and it is the best food for infants, but it isn't right to judge other mothers on how they breastfeed or don't.

I don't judge mothers, I make statements that can be supported by evidences in everdays life ..having read my post and links within, you must be able to make up your own mind now..

I breastfed my first until 21 months and am still breastfeeding my second at 15 months, the boys sleep in our bed until they are about 18 months and are shifted to their own beds in their own room.


I in no way feel superior to other mothers about that.

This doesn't make you superior to another "woman" or "mom" but only makes you more thoughtful,sensitive and responsible mother compared to some others who prefer bottlefeeding no matter what..
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Re: Lashes For Singing To Mixed Crowd Sep 07, 2010
Gak, more crap.

You ARE saying that what I have been doing does make me superior to other mothers, and I disagree. Even though I breastfeed, how do you know how I treat my kids in the day. Do I care for them well, am I sensitive and responsible? You don't have a clue.

You had better stop now, because you're digging yourself deeper into the hole.
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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 07, 2010
Gak, more crap.

I know that sometimes it becomes hard to be in confrontation when truth has been evidenced..
Still tough, just as you have the right to your own opinion, I have the right to my own opinion..

Even though I breastfeed, how do you know how I treat my kids in the day.Do I care for them well, am I sensitive and responsible? You don't have a clue.You don't have a clue.

dear ohh dear...Your initial argument was based on breastfeeding..Now we must have sorted out this issue and moved on to treatment of kids?! Great tell me more about it... so that I can finally conclude my opinion about you? You know you're a joke Miss/es..

You had better stop now, because you're digging yourself deeper into the hole.

I am not ashamed of myself, neither you or anybody else, and you are more than welcome to help me to further to dig myself into the hole, if you can Miss'es...
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Re: Lashes for Singing to Mixed Crowd Sep 07, 2010
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