Bethsmum wrote:Bora Bora wrote:@BM:
Funny how you single me out when everyone has been riding him (see other thread!). Are you...............stalking me?
Don't get your knickers in a twist, KID and I have history.
What's a bother?? A distant relative? Are you bashing Americans???
Ooh did I say bother? just a typo like when you said there are a lot of Texas in UAE. I presumed you meant Texans but didn't like to mention it. (Me being an adult)
Bashing Americans? me? Don't tell me you are American? LOL That explains your inferiority complex, and there's me thinking you were just a kid, who I was making allowances for.
Now me being a new poster to this forum, had noticed your tendancy to attack new posters and anyone who cares to disagee with you by mocking their user name, BM= Bowel Movement, UAEkid AKA pinhead, Drewpeack=pecker. It had crossed my mind that maybe you were using this attack method as a first line of defence. Has someone called you Boring Boring and it's hurt your feelings,so much that you need to get the first one in? Or were you bullied at school, or are a vertically challenged person, or are you ginger?
Anyone one of those reasons could explain why you regress to the schoolyard (I would have said playground but as you are American I will keep it simple).
I'm undertaking some adult education at the moment (it's something you should seriously consider yourself) and my tutor has asked that I find a case study for psychology. I'm going to use you if that's ok with you, there's a lot of information to work with, with your 4000+ posts.
I will give you feed back on future posts. My initial advice on your posts is not to accuse someone of stalking you when they have mentioned it first, it makes you look simple, and that's without people knowing you are American, Also saying someone has a thing for you when you have made the first move also makes you look desperate, which is not a good look, even for an American!
Also don't take any notice of jokes about 'friendly fire' situations. They really won't help your complex about being American and should be ignored. It's not your fault that you are a yank and I, for one. don't hold it against you.
You have a nice day now.
And I'll make allowances for you BM. When one spends their days with 3 children, I guess you can't expect very much from them intellectually. As I said to you, everyone gets their turn in between Emirati bashing. This time it's Americans. No problem.
You have a nice day now, ya all.
-- Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:32 am --
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, it's fine to agree to disagree, but not necessarily when an opinion goes against basic human morals.
Bethsmum, ahhh don't worry, that's Bora all over, she can't help it really, she's always been like that - it's a big inferiority complex thing. And yes we like to have a good chuckle at the Yanks round here, it's funny to see them get their knickers in a twist.
DK - you can leave the baggage at my place so long as it contains CHEESE!
Well our knickers don't get so twisted as to choke us, as we have seen when the Brits try to rise to the occasion during a Brit bash.

As for complexes, you, along with a few others, certainly fit into the category of having a superiority complex:
An exaggerated feeling of being superior to others.
A psychological defense mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or
conceal his or her feelings of inferiority.